Conner Kent x Requested Reader Part 2

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Dedicated to Baby_Judas

Up next: Roy Harper x Requested Reader

Later: The Question x Reader

Inside Info: This is Part 2 of the Conner Kent x Requested Reader that was published right before the Bat-Boys x Requested Reader and the Clark Kent x Reader.


  Once Conner took me home, he asked me,"Ani, what's wrong?"

  I ran my fingers over the symbol on his chest saying,"Nothing. I'm just worn out from everything."

  Conner asked me,"Is there something I can do to help?"

  I kissed his forehead and shook my head saying,"No, there's nothing you can do. You should get back to Lex, before he decides to send something after you."

  Conner chuckled, but he took my hand saying,"I'll stay with you. Something's up, Ani."

  I knew it wouldn't make me feel any better having him here beside me, because it could still be the last time. In a way, I felt like it would hurt more to have him here beside me for the last time than to not have him here at all.

  Maybe it was just the way I thought about it, but it made sense to me.

  I let go of Conner's hand saying,"Please, Conner. I'm all right. You should go. I don't want you to get in trouble again with Luthor."

  Conner left the ground and said,"Okay, I'll go. Night, Ani, I love you."

  It took everything out of me not to reach for him as I said to him,"Night, Conner. I love you, too."

  Conner hesitated, but he was gone a few seconds later. I headed inside and closed the front door behind me. It looked like my parents weren't here, but when were they ever here? I headed up to my bedroom and closed the door behind me.
  I turned on the lights and just sat down on my bed. I could do this. I wasn't about to cry. I wasn't about to throw a tantrum. I was about to be strong and take this one day at a time. It wasn't impossible. It would be hard, but it wasn't impossible.


  My lovely parents decided to return home screaming at the top of their lungs at one another, so I was now up listening to music. I didn't know what it was that I was listening to exactly, but it kept me from hearing my parents.

  I opened my bedroom window to get some fresh air flowing into my bedroom, but I took some steps back when Conner flew into my room.

  Conner said to me,"Ani, I know what Lex said to you, but you shouldn't let that bother you. You're not a distraction. You're my girlfriend, and I love you. I have to see you, Ani, I have to. Please don't let Lex scare you. He isn't going to do anything to you. He promised me that he'd leave you alone."

  I asked Conner,"What do you have to do, Conner, in return?"

  Conner admitted to me,"I don't have to do anything. Superman talked to him."

  To make sure that I heard that right, I asked Conner,"Could you repeat that for me?"

  Conner said,"I said I don't have to do anything. Superman talked to him."

  I said,"But how? Superman's gone. That's not possible."

  Conner smiled saying,"It's a long story, but he is back, Ani."

  I just nodded, but Conner wrapped his arms around me saying,"We don't have to be apart, Ani. Lex won't hurt you. I promise."

  I asked him,"Are you sure that Lex won't hurt me or send someone to hurt me?"

  Conner nodded saying,"I'm positive."

  I looked into Conner's eyes saying,"I'm sorry if I seemed rude last night."

  Conner gave me a kiss and rested his forehead against my forehead saying,"It's okay, Ani. I'm sorry I didn't stay with you."

  I shook my head and closed my eyes saying,"You have nothing to be sorry for, Conner. You left after I kept pushing you to leave. All that matters is that I don't have to worry about not seeing you tomorrow."

  Conner said,"I think we both could use a tour of Metropolis. What do you say?"

  I opened my eyes and laughed saying,"That actually sounds like a great idea. You can never get too much fresh air."

  Conner looked over at my bedroom door asking me,"What about your parents?"

  I sadly said,"They don't care. Neither one of them has been up here to make sure that I'm still breathing. They've been arguing all morning over money."

  Conner picked me up and said,"Come on, Ani. Let's start that tour."

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