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(Kazuichi goes to therapy)

When Kazuichi woke up, he sat on his bed and thought for a while.

"What am I going to do tod-"

"Kiddo, are you up?! You need to go to therapy lessons today!" Tatsuo shouted.

"Yeah! Yeah! I know!" Souda responded, he sighed and slid his shoes on.

Once he got out the house, he started walking towards the building he goes to everyday.

"Man... I thought today was Sunday" He mumured, "turns out it's Monday"

He walked in the building and walked straight in his room..


"What...?" He took a step back.

".... The hell? I-I've never seen you here before..." He mumured, "where's Mr Muchisasuke?" He asked, looking around.

"..." The person sat on the chair quietly.

"... Hey, who are you?" He asked, talking a seat in front of the taller male.

"Tanaka, Gundham Tanaka, Mr Muchisasuke seems to be rather ill today, so he will not attend lessons this week" He said.

"Th-This week... So I'm stuck with someone I hardly know?!" He screeched.

"No No No No No No No No NO NO!" He repeated, he curled up into a ball and started biting his nails, "shh~ I promise you that nothing bad will happen" Tanaka whispered as he sat next to Kazuichi  wrapping his arms around the pinkett.

"... You promise?" Kazuichi asked, looking up at the male.


Kazuichi grinned and hugged Tanaka, "thanks Mr... Tanaka?" He chuckled, "this is the first time someone has promised me something... A-And I don't want you to break that promise.. Since that happens most of the time"

"I won't, I swear on the Tanaka Empire! I will not let anything impure happen as long as I have it in my grasp" He smirked, hugging the boy next to him.

"...usually Mr Muchisasuke would let me eat candy while I'm answering questions, so..."

"That's is false information, he put on his note that I should not give you any sweets" Tanaka chuckled.

"Please! At least onee~~" He complained.

"Fine Fine... I suppose I have one I'm my pocket..." He mumured, digging through his pocket until he found it.

"Here, now silence your bickering, I will be looking at the test you have took the other day"

Once he finished grading Kazuichi, he turned to him.

"I know this will seem annoying and all, but I am afraid you have to retake the test..."

"R-Retake?!" Souda screeched.

"B-But, I'm perfectly fine as if!"

"...Kazuichi..." He whispered, "Look..." He sat next to him and showed him the paper, nothing was written on it, it had drawings all over it.


"You drew all over the test... You didn't bother to answer anything, can you explain why?"

"... No..."

"Why can't you explain? Is it too personal?"


"Kazuichi... Everything that is said comes inside this room, and stays in this room, it does not leave" Gundham said, wrapping his right arm around Soudas waist, pulling him closer.

"So... Do you trust me yet?"

"... I-I guess.."

Kazuichi took  deep breath in and sighed, "I get anxious easily and the only way I can calm down is by biting my nails or d-draw on a piece of paper..." He whispered in Gundhams ear.

"... Why bother to whisper it? We are the only ones in this room" Tanaka asked.

"... No... We're not alone... Because... There's cameras in here, I don't want them to hear..."

"Mm... I see..." Tanaka nodded his head and looked down at the paper in his hands.

"How about you draw something for me, I would love to see" He smiled as he handed the pinkett a plain white piece of paper.

"R-Really?!" Souda said with a wife smile, "i-I can actually do that!! Mr Muchisasuke would always say, it's therapy, not some idiodic place where you draw things" He mocked.

"Draw whatever you want" He repeated.

"Okay!" Kazuichi smiled as he started sketching something.


-a few minutes later-

Kazuichi finished and handed Gundham the drawing.

"..." He felt his face go red, he turned to Kazuichi with a soft smile and chuckled.

"Is this it?" He asked.

"Yup! Do you like it! I drew it for you" He smiled.

"..." Tanaka looked back at the picture, it was of Kazuichi and Gundham holding hands.

"Here..." Tanaka walked towards Kazuichi and held his hand, just like in the drawing.

"Is this what you wanted?" He asked.

"....." Kazuichi smiled and nodded his head,

"yup... I did..."

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