Love Story

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Kazuichi was having a sleep over at Gundhams house.

"Kazuichi, Gundham, it's time for you two to sleep" She smiled at them, "Okay Miss Tanaka!" Kazuichi giggled, jumping onto the bed, while Gundham was climbing on the bed.

"I wanna hear a story!" Kazuichi smiled, huddling close to Gundham, "okay okay" She smiled, she took a seat on the bed, next to Kazuichi.

"Before I read this, you need to cover up, you can get a cold like this" She chuckled, tucking both of the boys in.


Once Upon a time, there was a boy named-


Once upon a time, there was a boy named Kazuichi, he was a prince, his father ordered him to find the love of his life, so he did.

He went on a big journey looking for his love, luckily when he went inside a forest he saw a beautiful wom-

"Woman? No Miss Tanaka, I saw Gundham there"

"Okay" She chuckled softly

luckily when he went inside a forest he saw a handsome young man, his name was Gundham...

Him and Gundham went on a journey to help him find his lo-

"Noooo!!! Gundham is my loveee!!" Kazuichi complained

"Oh Kazuichi..." She just smiled and patted his head.

But that was when he realized, the love of his life was with him the entire time... Kazuichi and Gundham lived happily ever after...

The end

"Yaay!" Kazuichi cheered, hugging Gundham.

"Miss Tanaka! Do you think me and Gundham could get married some day" He smiled.

"Of course... Of course you can" She chuckled.

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