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Gundham glanced over at Kazuichi and smiled.

"... His favorites are strawberry mentos..." He whispered to himself.

Gundham turned to the candy isle and grabbed black liquorish.



"Hehe...of course the edge Lord would get that" Souda chuckled, a smile appearing on his face as he exited the store.

The next day, Gundham went to the same store.

"... Strawberry mentos... He liked those.." He looked around him and picked it up.

Finally, Kazuichi walked into the store and smirked as soon as he saw Tanaka, "of course he's here, he always get's black liquorish when he's here"

"...why is he over in that isle though..." He just ignored him and went to the opposite isle.

"Black liquorish, just like his personality, I see why he gets it...a great overlord..." He smiled, he smiled and picked it up, "... How does it taste though?"

Finally Gundham payed, and so did Kazuichi.

"Oh, hey Gundham!" Souda smiled, "so weird how we got the same can-"
As soon as he looked down at Tanaka's hands he tilted his head, "hey, how come you got that instead of the usual?" He asked, "... I could say the same for you... You have the complete opposite"

Souda just chuckled and opened the candy, "say aaah" He smiled, "..." Gundham just blushed and opened his mouth, "Gundham, why did you get Strawberry Mentos today? That's very weird for you to get something like that... I mean, your s supreme overlord, why would you get this kind of candy?" He asked, "... Because it-... It reminded me of you,... You always got this and I-..." The breeder just blushed and chuckled, "Your presence is very attractive and... I highly enjoy it..."

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