school trip

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"Class! Pick your bus seat partner" The teacher smiled.

"I caught dips on Kaz-" "No! I'm partnering up with Gundham, sorry Ivan" Souda chuckled softly.

Kazuichi walked up to Gundham and smiled, "we never talked to each other before so I decided to partner up with you" He smiled.

"..." Tanaka just stood there, blush filling his face, "your quiet red if I say so myself" He giggled.

"... Are you just going to stay quiet the entir-" "no..." Gundham interuppted him, "th-then why weren't you saying anything?" He tilted his head, "it's because... Your so cool, and confident, I'm nothing like you...half way the whole class looks up to you.." He mumured, messing with his scarf.

"Confidence has nothing! We can still be friends! Just because your shy doesn't mean we won't get along" Kazuichi smiled, grabbing Gundhams hand.

"Let's get in line..."

--once they got on the bus--

"Gundham, let's play rock paper scissors, whoever loses ha-" "I don't want there to be any price... It's scary..." Tanaka mumured, "oh... Okay..."

"Let's just play rock paper scissors normally i guess..." Souda grabbed both of Gundhams hands and placed them on his lap, "but before we start, I just wanted to say your hands are cold, so... I'm trying to warm them up" He smiled.

"O-Oh..." The other boy looked around and started blushing, "... I'm actually kind of sleepy though..."

"That's fine! You can sleep on my lap!" Kazuichi giggled, "here, look, kind of like this..." Kazuichi squirmed a bit and finally stopped once he layed down, his knees to his chest, and his head laying on Gundhams lap.

"See, like this!" He grinned at Gundham.

"Oh... Okay..." Tanaka mumured.

Souda sat up and started to pat his lap, "you try"

Gundham did exactly what Kazuichi did and fell asleep.

"... He's a very quiet boy" Kazuichi chuckled to himself.

--once they made it to the museum--

"Gundham! We're here!" Kazuichi shouted, shaking Tanaka.

"... hold on...I can just give you a piggy back ride!" Kazuichi giggled.

He got up, Gundhams head falling onto the Bus cushion.

"Up we go!" He had his back facing Tanaka and grabbed his hands, not letting him fall.

"Let's gooo!!"

Kazuichi and Gundham were the last students to get off the bus...

"Hey... Where is everybody..." Souda mumured, "they have to be somewhere in here, or should I just stay close to the bus just incase..."

"... Am I-.... Lost..." He looked around, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I'm lost..." He crouched down and layed Gundham down on the bench, "Gundham, Wake up... I-I think we're lost..." The boy in glasses whimpered.

"... Kazuichi?" Tanaka yawned, "where is the rest of the class?"

"... We're lost..." He cried.

"... No we're not, have you checked inside the building?" Tanaka chuckled softly, "here, before you pout, try looking closely" He grabbed Kazuichi's hand and walked inside the talk building.

"See, we weren't lost, Kazuichi" Tanaka smiled.

"Oh, thanks GunGun! I actually got scared" Souda chuckled nervously.

"Mhm, Don't cry! It's fine!" Tanaka screeched, hugging the other boy.

"I-I know I try to be confident... But-..." He ended his sentence and hugged Gundham, "I really needed a hug..."

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