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Kazuichi wasn't as interested in Supernatural, but Sonia invited him to go to a seance for fun,
"O-Of course Miss Sonia! I'll go with you!" He smiled, "Thank you Souda-san" The princess smiled, "ok, be over at my place at 2:00 am, don't be late!" "You got it Miss Sonia!" Kazuichi ran out The cafe and headed for his house.

-1:46 am-

Kazuichi headed for Sonias house and knocked on the door, "MISS SONIA! I'M HERE!" He shouted, "ah- hello Kazuichi, I hope you don't mind, but I brought a friend with me!" The princess smiled, "it's alright! A friend of yours is a friend of mine!" He ran inside the living room and sat on the couch, "hmm? Who might you be?" A voice asked, "ah- I'm Kazuichi Soda! Nice to meet you" The mechanic chuckled, "My name is Korekiyo Shinguji, and this is Rantaro amami" The Anthropologist said "I'm Angie Yonaga, This is Himiko Yumeno!" The white haired girl said, "Ok Everyone! Let's go to the basement!" Sonia smiled and ran down stairs.

Once they went inside the basement, they placed the salt on the floor, "Now The Song is Called Caged Child, we must sing along to summon this magnificent creature " Shinguji said, going to one corner, "Alright guys, be careful, we don't want anyone to get hurt" Amami said, exiting the basement, "H-How exactly do we do this...?" Souda asked nervously.

After Korekiyo explained what to do, everyone got in a corner, "Souda should be it" Sonia smiled, "i- o-ok..."
"Whatever the Soul of lost tells you, please tell us...He could come with us as a normal human if your interesting enough for him" The princess said, "o-ok..." Kazuichi got underneath the cage and curled up into a ball, "At Last At last at long last-" Everyone was singing, except for Kazuichi of course, he was quiet.

That moment when their song finished, Kazuichi saw a white flash, only he saw it, no one else, "huh?!" He looked around and all he saw was white and a figure there, "Hello Pink Mortal, what beings you to my realm?" A voice behind him asked, "uh... M-My friend..." Kazuichi muttered turning to the Person, "Wow... You look stunning" The person said, "thanks..? But that sounds weird coming from another male.." Kazuichi chuckled, "are you not frightened?" The person asked, "no, not at all, I mean, I see some hamsters close to you, I know your a good guy" Souda smiled, "ngh! I-I see...people always misjudge me of being cruel..." Tanaka blushed, "It's fine, I mean, you don't look scary, you look more like a... Normal person..." The mechanic chuckled, "...thank you for your kind words... You flattered me..." He chuckled softly, pulling his scarf up, "Anyways... My friend said I either have to take notes or you have to come with us... I forgot..." "You must Wake up now" Kazuichi saw another bright flash and he randomly appeared back inside the cage, he opened his eyes and saw the boy untop of him in the cage,he said nothing, since Korekiyo or Angie would say something, "Guys! It's done now!" Sonia cheered, "it's 3 am"

"Let's see if the person is here or not!" Sonia turned the candles on and walked towards the cage, "let's uncover the cage!" She cheered, She saw a tall male stacked on top of Kazuichi and her eyes lif up, "SOUDA! HOW'D YOU DO IT?!" She exlaimed, "nothing much, just talked..." He smiled as he got out the cage, "He seemed to rather... Not be frightened at all so that's why I came here" Tanaka said, "My name Is Gundham Tanaka, I don't believe we've met" Gundham smirked, "I do believe I must talk to the pink one in private though...for he is the one who visited me" He gripped onto Kazuichis hand and exited the Basement, "a-are you gonna kill me?" Souda muttered, "no... I'm going to simply speak to you" He brought Kazuichi to the kitchen and sighed, "since... You summoned me... We must be married" Tanaka sighed, "What? But we just met" "I know, it's complete blasphemy, but it's the rule in the under world..." "... B-But your a-" "I am not a demon, I'm a human now, once I come to the human world, I too am a lowly human" Tanaka replied, Gundham gently grabbed Kazuichis hand and kissed it, "h-Hey! Stop it..." Souda blushed, looking the other way, but once he looked back at his hand, it had a sign on it, it was a lightning bold, like the one tattooed on Tanakas eye.

"We are now together, you are immortal like me now... We must never be separated" Tanaka smiled softly, "i-" Was all Kazuichi said, he looked around the room and layed his eyes back on Gundham, "i-I guess I *could* marry you..." Souda blushed, "fantastic, thank you my love..."

"I cant believe I have to marry a guy I just met... I mean, he's really nice and all but..." Kazuichi was interrupted by Tanaka, "My Paramore, is something bothering you, perhaps I moved too fast..." Tanaka asked, Gripping Kazuichis waist, "y-your moving too fast... " The mechanic blushed, "my apologies..." Tanaka let go of Kazuichis waist and walked back, "My Love, is there anything else bothering you?" He asked, "...We hardly- never mind... " Kazuichi just stood there blush filling his face, he looked up at Gundham and kissed his cheek, "Love you... My love" Kazuichi said, blush filling his face.

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