Rocket Ship (Realms 2)

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Tanaka took a seat next to the pinkett and messed with his hair, "how exactly do you work your... Odd gadgets" He asked, "... It's not that hard, sir,... Y-" "Gundham... Call me Gundham"  "... Gundham, you just make what first comes in your mind, then think about what the insides would look like" "Hmm... I see, you are very knowledgeable, and very unique" He said messing with Kazuichis piercing, "... Why are you messing with things that I'm wearing?" Kazuichi blushed, "I've never seen anyone wear such clothing..." He said, continuing to mess with the piercing, "...s-stop that..." Souda complained, "hmm? Am I bothering you?" Gundham asked, "ya, I don't like it when people mess with my ear..." He mumured, squeezing Gundhams jacket sleeve, "I apologize, I seem to have gotten excited on seeing a commoner..." He smiled, "...I-I guess it's alright... Anyways, you said I'll be staying by your side at all times right? So... Where am I going to sleep?"

"With me of course"

Kazuichi looked at Gundham and glanced back at the bed, "i-I mean.. Both of us will fit on each side so I gues-" "No." Tanaka interuppted him, "no what?" Souda asked, "... Oh! You wanna-" Souda stopped talking and layed down on the bed with Gundham, wrapping his arms around the prince, "... This feels comforting..." Tanaka blushed, "..."

Kazuichi rested his head on the princes back and fell asleep.

*bang bang*

"Gyaaahh!" Souda shouted, he quickly lifted his head up to see Tanaka messing with the engine Kazuichi made.

"... Gundham?" He asked, "yes?" "... Why are you still... *yawn* up..."
"Souda, go back to sleep, I will inform you about this situation in the morning" Gundham smiled, walking towards Souda and kissed his forehead, "mnnnh... Night.." Kazuichi turned around and fell back asleep.

-in the morning-

Kazuichi walked out of the Royal room only to see Gundham and the guards.

"... GunGun?" He asked, the guards walked behind Kazuichi and pointed at Gundhams direction, "A war will happen between the Dark Realm and the Hope Realm! The dark prince cannot get harmed, nor can his love interest! So we will have you evacuate immediately" They all said.

"Love interest?" Souda whispered, "now is no time to think Kazuichi, we have to hurry" Gundham grabbed Soudas hand and pulled him inside a weird rocket-like thing.

"Gundham... I'm scared" He Mumured, "shh..." Tanaka help Souda in his arms, trying to Comfort the pinkett, "I assure you, you will be alright" He smiled, messing with Kazuichis jumpsuit, "it's really cute when you mess with things you know" Kazuichi blushed, "...oh! But now isn't the time to mention it, is it?" He panicked.

He looked around he ship and glanced back at Gundham, "what does this button do?" He asked, "press it, I'm sure it will be to your liking" Gundham smiled at him, Kazuichi clicked the button and out came out s robot, "may I take your order" It said, it's name was Monodam.

"... Woow! This is cool!" He laughed.

-6 hours later-

Finally they made it to their destination, it was a place with no one, it was just a forest with bright green grass, "Souda, wake up" He shook the pinkett awake, "hmm?"

Kazuichi looked around and grinned, "THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I'VE EVER SEEN" He shouted, he ran outside the ship and rolled around he grass, "Gundham! Look!" He said, pointing at a butterfly, "... Also... Love interest? Gundham, do you like me? And if so, how long?" Souda randomly asked.

"...ah, I forgot to inform you..." Tanaka blushed, "i-I do have deep desires for you, which is why I hired you to be my dark companion, and I have had these weird feelings for about five months..."

"F-Five months?!" Souda repeated, "damn! Your patient!" He laughed, he jumped up from the ground and grabbed Gundhams hand, "Gundham and Souda Sittin in a tree, K I S S I N G!" Kazuichi giggled, "mmn..." Tankaka hid his face in his scarf and continued their walk to find food.

(A/N sorry, I know I'm publishing story chapters so quick, it's because I have nothing to do and writing Soudam oneshots is actually really fun for me)

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