The Wedding-200

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"Stay Calm Kazuichi! Stay calm!" Souda whispered to himself, trying to tie his tuxedo.

"F-Fuyuhiko I need help tying this..." He mumured, a frustrated look appearing on his face, "I don't really know how to tie mine, I usually have Peko do it, I could go get her for you though" Kuzuyuu mumured.

"Uh... No it's fi-"

"No, your look right now doesn't look formal, so I'll go get her" He interuppted the mechanic.

Once he came back, Peko was by his side, Cham-P on her shoulder.

"... Hey Peko..." Souda mumured, "why is Cham-P with you?"

"I was helping Gundham get prepared with Sonia and Chiaki, but about the... Hamster situation, I really don't know" She chuckled, picking the hamster up and putting them on the dresser, "now let me help you tie it, after all, that is why I came, correct?"

"Yeah" He took a step towards her and looked up, letting her tie his bow.

"Done" She said, "oh, okay! Thanks Peko!" He chuckled nervously, "... Geez! I'm nervous!!"

"You need pacifier or something?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"Like hell I do!" He shouted back.

"Ughhh!!! I'm scared! What if he says no at the end of itt!!"

"He's not going to, he's the one who planned it, remember?"

"Oh...yeah, i forgot about that" He chuckled nervously.

-with Gundham-

"Oh! You look amazing Tanaka!" Sonia smiled, dusting his shoulders off, "now remember, you have to look extra professional for your future husband!"

"... I-I know... It just seems to bother me... What if he declines? Am I asking for too much too soon? I'm not certain if he's ready to get married yet" He mumured, messing with his scarf.

"Gundham, you have to take the scarf off, at least for today, your wedding is important to you is it not?"

"... Yes..."

"Then you have to get courage! You need to "be the man!" She chuckled.


"I am back, I have already dealt with Kazuichis situation, though I don't understand why they couldn't have asked Hajime" She sighed.

"No, Hajime was helping Nagito and Chiaki with the flowers" Sonia said, fixing Gundhams hair.

"Oh, then I suppose they did seem to have a good reason to call me..." She mumured.

"Anyways! Enough with the chit chat! How does Gundham look! He looks quite handsome don't you agree?" Sonia smiled, pointing at Gundhams face.

"... Hes alright..."


Sonia just chuckled softly and kissed Pekos cheek, "if you need anything, or if Gundham needs anything, I will be with Kazuichi checking up on him"

Pekoyama nodded her head and sighed, "Can't believe young master Fuyuhiko told me to look after her, she seems fine don't you agree Gundham?" She asked, messing with her braids.

"The Dark Lady has much weird stuff to her personality, but you can't blame her for it, after all, she's quite nervous on being queen of her cursed country"

" it alright if I leave you to tidy yourself?" She asked, placing her bamboo sword down on the floor.

"Yes, I can do the rest myself"

-in the marriage room or whatever it's called-

There Kazuichi was, walking on the long rug feeling like royalty.

Eyes in him...

... It made him anxious... What if he messed up? What if Gundham doesn't like him anymore?

... No... Screw his negative thoughts! He loved Gundham and he should know Gundham will never be disappointed in him!"

He stood in front of Gundham, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"You look lovely my dear" Tanaka smiled, bowing.

"... Huh?" Souda stared at Gundham in confusion until he realized he was supposed to bow too.

"Fuck! I already messed up!"

He bowed down as his face flushed of embarrassment.

"... Gundham! Would you-"

"SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH! JUST LET THEM KISS! I DON'T WANNA BE HERE!" Miu shouted as she interuppted Angie.

"..." The artist just glared at her and turned to both of the males, "fine! If you two agree on marrying each other then atua blesses you both a beautiful day!" She smiled.

Tanaka took a step closer to Kazuichi and grabbed his tuxedo buy the collar, pulling him closer until their lips finally connected.

"Mn..." Souda seperated from the kiss and chuckled nervously.

"..." Kazuichi grabbed Tanakas hand and pulled him, "let's go get the cake now!" He smiled, "o-okay" Gundham followed Kazuichi from behind and watched him slice a piece for them two, "say aah" He giggled, picking up the piece with the fork.

Tanaka opened his mouth and closed it as soon as he felt the fork, "ehe!" Kazuichi hugged Gundham and kissed his cheek, "I love you!"

"I love you too" Tanaka smiled.

"Ooh! Look over there! Is that a chocolate fountain?!" He leaped off of Gundham and ran towards it.

"Wee! Ooh! A marshmellow!" He grabbed it with the stick and stuck it in the fountain.

"Oohhh!! This looks so cool! Look Gundham! Look!" He said, his eyes gleaming with pure joy.

"I see, that is very fascinating" He chuckled, hugging his husband from behind, "yeah! It really is!" He shouted, starting to pour all the chocolate in a big bowl, "no no Kazuichi, that's too much sweets, and you know it too" He sighed.

"awe~ but it's our wedding, why cant you let this one slide~" He whined, making puppy eyes.

"... Fine... I suppose I *could* let it slide... For only this time" He mumured.

"Hehe!" He grabbed all the strawberrys and marshmellows and stuffed them into the bowl with chocolate.

"Look! Try it!" He smiled, putting the chocolate covered strawberry in Gundhams mouth.

"This-... This taste is overwhelming... It taste absolutely devine!" Tanaka smiled, blush forming on his cheeks.

"Yeah! It taste so good!"

"... Here's take more!" Tanaka said, grabbing more strawberries.

"But you said-"

"Forget what I said!"

Kazuichi grabbed more strawberries and marshmellows and poured them in the bowl with chocolate.

"Geez! We can't eat all of them!"

"... Yes we can" Tanaka chuckled, shoving a marshmellow in his mouth.

"Gundham! You can choke like that!" Souda screeched.

"Don't fret, I cannot choke on such a tiny thing like this" He chuckled, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"My gosh! We finally had our wedding and now I'm staring to think you only wanted to be engaged for the food" He sighed.

"Hmm?" Tanaka turned to Kazuichi and hugged him, "..."



"... get more strawberries right now before the others suspect us!" He shouted.

(Should I end it with this? With just their wedding? Or should I stop at 300 instead of 200?)

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