Lip Balm

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"Kazuichi, my love, my lips seem rather... Chapped..." Gundham mumured as he raised his hand to his mouth.

"Oh? Is that right?" Kazuichi giggled, going to the living room where the other male was.

"Mhm..." He chuckled softly.

"Babe~" Kazuichi smiled as he hugged Gundham from behind.

"Hm?" Tanaka couldn't help but smile as he turned around to look at his boyfriend.

"You needed lip balm, right?" Kazuichi smirked.

"Yes, that is corre-" He was interrupted by a kiss from Kazuichi.

"Mhh~ still a good kisser" Kazuichi grinned as he kissed Gundhams cheek.

"Yes, but I need the lip ba-"

"Ahh... I forgot!" Kazuichi chuckled, "im always used to you saying you need to use a lip balm as an excuse for me to kiss ya!"

"... Yes, i-i did want you to.... Uhm.. Kiss me... B-But I also need a lip balm right now..." He blushed

"Oh ehe!" Souda handed Gundham the lip balm and leaned close to his boyfriend, kissing his neck.

"Love youu~" He smiled.

"K-Kazuichi... That tickled.." Tanaka blushed as he started to apply the chap stick.

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