Candle Wax

498 22 17


(Kazuichi worked in a candle factory making sculptures)

*tap tap tap*

"Sir! Dont come down here, I'm going to bring it to you!"

"And... Done!" He chuckled as he clapped his hands together, pretty sure he'll like this one" He smiled, picking the sculpture by the waist.

"Sir, I'm done with the sculpt-" When he opened the door, no one was in there...

"... Have I been here the entire time.. By myself?" He asked himself, he turned both ways as his eyes started to water.

"B-But who's footsteps were those..." He mumured.

He looked behind him and saw a figure.

"Huh?" He rubebe his eyes and looked back at the figure.

"... Y-You look like your face is melting?!" He screeched, taking a step back, letting his other wax figure fall into the floor, shaddering his arm.


He looked at the phone and picked it up, "hel-hello, this is Kazuichi, I nee-"

"Do you not remember me?" The figure asked.

Then it finally came clear to Souda's mind.

"... I-I"

"I built you...?" He asked.

"No, I formed you, created you, whatever you call it... But how?" He asked, taking another step back, "and why are you melting Gundham?" He frowned.

"So... That's my name?" Tanaka asked.

"Oh.. Right... You based me off of your boyfriend who recently died, correct?" He asked.

"... Shut Up..." He grunted, "just because you look and have the same name as him does not give you the right to mention him! What was I even supposed to do at the time!? I didn't know a damn thing!" He cried.

"I didn't know the house was on fire... How was i-...I-I supposed to know that!?" He said with tears falling down his cheeks.

"I miss him, but your nothing like him" He shouted, he grabbed the closest object which was a lighter and threw it at the candle wax.

"... Oh... No..." He mumured, he looked at Gundham and started crying even more.

"Why am I so dumb!" He fell onto his knees and started crying, "Th-This us the pain Gundham felt huh? Getting burnt alive..."

"It really wasn't my fault... "

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