Pregy Husband

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

" Where Kim Jungkook is on his labor and his doctor husband Kim Taehyung and his friends has to deal with his angry behavior "

- Top Tae
- Bottom Kook

Requested by : brattyvk


Jungkook licked his lips staring at the cake he just prepared for his hungry baby and himself, Kim Jungkook, 9 months pregnant with his husband Kim Taehyung's baby... mostly he was alone in his home, because his Mr husband is a doctor.... Always dealing and taking care of his patients...

Even Jungkook was surprised when he found out that he was pregnant, because his husband was mostly out for his work.. But he knows one think, his doctor husband loves him a lot, and the day he told He is pregnant... Taehyung was the most happiest person in the world...he was this happy, he already bought clothes or his baby boy or girl and toys.

Jungkook slowly moved towards the cough, putting a pillow behind his back...his mouth watered staring at the chocolate cake in his hands... Jungkook caresses his stomach smiled but suddenly his smiley face changed into annoyed one " Baby, your father is again out....I will kill him " Jungkook pouts stares at his stomach " Because of him I had to made the cake, and seriously, he is out of city when time of my delivery is near ".

Jungkook sighed, his eyes fall on the cake and instantly he starts smiling widely " Leave it, why should we care " Jungkook said and grabbed the whipped cream from the table... Don't blame him, pregnancy mood swings...Just as he was about to take a bite, He felt the baby kicked his stomach " Ouch! Baby I didn't even eat the cake, wait " Jungkook said caressing his stomach with his one hand.

But slowly the pain in his lower increased " Fine! I won't eat " Jungkook cried and felt his lower wet " Sugar honey Ice tea!" Jungkook yelled and grabbed the phone from the table, holding his stomach with one hand " Hello baby~ " Jungkook gritted his teeth " KIM TAEHYUNG! MY WATER BROKE! I WANT YOU IN THE HOSPITAL " Jungkook heard some things breaking sound on the other line.

"Baby! Hold in there! I will call Hobi and Namjoon Hyung!" Jungkook breaths heavily " FAST!" Jungkook closed his tightly trying his best not to faint... luckily his Hyungs office was only 2 blocks away...a car stopped in front Taekook's house and 5 people ran out of the car...Hoseok knocked on the door " Idiot! Break the door!" Jimin yelled at him... Hoseok nodded his head and was about to break the door.

But Jin swing open the door " Idiots " Jin said and ran inside the house " My baby " Jin wide his eyes looking at Jungkook, eating the cake with painful expressions " F-food is life " Jimin said from behind them " move aside...let me pick him up " Namjoon said to them, 4 of them moved away...Namjoon picked Jungkook up in Bridle style " where is Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted panting heavily.

Namjoon put him inside the car, then running towards the driving seat...Jin and Jimin sat on the backseat with Jungkook, while Hoseok beside Namjoon " almost near Seoul " Jimin said to him ruffling his hair... Jungkook scremed, Hoseok almost near passing out " call him!" Jungkook shouted at Jimin, Namjoon driving the car on full speed.

Jimin hurrydly dailled Taehyung's number " baby! I'm almost there " Jungkook scremed which scared everyone " FAST!" Namjoon stopped the car in front of the hospital, because Taehyung already informed about Jungkook's arrival...The nurses was already waiting for him with a wheelchair " Jungkook sit down sit down!" Namjoon helped him sitting on the wheelchair.

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