🐯 Graveyard 🐰

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Requested by : Supnothing

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung, well knowns as V...no body has seen his face but everyone fears him " He has gone mad " Taehyung's right hand man Yoongi said looking at Taehyung who was dancing in front of the grave, without any music " Let him enjoy, He finally killed that bastard  His boyfriend Jimin said to him.

They stared how Taehyung was enjoying laughing, dancing weirdly " Come on let's go " Yoongi said to Jimin sighing who laughed knowing Yoongi must be annoyed....They walked away leaving Taehyung alone " That's what you get for killing children you fu⚪ker!" Taehyung yelled out and smirked.

A boy wearing a hoodie made his way to graveyard...Seeing the new side of the graveyard he made his way inside....But he stopped seeing Taehyung dancing...weird thing to see in the graveyard at midnight....He hid behind a tree and peeked from behind the tree, unknowingly a smile form on his face.

He holds back his laugh when Taehyung was trying to do a moonwalk...He covered his mouth and slightly giggled...He took steps back but flinched when he step on the tail of a cat...who stretch his leg and ran away freaking out... Jungkook whimpers holding his leg, he felt a pat his shoulder, He turned around to see but blacked out.

Hours later, Jungkook opened his eyes blinking, he felt his head spinning.... Finally gaining his conscious he looks around seeing himself in a weird dark room...He tried to move but panicked seeing himself tied up with the chair...He tried to open his eyes but realized his mouth was covered with a piece of tape.

" So you are awake " Jungkook flinched hearing a deep voice behind him...He tilt his head and saw grey eyes staring at him.... Taehyung on the other hand, stares at Jungkook's beautiful doe eyes....They were beautiful but dark...making him fall in love with his dark eyes filled with mystery.

Taehyung stood in front of Jungkook and bends meeting his gaze....For the first time in his life... someone was staring at him with anger and not fear making Taehyung smirk " What's your name? Why were you following me?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.... Taehyung chuckled " Yeah right " He takes off the piece of tape.

" you freaking jerk! fu⚪ker! I'm going to kill you! You-" before he could say something else Taehyung put the tape back on his mouth, chuckling " You speaks to much huh...come on just tell me and I will let you go " Taehyung said to him and stared at his face... Jungkook though for sometime and than nodded his head.

Taehyung takes of the piece of tape again " My name is Jungkook...and I was just taking a walk at graveyard " Jungkook said looking away from Taehyung, not meeting his gaze, his grey eyes was doing weird things to Jungkook's stomach " Weird place to take a walk at midnight...don't you think " Taehyung asked him.He takes a chair and sat in front of Jungkook.

" Dancing in the graveyard at midnight is weird place, don't you think so?" Jungkook said to him with a mocking smile

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" Dancing in the graveyard at midnight is weird place, don't you think so?" Jungkook said to him with a mocking smile... making Taehyung laugh " sassy I see " Taehyung said to him who just rolled his eyes " I was just walking trying to think about something nothing much " Jungkook mumbled which was enough for Taehyung to hear.

Jungkook has been suffering from insomnia, He is trying to find his bastard of a father...who tried to kill him and his mother....He just want to know his name...You see, His mother was raped by his so called father and when he was 15..His father  tried to kill his mother, resulting his mother got paralyzed.

Taehyung stared at his face " Fine I believe you " Jungkook looks at him surprised, Taehyung told him about the dancing think, Jungkook brusted into laughed, Taehyung smile looking at him....Not only his eyes but his smile was also beautiful.

Not long later, Taehyung joined Jungkook for late night walks in the graveyard...slowly they became friends... Jungkook was angry at Taehyung first for almost killing him but than he forgive him " But Jungkook, How you don't know your father's name?" Taehyung asked him who just told him about his past.

" My Mom ran away from hospital when I was born, for 16 years she never told me what my father was...but than one day I got home and saw my mother in the pool of b-blood " Tears form in Jungkook's eyes remembering about the past...His mother is his only life...He hates seeing her on bed lifeless.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook sad face.....it's been 2 years... Both was in love with each other... but never said anything....With the help of Taehyung's personal doctor Jungkook's mother was recovering...and about Jungkook's father " He died? But how?" Jungkook asked surprised looking at Yoongi with widen eyes.

Taehyung who was standing behind Jungkook smirked " We just found the parts of his body...cu-" Jungkook stopped Jimin " okay...means someone killed him " Jungkook turned his towards Taehyung...who instantly puts on his innocent face... nodding slightly " That's what I think " Jungkook sighed.

" Total in how many parts he was found? " Taehyung asked Yoongi who stared at him in disbelief " like you are not the one who killed him " Yoongi said out loud... Taehyung choked... Jungkook who sighed heavily " I never said I want to kill him...but it fills good knowing that he is dead after runieing many lives ".

Jungkook said lowering his head...The three Mafias stared at him.... Taehyung glared at Yoongi who just ignored his stares...The same night...They both was walking again in graveyard... Taehyung saw how Jungkook was silent...Many questions rises in his mind.

" Are you not happy?" Taehyung asked him.... Jungkook who himself was questioning why Taehyung killed his father for him tilt his head looking at him " I am...but why did you killed him? " Taehyung holds his hand and stopped him from moving any further.... Jungkook stopped and looked at him.

" Because he hurted my bunny and bunny's Mama " Taehyung said to him who stared at him " I know Jungkook it's not the right place...but I can't wait...Would you like to me my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked intertwined their hands at the end of his sentence... Jungkook couldn't help but cry.

Taehyung panicked and was about to ask him but Jungkook through himself on Taehyung, warping his legs around Taehyung waist and arms around his neck " Yes " He nuzzled his face in Taehyung's neck...sobbing a little, Taehyung chuckled and holds him in his arms tightly.

They met in the graveyard, falling in love in the graveyard...the long walks in the graveyard made them fall in love with each other.... Taehyung promised him in Graveyard....but thankfully, They got married soon not in the graveyard but in a beautiful beach.

🐯 The End 🐰

Sorry for writing it late 🙇

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Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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