Bully Loves the Bunny (Part 2)

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Taehyung POV

I was in the school looking for Bunny, I didn't saw him since the morning ' Where are you bunny' I mumble to myself...

I saw Lisa and her friends talking to My bunny ' Hey nerd, stay away from My Tae before I break your ugly face ' Lisa said smirk ' Well bitch, You know what they say about girls who wear too much makeup ' he pushed for a moment...

' They are fucking ugly' He said I laughed slightly ' You..' She left from there....He laughed at her,I was about to go to him when that horse face (sorry hobi) come to My bunny....He hugged Him from the back, Jungkook giggle at him.

' Hey Kookie, I missed you' Jungkook giggle and faced him ' I missed you too, where is Jimine Hyung' They start walking towards the class, I followed them .

Jungkook and horse face went to the class they both sat on their send and I sat behind them.

' Kookie you wanna hang out after school '.....'No Hyung, I don't feel good tho' Kook replied he looked behind and saw....did he just blushed....

Lunch time....

No one's POV

Jungkook and Hobi was sitting in the cafeteria and Jimin was in the library.....Taehyung was sitting two tables away from them and listening to their conversation...

' Hyung, how far do you like here?' Jungkook asked Hobi while drinking his bannana milk..' I love it here,and found a cute friend like you and chim' Hobi replied and Jungkook giggles...' kookie, I have to go to the bathroom.... Bye' Hobi kissed his cheeks and run away from there....

Taehyung saw that and got jealous...He get up and goes to Jungkook ' Bunny' Jungkook at him and blushed lightly as the flush of the kiss came in his mind.

' After school can we hang out?' Taehyung asked him nervous as what if Jungkook will.say no ' Okay,' Jungkook simply said, Taehyung smiled ......

After the school.....

Jungkook and Taehyung goes to the park....' I want that ' Jungkook said while pointing towards the ice cream...

Taehyung smiled and him...he bring two ice cream...they were eating when ' Jungkook...you look so beautiful '...

Jungkook POV

We were in the park sitting on the bench eating when Taehyung said....' Jungkook...you look so Beautiful' I feel butterflies in my stomach....I looked at him,who was looking already at me.....

I blushed and looked away from him...' T-thank you ' I said....he chuckles at me....' let's go ...I have to take you somewhere' he said I nodded and smiled at him...

I was really excited as we were in an amusement park.....' Calm down bunny' Taehyung chuckles...I hold his hand ' Let's gooooo' he laughed and nodded his head....

Taehyung POV

My bunny was holding my hand...MY BUNNY ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)....' Look.. bumper cars...I want to go there ' I smiled ' okay' i said...we both sat on our cars...

' Sorry' He ran into somebody and said i'm sorry..I looked at him he is so beautiful and cute...

'You look excited bunny' He nods while smiling widely ' Yes! I haven't been to a place this since forever' I smiled at him ' Bunny, it's a date btw' He wide is eyes...

We are in a roller coaster...I hate roller coaster ' is it exciting Tae' Bunny said I looked him....

' I said my prayers ,now kill me' I said blankly...he laughed at me....

At night.....

Me and Jungkook was sitting in my car...' Bunny...I said yesterday but I want to say it again' I looked at him...he was looking at his lap...i grabs his chin and made him look at me.

I looked into his beautiful doe eyes....which shows how innocent he is...' I will apologize first....I'm sorry for hurting you bunny I was so dump at that time...i-i hate myself for hurting you' he looked at me and smiled...

Why I feel so nervous ' I-i love Jungkook' I classes my eyes...I heard his cute giggles....I opened my eyes...he hold my hand....' I love you too Kim Taehyung ' he said I smiled widely and hugged him tightly...

He giggles at me.....I looked at him again...' can I kiss you' He nodded his head shyly..I pulled him towards me..

He was sitting on my lap....We both looked into each other's eyes...I leans in...I feel his soft lips against mine...he kissed me back ....a great feeling crushed through my body.....

I leans away from him...he was looking at his lap and his face was super red...I chuckles at him..

' Tae' his voice was really slowly...' Yes bunny' I said...he looks at me ' Promise me ,you will never bully anybody hereafter' i smiled at him...

I kissed his cheeks...' I promise' anything for my bunny...he smiled at me.....


I Purple you 💜

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