🥀 Not a playboy ✨

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Requested by : Daeguboys123

No one's Pov 

" You look really pretty...you always wear these clothes " Kim Taehyung said to a nerd who blushed hearing her and almost squealed when He winked at her.... Jungkook slammed his locker door shut and looks at Taehyung who was just a little far from them " Don't cry over others...that idiot didn't deserved you " He said to the same girl.

Jungkook glared at him, He couldn't hear what he was saying but the blush on the girl face face made Jungkook really annoyed for some reason " you deserve someone like me " Taehyung said and winked at her who chuckled... Jungkook huffed " Playboy " He mumbled and walked away towards his class.

Taehyung heard the bell rang " Okay Girl, Best of luck " Taehyung said to her and run towards the class... Taehyung made his way inside class and saw Jungkook, The Love of his life sitting their with a poker face.... Taehyung sat beside him and winked at Jungkook who rolled his eyes looking away from him.

Taehyung has been in love with Jungkook for past 2 years, He just love the boy...He tease him a lot flirting with him trying to make him smile...but Jungkook He is always rude with him... Which hurts Taehyung a lot....The reason why Jungkook hates him... because He thinks Kim Taehyung is a playboy.

Who only knows how to flirt with someone, Play with their feelings and when get bored dumb them hurt them...only of he knew how sweet Taehyung is...He flirt with everyone but never hurted someone's feeling... always trying to make them happy...The reason why he is popular.

Taehyung never felt loved, His parents died when he was only 5 years old... spending three years in orphanage getting bullied for crying for his parents...He was different from them...when he was finally adopted he thought maybe he will get some love but How wrong he was.

They adopted him just to show how kind hearted they are and how big their heart is to adopt an orphan boy in front of the world...His parents are famous models and he just a showpiece to show the world for them, Because his parents are big celebrities Jungkook thinks he is a rich spoiled brat who just play with everyone's feeling for fun.

" You look really pretty today " Taehyung said said to him who ignored him completely.... Taehyung was now used to it, but it still hurts whenever Jungkook ignores his feelings.... Taehyung always flirts with him trying to make him smile...and Jungkook he always shows his poker face to him.

Even it hurts Taehyung seeing Jungkook smiling and laughing talking with their other Hyungs, His hyungs know about Taehyung's past time and his crave for love...The smile seeing Taehyung flirting with the boy he loves they adore their cute boy's love for other.

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