✨ Surrogate ✨

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Requested by : pachkale

No one's Pov

Shows tabbing on the tile floor sound can be heard in Kim Company, There was dead silence...The employee's of the company bowed seeing their CEO Kim Taehyung walking ignoring all of their presence made his way to his office...his sectary Maya following behind him...He entered into his office and without wasting anytime opened his laptop working.

Kim Taehyung, He is known as cold and arrogant bastard who only knows how to work and gain money...But nobody understands that he works hard and than gain that money...He called cold and arrogant just because he reject every single person who proposed to him...but it's his life, he just don't believe in such thing called love.

Even he is only 25, but still known worldwide because of his success and nature...He is workholic....for him work is life and love, Marrige is waste of time....He lives with his Grandfather, His only family...His parents died when he was only 2 years old, the reason  why he don't believe in love.

Or he doesn't want anyone to love because he is scared one day his loved one will leave him....call him a coward who doesn't want to feel the pain of lossing his loved ones.... Taehyung made his way inside his mansion after entire day of working, When he entered into the mansion and was met with his Grandfather, Chang wan.

" Boy! You are not going to void me! " Chang wan rushed and stopped him who sighed and turned around looking at his Grandfather " Look Grandpa...I don't want to talk about it again " He said and turned to leave but Chang wan raised his hand, and slapped his back who whined and turned around.

His Grandfather's hand his quite heavy " Fine! If you don't want to get Married....there is this thing called Surrogacy " Chang wan said to him smirking, You see...Chang wan wants a grandchild... doesn't matter of it's a girl or boy, he just want to play with children...It's been months him trying to confess Taehyung.

But Taehyung he is stubborn " please boy " Taehyung blinked his eyes processing everything " What Gacy?" He asked confused which made Chang wan look at him in disbelief " are your freaking serious! You don't know Surrogacy?" Chang wan almost yelled.... Taehyung rolled his eyes " I know but, How?" Taehyung asked him.

Who looks at him with a smirk " I know a boy! You are going to meet him Tommorow!" Just like that, The next day arrive.... Taehyung was sitting in front of the boy who will be bearing his child....And honestly he He liked how beautiful the boy was... especially the mole under his lips.

" So Jungkook, you really don't mind?" Taehyung asked him, Jeon Jungkook....He had known Mr Kim, Chang wan for almost an year...He met the old man in hospital....His mother is suffering from lung cancer and he just wanted to save her....so Mr Kim suggested him about this...the surrogate thing.

And Jungkook, he was ready....He can do anything for his mother who took care of him for years, now it's his time to do anything for her " Yes, Where is the contract?" Jungkook asked Taehyung softly who nodded his head and takes out the contract placing it in front of Jungkook....who read it carefully.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook's face, who was too lost at reading contract...He read it After giving birth, there won't be a relationship between you and the child , Jungkook sighed and signed it.... Jungkook looks at him and slid it towards Taehyung....who took it.

Day went by and not long later Jungkook was pregnant through surrogacy procedur, Chang wan was dancing happily...and Jungkook He was happy too at last he can help his mother, Taehyung instantly handed him the amount knowing the younger needs it.

Taehyung was staring at Jungkook who was sitting in front of Taehyung, eating a cup filled with ice cream...it's been Few months and Jungkook's mood swings made Taehyung really tired...And somehow Taehyung was loving the warmth of the boy around him...Chang wan smirked looking Taehyung's face.

He made his way to him seeing his eyes was following Jungkook who went inside his room, his swollen feet was making him suffer " You are so in love " Taehyung flinched hearing his Grandfather's voice behind him...He turned around and sighed at him " What are you saying?" Taehyung tried to deny it that he doesn't love Jungkook.

But can he really, Isn't it's ture he loves how Jungkook smile and his mole under his lip inspire him, to do many things...He loves how the boy is so pure and innocent and sometimes sassy " oh come on boy! No need to hide now " Chang wan said to him who sighed and sat up.

" It's all your plan right? To make me fall for him " Chang wan shrugged " I do wanted you and Jungkook to get together but it's your heart who really had to decide.....and it did " Chang wan winked at him and walked away leaving him with his train of thoughts " Fu🐬k " He whispered.

Jungkook on the other hand was having same feelings, How can he fall in love with Taehyung....how can he not? When Taehyung takes care of him like a baby, even it was written in the contract that he won't...When Taehyung message his swollen feet for him to sleep peacefully at right.

Jungkook sighed and caresses his big tummy pouting " I don't want you lose you and Tae " He sighed and lower his head...feeling wave of emotions coming over him, Not long later... Taehyung made a plan to propose to Jungkook... with the help of Chang wan and he was really near to it.

Jungkook was sitting in Taehyung's office, It was weird for him to be in Taehyung's office....Maya was standing in front of Jungkook, glaring at him after all.... Jungkook took her place ( nice joke, okay sorry ) Taehyung looks up after signing the papers and saw Maya glaring at Jungkook...who was pouting looking out of the window.

" Song Maya " Taehyung called him, hearing Taehyung's cold tone Jungkook also tilt his head looking at him  " Yes Mr Kim " She smiled at him shyly, this was the first time Taehyung called her " You are fired " Maya widen her eyes while Jungkook frowns " What? Bu-" Taehyung stopped her " Security!" He yelled.

Not long later, Maya was out of the office..... Jungkook was confused but he stayed silent " How dare she glared at my baby " Taehyung muttered...after office hours Taehyung went back home, the whole place was decorated beautiful...and Taehyung proposed to the crying Jungkook.

When Taehyung was hopping to hear a yes, Jungkook speaks up " B-But what about the contract?" Jungkook asked placing his hand on his tummy... Taehyung moved closer to him and place his own hands over Jungkook stomach " Do you love me?" Jungkook sniffs and nodded his head.

" Than I don't care you are going to be my husband " saying this Taehyung leaned forward and kissed Jungkook...The story of cold CEO who fall in love with his surrogate, Jeon Jungkook and they lived happily ever after with their twin children and Grandfather Chang wan.

🐯 The End 🐰

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