✨ Kiss at First Sight ✨

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Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

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Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

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Requested by : taetaekook1998

No one's Pov

" this is really annoying " Taehyung said looking at his watch....Sighs skipping from his mouth after every two seconds " Sir please calm down...She will be here by any minute now " Taehyung rolled his eyes hearing his assistant, Ova...who was mentally chopping Taehyung's head on the cutting board.

Kim Taehyung, Youngest, successful CEO of Korea, He is not rude nor cold....But annoying...He ask thousands of question...which mostly his assistant Ova bear....Right now he was waiting for a certain person...his soon to be fiance....He has never seen her before.

His parents arranged him for business purpose, of course they care about their son... especially Mrs Kim...who didn't agree at first but than seeing her husband's puppy eyes, she melted " Oh she is here " Ova said looking at a direction... Taehyung followed her gaze and saw a beautiful woman walking smiling towards them.

Knowingly Taehyung feet walked towards her and holding her by her waist..He smashed his lips on her....She widen her eyes...Ova gasped and face palmed....The Woman pushed Taehyung away " What the hell! "she yelled at him, even she was looking cute with angry face.

" Aren- " Before Taehyung could say something another woman came and holds Taehyung's arm, clinging him " Baby, you are here to pick me up...how sweet " She said making Ova cringe " Jungkookie!" the other woman turned around hearing her name, smiling seeing her mother.

" Eomma " She hugged her, Taehyung stare at her with widen eyes....cursing mentally knowing what he did, Jungkookie glared at him for one last time and walked away with her mother... Taehyung couldn't help but smile seeing her...His fiance...waited for him to say something but what he said shocked her " I'm calling off our wedding "....

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkookie was laid on her bed, thinking about the kiss she had with Taehyung....a random person stole her first kiss...She couldn't help but blush...That time she was angry but now whenever she close her eyes.... Taehyung's shocked face flash before her eyes making her giggle.

Jeon Jungkookie, Lives with her mother...her father died when she was only 11...but still because of her strong mother she became strong...She just got back from her short holiday and got a surprise arriving at her country...She lost her first kiss to Someone.

And fall in love with him, She is a doctor, living her dream life... Jungkookie shook her head and stood up " No Kookie, He already has a girlfriend....but why did he kissed me?" She talked to herself but than cursed...She stood up to get ready for her day.

But when she made her way to balcony, She widen her eyes seeing a man...none other then who stole her first kiss standing holding a big sigh board saying " Please Marry Me " Jungkookie saw how Taehyung was giving her puppy eyes...anger rising on her mind.

She made her way to the street and looks at Taehyung with anger " Are you out of your mind?! Leave from here!" She scolded him who stayed silent hearing her like a lost puppy " please marry me!" Taehyung said to her making her groan " Why? Did your girlfriend dumbed you?" She asked him who shakes his head.

" I did, because I fall in love with you " Jungkookie glared at him " do you think I am a toy? Maybe you will dump me to after you get you want, because you already stole my first kiss " Jungkookie breaths heavily in frustration " Did I ?" Taehyung wiggles his eye brows making Jungkookie groan.

" I'm getting late for my work, don't waste my time " Jungkookie was about to go but Taehyung's voice stopped him " I can drop you to hospital " Jungkookie gasped turning around, She gave a glare to the CEO " You stalker!" She slammed the door shut, but somehow smile hearing Taehyung whining.

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkookie was checking some Patients....When her eyes fall on a familiar face sitting on one of the bed... holding his arm whimpering....Jungkookie pushed towards him and looks at Taehyung " What happened to you?" She asked him who stare at her smiling.

" I was following you and don't know how a car just hit me " Jungkookie gasped " Are you serious " She sat before him and cleaned his wounds who smiled dreamily looking at her...She sighed and stood up to leave but Taehyung stopped her " Can you feel my heart beat " Taehyung said kneeling before her who frowns.

" No " She said to him who sighed " Please Marry me " He said but Jungkookie scoffing walked away...Days went by Taehyung was seen around the hospital...always hurting himself and getting treated by Jungkookie " I can't help but swim in your ocean eyes " Taehyung was trying his best to flirt with Jungkookie.

Jungkookie was now used to it, That's How Taehyung is, She got to know....He is trying to impress her by flirting and she " Your musical eyes, makes me wanna dance...your soft hands-" Jungkookie pulled her hands away from him " What do you want?" She asked him who smiled at her sheepishly.

" Want to marry you, honeymoon, than kids " Jungkookie stopped him " fine " She simply said to him who lower his head pointing.... thinking maybe she denied like other days...but he widen his eyes when He realize what she said " Wait, what?!" Jungkookie walked away.

She chuckled when she heard Taehyung squealing behind him...not long later they both got married and Instead of his office, CEO Kim is mostly seen at hospital...faking his wounds trying to spend most of his time with his wife, Kim Jungkookie.

🐯 The End 🐰

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