🥀 Total Disaster ✨#1

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Little bit of angst but mostly it's comedy

Requested by : hourglasskook

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung, The boy who always thought he is straight till he met Jungkook....A confident boy leaving a great life with his parents, his parents knew Jungkook is gay and they never complained and treated him like normal boys, Jungkook was glad at least his parents doesn't think about society, It all started when Taehyung met Jungkook in college.

" Can you help me? Sunbaenim?" Taehyung heard a soft voice, turning around he saw Jungkook, looking at him with Bambi eyes, bitting his lower lip nervously, his addicting mole under his lips clearly visible to Taehyung " What is it?" Taehyung asked him in cold yet soft tone, he had been always like this distanced from everyone.

" My friends dared me to go on a date with any senior and-" Taehyung stopped him, Jungkook was playing with his fingers " So you chosed me ?" Taehyung asked him who nodded his head, Taehyung sighed " Well I am straight, so I don't have any problem " Taehyung said to him, confusing Jungkook " Meet me after college " Saying this Taehyung walked away.

Jungkook frowns " He is straight and have no problem going on a date with a boy?" Jungkook asked himself, He felt a little hurt hearing Taehyung saying he is straight Jungkook always liked- no loves Taehyung, and hearing it from Taehyung was making him a little hurt, He shrugged it off and walked towards his class.

After that, Jungkook and Taehyung went for date and honestly Taehyung was questioning his sexuality, Why every little thing of Jungkook was making Taehyung smile, which he never does....Even laughs at his non logical jokes....after their first date, They became good friends.

And finally the day Taehyung saw Jungkook being close with other senior, just for some college work, Taehyung finally realized Jungkook is the one he loves and he is gay maybe Taehyung never knew that, because he never talked to anyone before except Yoongi, who was already in a relationship with Jimin his other friend.

They both confessed and got into a relationship, now problem was.... Taehyung's parents, they are homophobic, one of the reason why Taehyung never realized he is attracted to Boys not girls, now he knows why he never felt anything with the girls he was forced in a relationship with " Mom I said no " Taehyung was arguing with his parents.

Why? Unconsiously he told his parents he was going on a date and now " What's wrong in that? We just want to meet your girlfriend " Mr Kim said to him, Taehyung's brother Namjoon rolled his eyes, He never liked his parents, they always just force their decision on both him and Taehyung " Come in Dad, It's just a small date "

Taehyung was trying his best to confess his parents but his parents are stubborn " No! You will be taking her here and that's finally!" Mrs Kim said and walked away along with Mr Kim.... Taehyung tugged his hair and walked towards his room, calling Jungkook " Tae? Where are you? I am waiting for you " He already felt bad hearting Jungkook's sad tone.

" Sorry petal, My parents " Taehyung explained Jungkook everything, who was now at the verge of crying, he has always being a Sensetive boy, and after his 2 years crush and 1 year of dating his love....He can't just lose him, Just because Taehyung's parents are homophobic " Don't cry, I will meet you tommorow in college, we will think about it "

Taehyung said to him softly, who hangs up the call without saying anything to Taehyung, who sighed and slammed his phone of his bed, rubbing his Temple, frustrated,Next day Taehyung and Jungkook was sitting with Jimin and Yoongi " Than there is only one solution " Yoongi said " What? " Jimin along with Taehyung and Jungkook asked Yoongi.

Who explained them his plan " No " Taehyung yelled at him, making Jimin flinch " No need to yell man " Jimin said dramatically putting his hand on his chest " What do you mean by No? it's just a one time thing " Yoongi said to him but Taehyung shakes his head " We can't lie our entire life you know " Taehyung said to him, who rolled his eyes " It's okay, I will do it " Jungkook said to them.

Yoongi and Jimin smiled while Taehyung looks at him in disbelief " What do you mean by you will do it? You can't act like a girl your entire life Koo " Taehyung said to him, who sighed " Well I can't lose you too " Jungkook said to him, after an hour of arguing finally Taehyung also said yes.

••• Time Skip •••

Taehyung rang Jeon house's bell...after a moment Mr Jeon opened the door for him " He is still getting ready boy " Taehyung sighed, Mr Jeon invited him on, they talked about Taehyung's parents for sometime when finally Jungkook came, Taehyung choked seeing Jungkook In a dress, long hair and light make up.

" At least close your mouth " Mr Jeon said to Taehyung,who lower his head in embracement " Best of luck boys " Mrs Jeon said to them, Jungkook and Taehyung left for Taehyung's house " You are l-looking pretty " Jungkook sighed " But I am a girl now " Taehyung glance at him " Exactly you are making me question my sexuality again " Jungkook hit his arm.

After sometime, Taehyung rang the bell, Namjoon opened the door, Jungkook wide his eyes looking at him  " So she is your girlfriend?" Jungkook hide behind Taehyung, who frowns at his behavior " a shy one I see " Namjoon said and opened the door widely for them... Taehyung and Jungkook entered into the room.

Mrs Kim was the first one to greet the two boys, wait boy and girl " Aww she is so pretty " Jungkook smiled nervously at them, Mrs Kim hugged Jungkook, who looks at Taehyung who strugged " Come on sit down, don't be shy " Mrs Kim said to them...Namjoon noticed that Jungkook's face was familiar but he shakes his head.

After sometime, Mr Kim joined " what's her name?" Mr Kim asked Taehyung " Jung-" Taehyung was about to complete but Jungkook stopped him " Junehee " He said and smiled, Now Namjoon was completely sure something was fishy...The dinner went somehow good, Mr and Mrs Kim mostly asking questions about Jungkook.

" Junehee darling we want you to stay with us " Taehyung choked while Junehee looks at Taehyung Nervously...Mr Kim and Mrs Kim was giving them a smile, which was suffocating Jungkook....He gulped and looks at Taehyung.....

Total Disaster #1

It will be consist of 3 parts (maybe)

How was it? Favorite part?

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Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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