🥀 Madness 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Requested by : mishtygarg

No one's Pov

Jungkook was standing in his balcony having his morning tea.... He felt a gaze on him but he ignored it....he always feel like someone is watching him for following him but he always ignores it thinking he is hallucinating.... Just as he was peacefully having his tea...he felt someone warpped his arms around his waist.

He sighed heavily, it was his so called wife...He hates her....but he can't do anything...His parents forced him to marry her... just because she is rich and a woman....you see Jungkook is interested in man.....He is gay which is a sin according to his family and society.

He even dated him, Kim Taehyung....his first and last love, but just because of his parents...He hurted him... even when he was in a relationship with him, He was possessive...never liked if Jungkook talk with anyone beside him...never letting him go alone....it was toxic...but at least Taehyung truly cared about.

Jungkook tried to get away from her grip but she was quick strong.... Sighing Jungkook just harshly pushed her away...making her gasp dramatically " Jungkook what's your problem " Ignoring her Jungkook made his way inside the room " I'm talking to you " She followed him behind.

Jungkook just ignored her and got ready for his office " Jungkook stop " But Jungkook he just went out of the apartment....Sighing he Lower his head...As he was walking he felt a presence behind him...he turned his head around and saw no one " Why is this feeling again " Jungkook mumbled, shaking his head...he starts to walk again.

The day went by, Jungkook was working in his office...trying to keep himself busy...he just don't want to think about his life or Taehyung... Meanwhile... Taehyung was following Jungkook once again...How can he forget about his little bunny this easily... after all he is only his.

Taehyung knew it's obsession with Jungkook is not good....but he can't help it...How much he wants to kill Jungkook's wife and just keep Jungkook to himself....but he waiting for right time.... Taehyung saw how Jungkook was walking in the corridor of the office.

There was no one except him as other employees was in cafeteria enjoying their break time..... Jungkook heard foot step behind him... before he could turn around and sat something....He felt a grip on his waist and someone covered his mouth...pulling him in a dark room.

Jungkook tried to push him, he was holding his mouth " Shh, it's me bunny " Jungkook stopped shrugging hearing Taehyung's voice behind him....He turned around when the grip losses and saw Taehyung...He looks at him with tears in his eyes " So it was you all of the time " he said in a shaky tone.

Taehyung chuckled and nodded his head with a smirk " Why didn't I understand it before....of course just like high school you stalked me again " Taehyung looks at him and grabbed his jaw pulling him near his face.... Jungkook could feel his warm breath on his lips...but Jungkook knew it's wrong.

He yanked his hands away making Taehyung laugh " sassy I see " Jungkook looks at him with tears in his eyes " leave me alone.... I'm happy with my wife Taehyung move on " Taehyung looks at him with cold eyes...and grabbed his jaw " Do you really think I will leave you this easily...you are only mine Jungkook " Taehyung said to him.

He smirked seeing Jungkook's teary eyes " you are obsessed with me....it's not love " Jungkook whispered....The fact hurts Jungkook but that's the truth... Taehyung shakes his head " It's my madness that I want you to be mine forever.....I want you Jeon Jungkook to be mine and nobody else " saying this Taehyung smashed his lips of Jungkook's.

Who shrugged widening his eyes.... Taehyung kissed him roughly bitting his lips making Jungkook whimper....but with his all strength... Jungkook pushed him away, breathing heavily.... with tears falling from his eyes " Leave me alone " Jungkook said to him, his voice was completely broke.

Taehyung smirked, knowing that Jungkook can't stay away from him for long " See you soon bunny " By saying this Taehyung walked away...leaving Jungkook alone in the dark room... crying and in miserable state....Even he things Taehyung is only obsessed with him and can hurt any person around him....he still can't deny that he loves Taehyung.

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkook was walking back home...He liked going home by walking....by that he can spend his more time away  from his clingy and annoying wife....just as Jungkook was about to enter into his house....He felt a sharp pain rushing through his head...... before he fall unconscious, His eyes met Taehyung's cold one.

After an hour, Jungkook opened his eyes....He was tied up....his hands was tied behind his back, while his legs too and his mouth was tied with a tap...He looks around seeing it was his own room....He gasped when he saw his so called wife lying in front in a pool of blood.

And by the look, Jungkook can clearly say that she was already dead " look like my baby is awake " Jungkook flinched at Taehyung's deep voice behind him....He looks at him, couldn't help but sob " Aww shh baby don't cry...you know I can never hurt you " Taehyung said and wipes his tears.

Jungkook stayed still unsure of what to do.... Taehyung chuckled and looks at Jungkook's dead wife " She was really annoying....you know what she said? Jungkook is mine " Taehyung Scoffed looking at her body with pure disgusted " I killed her.... because Jungkook you are only mine " Jungkook stared at him.

Taehyung cupped his face " You are right!" Jungkook instantly nodded his head looking at him...who smiled crazily.... Jungkook looks at him with pealding eyes " See you b*txh! He said he is mine " Taehyung looks at Jungkook and untie him.... Jungkook looks at him with fear in his eyes.

" Don't he scared my bunny, I can never hurt you " Saying this Taehyung pulled him into a kiss...who closed his eyes....Weeks went by... nobody got to know about Jungkook's late wife's death.... Jungkook starts to live with Taehyung.....It was weird how he loved Taehyung.

Still after seeing his worse side....But Jungkook found love in Taehyung...who has really weird way to show his love....His obsession for Jungkook proved that he can do anything for him...and with the meaning that he is going to love Jungkook forever.

So Jungkook decided to live in that toxic relationship....but Taehyung he never hurted Jungkook....He showed him just love... Which was Jungkook grateful of.

The End

I just made this up in my mind..hope you like it.

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