Mafia's baby #2

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

" Fuxking sh🌼t " Taehyung slammed the door shut, screming in anger, Namjoon peeks through the door but was met with a pillow " Get out!" Taehyung scremed once again....Namjoon huffed " He is on his periods of anger " Namjoon said to Jackson who shrugged " What happened this time? " Jackson asked him.

" He missed another target " Namjoon said, and leaned back on the wall " This is not the first time tho, I don't know why Taehyung always get angry, like we almost loss out every mission " Namjoon said in duh tone, well which was a half lie " I can hear you KIM NAMJOON! " Namjoon ignored Taehyung " as I was saying " Namjoon continues.

Taehyung and Namjoon was on a mission " I AM TELLING YOU! FOLLOW THAT CAR YOU IDIOT!" Taehyung yelled slammed his hands on the glass window, Namjoon scoffed " Do it look like I am dancing?" Namjoon said to him back, annoyed by Taehyung attitude, out of sudden Taehyung scremed.

" STOP THE CAR!" Namjoon cursed and stopped the car, He turned his head to smash Taehyung's head but he was shocked to see Taehyung smiling.....second time in that week " He has gone mad " Namjoon mumbled, He followed Taehyung's gaze...seeing Jungkook watering the plants with an aged man.

" Appa, we was suppose to be going not here " Jungkook said to his father who huffed " Concentrate, I listened to you all night, about your Mr-" Jungkook's father stopped when He heard a deep voice " Annyeong " They turned around seeing Taehyung smiling at them and Namjoon beside him awkwardly smiling.

" Oh, Mister killer guy " Jungkook mumbled, Chang wan, Jungkook's father looks at Taehyung " So you are....Nice to meet you, I lost my sleep Thanks to you " Chang wan said aggressively shaking hands with Taehyung, who looks at him confused " M-Me?" Taehyung asked pointing at himself.

" Indeed you, come in, let's have a cup of tea....I need to tu- I mean talk to you " Chang wan said dragging Taehyung inside who was glancing at Jungkook, who was silently giggling looking at Taehyung, while Namjoon...He was once again in shook..

" After that day, many things happened, but Taehyung's anger, only Jungkook can control him like I said " just than they heard a loud sound on breaking something in Taehyung's room, they rushed inside the room, seeing the glass table broken, Taehyung's hand covered in blood, and blood drops falling on the white sheets of bed.

" Go and call Jungkook " Namjoon whispered to Jackson, who nodded and rushed out of room, going to call Jungkook who was out with his parents, When he got call from Jackson, he didn't waste even a second and was about to enter into Taehyung's room stopped hearing Taehyung yelling at Namjoon.

" GET THE FUXK OUT OF HERE " Namjoon sighed in relief when Jungkook opened the door and entered into the room " Hyung you can leave " Hearing Jungkook's soft, The angry frown on Taehyung's head instantly vanished and he looks at Jungkook, his cold gaze turning soft.

Namjoon nodded at Jungkook and walked out, Jungkook looks at Taehyung's figure, not of the bed sheets was stained with blood but also Taehyung's clothes, Jungkook rushed to him and pulled him into a hug, mowing Taehyung was angry inside but for Jungkook he was hiding it.

" It's okay Hyungie " Jungkook whispered to him, who stayed silent for sometime breathing heavily, Taehyung wasn't angry about losing the target but what he said to Taehyung was making him angry " Your little one is a beauty, I wonder how good he would look under me " Taehyung was about to slam his hands once again.

But Jungkook holds his hand " Stop Hyungie, stop hurting yourself...I can't see you like this " Jungkook whispered, his eyes filling with tears, after his parents, Taehyung is his only world and if something happens to him, how would he live...and seeing Taehyung in blood was like someone was stabbing him in his heart.

" I'm sorry little one " Taehyung whispered and lower his head, Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and made him face Jungkook's eyes " Calm form Hyung, everything is okay " Taehyung's anger finally banished, Jungkook stood up grabbing first aid from the nightstand...He treated Taehyung's hands first.

Wrapping bandage around his hands, He placed a small kiss on his hands, Who stared at Jungkook's worried face " Take off your shirt " Taehyung widen his's been 3 years since they are in a relationship but they never saw each other naked...and now " don't get wrong ideas in your head Hyungie

I have to treat your back " Jungkook said to him, who pouts....Kim Taehyung pouted " I thought-" Taehyung sighed and takes off his shirt, Jungkook treated his wounds who whimpers fakely to get Jungkook's attention, which was working too " P-petal " Jungkook finished and made Taehyung lay on bed.

He laid beside him " Hyungie, always remember I am always waiting for you.... don't hurt yourself in angry, it's hurts me too " Taehyung smiled and smashed his lips on Jungkook's, who gasped at Taehyung's sudden action.... Jungkook was about to respond but a knock disturbed them.

" Fu*king hell!" Taehyung scremed making Jungkook flinch, Taehyung realized his mistakes and kissed Jungkook's head " Sorry Petal " Taehyung whispered to him " Taehyung! What do you want to eat for dinner?" He heard Jin's voice " YOUR HUSBAND'S BONES " Jin scoffed and walked out.

Jungkook sighed, Taehyung connected their lips voice again, this time aggressively moving it one Jungkook " mhm " Jungkook wanted to say something but Taehyung squeezed his waist which made Jungkook gasp, taking the chance Taehyung slides his tongue into Jungkook's, who knew it was going to be a long night.

The End

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- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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