💕 Mafia in Love 💕 #2

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

Jungkook was in his room, working on his assignment...He was really worried about it...He had to write 100 pages on gangsters...weird but that's what he got for his topic... Jungkook heard his phone ringing, He grabbed his phone and saw his professor calling him...He picked up the call.

" Yes professor Shin?" He asked, bitting his lower lip....it has always been like this, Mr Shin is quite strict always scaring Jungkook " H-hello Jungkook my son " Jungkook frowns hearing his professor calling him son " Yes professor " Jungkook called him confused.

On the other hand, Taehyung was sitting inside Mr Shin's office.... leaning against his table, pointing his gun at Mr Shin who was kneeled before the ground sweating... While Taehyung's two men standing behind Taehyung, holding a white board, some dialogues written on it.

" How is your assignment going?" Hw asked looking at Taehyung nervously who nodded at him and sign him to continue " I'm sorry sir, B-but you know I can't do that easy...talking to gangsters " Taehyung smiled hearing Jungkook innocent scared voice " I have a really good man for you, that can help you " Mr Shin said.

Jungkook smiled a little, trying to ignore the fact his rude professor helping him " Really? That would be helpful Sir " Taehyung Chuckled silently " Y-yeah, His name is Kim Taehyung " Hearing that Jungkook widen his eyes a little...Kim Taehyung aka his crush.

" K-Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung mentally squealed loving how Jungkook called out his name " Y-yes, that brave, handsome...hot man " Mr Kim gulped reading the sentences from board, written by none other than Kim Taehyung himself, Jungkook blinked his eyes, feeling weird butterflies in his stomach.

Mr Shin hangs up the call and have it to Taehyung who nodded at him " Good and don't you dare tell anyone about this " Taehyung said to him who nodded his head in fear " Leave " Just as Taehyung said that, Mr Shin ran out... Jungkook was confused, Taehyung can help him?.

Taehyung was sitting on the couch, staring at his phone...He smiled seeing Jungkook's name being displayed...He picked up the call " Yes Jungkook " Taehyung said to him who was bitting his lower lip " H-hyung " Jungkook nervously talked to Taehyung about his assignment who instantly gave in.

" Yeah, okay I will see you tomorrow " Taehyung said to him and hangs up the call....He looks up seeing his men looking at him shocked...of course after all The Mafia King was smiling and not being arrogant or cold, He cleared his throat and looks at them " What? Get out " He said to them.

For next few days, Jungkook got to know a lot about gangster with the help of Taehyung....Even he couldn't understand why his professor gave him this concept at first place, He got close to Taehyung too and by now he knew Taehyung likes him back.

Like another usual day, Jungkook was walking back home from his college...But someone blocked his way...He looks up seeing a man smirking at him, Jungkook looks at him feeling uncomfortable " Excuse me " He tried to get away from him but the man grabbed his wrist.

Even Jungkook is sensitive and innocent, he knows how to take care of himself....He pushed him away who chuckled " Come on boy, I just want to date you " Jungkook tried to leave once again but that man stopped him again by now Jungkook was close to break down.

Taehyung was looking at everything, He wanted his Jungkook to punch the man but he knew Jungkook can never hurt someone... Sighing He made his way to them and pushed the man away standing in front of Jungkook...who was surprised yet reliefed to see Taehyung.

" Who the hell are you? " the man asked Taehyung, who sighed and took off his sun glasses....He moved his coat to put the sun glasses inside, which made his gun visible to the man...who widen his eyes, His dominate face turned into fearful one making Taehyung smirked.... Without waiting he ran away.

Jungkook looks at him shocked, Taehyung turned around and smiled at Jungkook " He is never going to trouble you " Taehyung said to him, who looks at him " b-" Before Jungkook could say something.... Taehyung dragged him towards the car " It's go, I will drop you " Taehyung said to him who was trying to stop him.

••• 2 years later •••

Taehyung was seated on his kind size bed, His face was bruise...while he was wearing a sleeveless shirt with black shorts... Jungkook came to him holding a first aid box in his hands... Jungkook sighed looking him who smiled sheepishly " You shouldn't have beat them Hyungie " Jungkook said to him.

" But they were staring at my baby " Jungkook rolled his eyes at his boyfriend , 2 years went by... somehow Jungkook got to know about Taehyung's Mafia life....But he still loved him, Because was always with him as Tae, not Kim Taehyung " I don't want to clean my wounds " Taehyung said turning away from Jungkook.

" Okay, no kisses for you than " Jungkook said Taehyung instantly turned around " Clean them " He said to him coldly who giggled at his boyfriend... Taehyung glared at him and pulled him on his lap who blushed " Come on baby, go on " Jungkook pouts and cleaned his wound.

Not long later, both of them got married, Taehyun still didn't knew about his brothers business and for him seeing his arrogant, cold brother dating and marrying his innocent friend was really shocking but still as a family...they lived happily ever after.

🐯 The End 🐰

Do you think I'm rude? 😶

How was it? Honestly I'm not good with fluff

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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