My Merman (Part 2 )

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Taehyung Pov 

I looked at the beautiful creature in front of me, his eyes were closed, maybe he was feeling dizzy because he told us that he never transforms before " Tae, lay him on the bed straight, I have to clean his wound " I nodded my head and laid him carefully, he was breathing heavily.

I grabbed the pillow and put it under his leg, to make him comfortable, I moved back and sighed looking at his leg, which was bleeding nonstop, Hoseok Hyung cleaned his wound... I looked at Jimin and Jin Hyung, they were smirking while looking at me.

I sighed once again " Done!" Hoseok Hyung said and smiled, Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at us " How are you feeling Jungkook ?" Namjoon Hyung asked him softly...He looked at us " P-paining " He said looked down while blushing.

we all chuckled at his cute behaviour " Let's introduce ourselves to Jungkook " Jin Hyung said, I nodded and went to stood beside him " Hey Jungkook, My Name is Namjoon " Namjoon Hyung said and gave him his dimple smile, But Hyung frowns when he noticed that Jungkook was looking at thighs " Wow " Jungkook said making everyone laugh. 

" Hey, I'm worldwide handsome Jin," Jin Hyung said and winked at him, I rolled my eyes  " Hey It's your hope Hoseok " He smiled widely making Jungkook smile too " Hey kid, the name is Yoongi, " Yoongi Hyung said, who was sitting on the sofa like a grandpa " I-is he a vampire ?" Jungkook asked us while pointing towards Yoongi Hyung.

Namjoon Hyung shook his head while smiling " No, he is not a vampire....but yeah he is cold like vampires " Jungkook just blinked his eyes " Hey I'm Jiminie " Jimin Hyung said and smiled, making his eyes disappear " And I'm Taehyung " I said smiling.

He looked at me " Handsome " He mumbled which I heard and tried not to smile.

Time Skip 

No one's Pov 

It's been There weeks since Jungkook is living with Taehyung and other's, Yes they all lives together, in there three weeks, surprising recovered very quickly....well for Bts...Jungkook has some power like he can read other's mind, recover fast and also control someone, weird right?

Taehyung and Jungkook became close, Jungkook love to spend time with Taehyung...and same goes for Taehyung, Jungkook knew that Taehyung likes him, of course, because of his mind-reading power, but he like the fact that Taehyung likes him....because he starts to fall for Taehyung too.

But also he was worried about his father...Taehyung was walking toward his room when he saw Jungkook looking at the sea while standing in the balcony....he frowns when he saw the sad face of the younger, Yes Jungkook is younger than Taehyung. 

Taehyung made his way toward him and tapped his shoulder softly making him startled " What are you doing? " Taehyung asked smiling, trying to cheer him up, Jungkook looked down and shook his head " Nothing," He said in a little voice, still looking down.

Just as Taehyung was about to say something but Jimin's voice interrupt them " Guys! Guys! Guys!" Jimin yelled while running toward them...hearing his loud voice, other's also came running towards the hall.

"What happened ?" Namjoon asked Jimin confused, who was breathing heavily " I found where Kookie's father is, " Jimin said slightly smiling.....Taehyung smiled and looked at Jungkook, who smiled widely...Jungkook went Jimin and grabbed his hands " Where is he ?" Jungkook asked smiling, Jimin took out his phone from his pocket.

He shows him the picture of his father in the water, but he was looking very weak " Papa " Jungkook mumbled and tried so hard not to cry, but failed Taehyung felt miserable looking at the younger's tears, He went toward the younger and hold his hand tightly.....Jungkook looked at Taehyung with his teary eyes ' Don't cry please '  Jungkook read Taehyung's mind and looked down.

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