☁️Full Moon 🌕

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Requested by : Daeguboys123

No one's Pov

Vampire, Many people gets scared hearing about them...They can easily kill you and make you like them...but is it really true? Yes...but not all vampires are bad, especially not Kim Taehyung....The most noble Vampire you would know, Sounds weird but that vampire doesn't like violence, especially not by his people.

His life changed when he met Jungkook, The boy having dreams of dating Taehyung...it was Weird seeing a boy following you in the middle of night smiling...Not long later both of them became friends, Weird thing for Taehyung who stayed 500 years alone, He saw how the world changed in front of his eyes.

And after 1 year of friendship, Jungkook and Taehyung finally starts dating....They were in love... Jungkook knew about Taehyung, he was different from all the others vampires, He do like blood...but only when he is weak " You are really sure about this?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who was laid in his arms.

Jungkook nodded his head and tilt his head, showing Taehyung his milky skin... Taehyung's eyes turned red and his fang came out...He dig his teeth in Jungkook's neck who moaned in pleasure and pain....He wanted Taehyung to mark him..When Taehyung finally stopped he pulled away licking the blood, a mark form on Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and placed butterfly kisses " Calm down " Finally Taehyung's eyes turned back to normal and he laid himself over Jungkook nuzzling his face in his neck " you are the best think ever happened to me " Taehyung whisper...

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Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and placed butterfly kisses " Calm down " Finally Taehyung's eyes turned back to normal and he laid himself over Jungkook nuzzling his face in his neck " you are the best think ever happened to me " Taehyung whispered to him who smiled.

" I don't want to lose you " He said to him, who frowns.... Taehyung was sounding sad... Taehyung lived alone for years, He lost many people in his life....He saw many of his Human friends dying...but now he don't want his love to leave him too, and especially he don't want Jungkook to get hurt by him.

" What happened? " Jungkook asked him, who just shook his head and pulled Jungkook closer " you have college tomorrow?" Jungkook hummed and ruffles the vampire's hair " Yeah only one class, it's really important " Jungkook said to him....there was a comfortable silence between them for sometime.

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