✨ Hate and Love at First Sight ✨

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Inspired by author's story ✌️😞 tho that happened years ago

No one's Pov

Jeon Jungkook, 17 years old, He was transferred to his new school...He stared at the school building in front of him, his Jin Hyung standing beside him " Go inside brat " Jin said to him, who glance at him " So you are not going inside with me like a big brother should do?" Jungkook asked him, Jin shakes his head.

" It's not like you will die if I won't go with you " Jungkook sighed and decided to leave, There is no way his brother would listen to him for once...He was walking, feeling scared looking at the crowed of many students, He had social anxiety because of his past, and not knowing someone in this new place was even hard.

He looked at some cool looking teenagers smoking, making him even more scared....He don't want the past to repeat, hope he won't find any bullies, He groaned when he was met with a hard bump with his shoulder....He looks up and was met with a gaze, making him annoyed " are you blind!" Jungkook was surprised.

This is the first time he ever speaks up loudly " Yes, your beauty made me blind " Jungkook scoffed, completely ignoring the deep voice of the boy in front of him " You new here " Jungkook sighed and without replying to him, he starts to move " Hey! That's rude " Taehyung followed him with whine " Come on pretty Boy, don't ignore me "

Taehyung said to him with a smirk, Jungkook ignored him and looks around for principal office, which Taehyung noticed " Are you looking for principal's office?" Taehyung was about to help him, but than Jungkook ignoring him he hesitantly made his way to a girl " Excuse me " He called her Nervously.

Who looks at him surprised " What a b- Yes " She said to him " I am new here, Can you tell me where is the principal's office ?" Taehyung looks at him in disbelief "I was helping you!" Taehyung said in a whining tone, Jungkook once again igenored him " Shut up Kim Taehyung " The girl said to him, who glared at her.

" My name is Mina, Come on let me show you " Mina said to him politely, shocking Taehyung " This witch being polite, Wow " Taehyung mumbled, Jungkook gives her a bright smile and thanked him, They starts to made their way toward the principal's office, Taehyung behind them.... Jungkook sighed, He wasn't like his Taehyung was following him.

For this day on wards, Taehyung was officially an annoying mosquito in Jungkook's life, For Jungkook it was hate at first sight but for Taehyung, when he was met with a cute bunny angry face, it was love at first sight for him...One month went by, Taekook's luck, Taehyung was Jungkook's seatmate, Mina was now Jungkook's best friend.

She was his role model, strong girl who can stand up for herself and her friends, For loving books Jungkook was called nerd and bookworm, even he was bullied but mostly Mina and Taehyung was there to save him, deep inside Jungkook was getting softly for Taehyung but still he won't show it to him.

" Even I never knew how much bees make honey, isn't it amazing?" Taehyung asked Jungkook with his wide boxy smile, making Jungkook smile mentally but still annoyed by Taehyung non sense facts about nature " but still mostly people don't get pure honey at their home " Jungkook said, they both was sitting in the garden of the school.

When Taehyung followed Jungkook and know they both was there, Jungkook reading his romantic book while Taehyung annoying him, it was lunch time, Jungkook asked his professor for off because he wasn't feeling well and he agreed because Jungkook was a bright student and fortunately professor's Favourite.

Taehyung looks at the window and saw their blad professor " Look Sir Bladdy " Jungkook scoffed at the nickname, but than he smirked at an evil idea" Mr Lee! Taehyung is calling yo-" Taehyung wide his eyes and instantly covered Jungkook mouth with his hands, Who brusted into giggles, seeing Taehyung's pale face.

" Thank God " Taehyung sighed in relief seeing Mr Lee didn't listened to Jungkook " I was about die " Taehyung said dramatically, making Jungkook roll his eyes " Oh Come on, You are being way to dramatic " Jungkook said to him, reading his book once again, Without saying anything to Jungkook, Taehyung leaned back on the tree, staring at Jungkook's pretty face.

••• 2 years later •••

Jungkook entered into Namjoon's house,beloved of his brother and maybe his future brother-im-law, Jin met Namjoon through Instagram and since than he never saw Namjoon's face but fell in love with him and now They was invited Jungkook and Mrs Jeon to meet Namjoon " please sit down " Namjoon's elder sister, Soomi said to Jungkook.

Who sat down with his mother, glancing around, wanting to see his Namjoon Hyung for the first time, They talked for sometime " Mom! Where is my-" hearing a familiar deep voice, Jungkook looks up, widening his eyes seeing Taehyung...his annoying mosquito of a classmate " Jungkook?" Taehyung said smiling widely.

Jungkook gives him an awkward smile, confused " You know him? " Soomi asked Taehyung " Yes My l- I mean friends " Taehyung said and gulped " Okay why don't you go with Taehyung and meet Namjoon, Jungkook?" Soomi said to him, talking to him with a baby tone ( believe me she was treating me like a baby and still do 😭)

Jungkook smiled shyly and nodded his head, Soomi cooed out loud at him, Taehyung instantly holds Jungkook's hand, dragging him away from living room " Slow down " Jungkook whined....They entered into a room " Namjoon Hyung " Taehyung called, Jungkook looks at the man with sparkling eyes " Pretty " He mumbled.

" Jungkook?" Namjoon gives him his dimple smile, after Namjoon and Jungkook's meet up, Namjoon noticed how dreamy stares Taehyung was giving Jungkook, he decided to ask Taehyung " I never knew you will be Taehyung's same Jungkook " Jungkook frowns " Huh?" He looks at them confused " Well Taehyung always talk about you " Jungkook blushed.

" Hyung!!" Taehyung whined making Namjoon chuckled " Okay fine fine " Namjoon said " By the way, Who is he to you Namjoon Hyung?" Jungkook asked him, Namjoon once again smiled " My cousin, whom I told you about " and that moment, Jungkook knew Taehyung is going to be an annoying mosquito forever in life.

The End

He is an annoying mosquito for me, nothing more 😌

Favourite part?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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