🥀 Silent Pain 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz......

Warning : Mension of Rape, Cheating, toxic people, Happy ending, not going to regret reading this oneshot

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Warning : Mension of Rape, Cheating, toxic people, Happy ending, not going to regret reading this oneshot

Requested by : duddu23

No one's Pov

Jungkook was living a normal life alone, Working hours to survive with his little brother Yeonjun...but all things changed when he was sold to the Mafia leader Kim Taehyung....He never wanted to do this but, He had to do it just for his brother, so he could have a bright future...ruining his life, He was making his brothers life perfect.

While on the other hand, Taehyung didn't cared about Jungkook....his eyes fall on the younger boy in a very un usual day where he was injured at Jungkook helped him, who knew his life will change after all of the mess " So you ready to be my salve " Taehyung asked smirking at the Boy.

Knowing Jungkook will agree, after all he has seen all the difficulties Jungkook is been through....and without knowing, Jungkook just nod.... Taehyung came back home in anger....He lost his mission, his eyes fall on Jungkook was in the kitchen making dinner for Taehyung.

It was obvious, Jungkook was not allowed to eat much, not till Taehyung order him.... Taehyung made his way to Jungkook and pulled the boy harshly by his wrist...And slammed Jungkook on the ground, whose head hit hard on the floor making him whimper and dizzy " W-What are your doing?"

He whispered out, feeling too weak to say anything....He was already used a lot a day before and had no energy left " Shut up!" Taehyung slapped him hard making Jungkook's eyes teared,  He hate it, but his brother....he can't stop thinking about his future, He was selfless... Taehyung unbulk his belt.

Hours he used Jungkook's body, He was so rough with him that blood starts to zone out of his hole.... Taehyung was too busy in pleasure to notice anything, and even he was not....it's not like he cared about Jungkook...All his mind was filled with Ego and Revenge.

Jungkook cries silently, when Taehyung left him on the cold floor naked, what was he expecting....It's his fault too, He agreed to this on the first face...But at least his brother was not suffering he was happily studying in his favourite college....That was enough for Jungkook.

Taehyung on the other hand made his way inside his father's mansion...who smiled widely looking at his son " Here comes my son " He hugged Taehyung tightly.... Taehyung was happy to know his father was now proud of him " How is he?" He asked Taehyung pulled away from Hug.

Taehyung looks at him, he was hopping that his father would ask him about his health but no " In pain...I did whatever you told me " Taehyung said to him with a fake smile " Good, make him suffer.... remember his parents killed your mother, take your revenge " Mr Kim smirked seeing his words effecting on him.

" But, It's not his fault...my mother died but his parents " Taehyung knew what he was doing to Jungkook was not right...but his father " was it your fault they made you suffer? Was it your fault they snached your mother away from you? Was it your fault? Remember because of them you cried day and night for you mother "

He was manipulating him Taehyung " You are right dad " Mr Kim smirked looking at Taehyung's eyes filling with anger, He made his way out of the house....one thing was sure, Taehyung is going to kill his father " He really things I'm an idiot " He mumbled under his breath, he already regret doing all the things to Jungkook.

He made his way inside the house, seeing Jungkook unconscious on the ground " Jungkook! " Taehyung rushed to him, checked his pulses, they were weak... Taehyung picked him up and walked out of the house....Later on Taehyung was in hospital, moving back and forth.

" Mr Kim " The doctor called him, who rushed to him " His organs damaged really badly and he lost a lot of blood...it's difficult to say when he is going to wake up " Taehyung felt even more guilty, Day by Day Taehyung was taking care of Jungkook... realizing he was such a monster to do such things to an innocent soul like Jungkook.

Taehyung broke his all relations with his father, who soon after died or was killed because he was trying to kill Jungkook...while taking care of Jungkook, Taehyung took care of Yeonjun...and not long later he realized how much he loves Jungkook.

An usual day, Taehyung made his way to hospital, holding a bouquet of flower...but it fall from his head when he found Jungkook's bed empty...He rushed outside and asked for Jungkook " He discharged today and just walked out not knowing where " Taehyung cursed.

Thinking about Yeonjun, He ran to his school....and once again found no one, days and nights went by, Taehyung realized how much he love Jungkook....He can't stop thinking about him... Jungkook took Yeonjun away, far from Taehyung...He didn't wanted to continue whatever happened.

Soon, Taehyung found out where Jungkook was....He was in America, How he got there? With the help of his cousin...the only person who really cared about Jungkook....but it was too late, Jungkook was already married to American man James....

but it was too late, Jungkook was already married to American man James

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He was Jungkook's therapist, who knew all about him...But still loves Jungkook the way he is...And Jungkook he was happy, Taehyung was staring at them far giggling together....and that day Taehyung de decided to leave Jungkook alone...He already suffering a lot because of him.

Taehyung soon lost all of things, guilt was drowning him day by day...his Mafia was also lost and soon he was killed my his rival.....But he had a smile when he died, knowing he deserved it, He got his Karam.

The End

I wanted to, try something, new

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