Bet ( Part 2 )

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Taehyung Pov

I was standing in front of college, waiting for bunny boy for our date....He saw him, he was looking beautiful...but I also saw Jin Hyung behind him, I sighed great....Jungkook smiled and waved at me with his cute small hands, I smiled towards him....I can't believe I fall in love with someone this easily.

" What the hell Taehyung! Stop playing with Jungkook " He angrily said...I glared at him " I'm not playing with him....I truly love him " I said to him, he sighed " how are you so sure Taehyung " I looked at Jungkook, who was staring at us confused " I love him and I'm 100% sure " I said looking at Jungkook and smiled.... who was confused but still smiled at me.

Why is he so cute, Jimin was right....Jungkook is the sweetest person " stop smiling like that....I'm warning you Taehyung, If you hurt him....I won't leave you " He said to me, I sigh...If course I won't hurt this presious person....I nodded my head and grabbed Jungkook's head.

He flinched a little, maybe that was unexpected for him...I leave his hand even I wanted to hold it for more " Bye " I said to Jin and start walking towards my bike....yes bike, I hate cars .

After some time

I took Jungkook for little bike ride, all the time he was holding me by my waist tightly, this was not for the first time, but I felt different...the way his head rested on my felt different, his smell made me calm

Then we went for little dinner, first he was hesitating, then when he start talking he didn't stop, but his voice was still least he talked to me, and I loved hearing him...I smiled with he giggled, I took notebook with me too, I will definitely learn Sign language for him.

I smiled with he giggled, I took notebook with me too, I will definitely learn Sign language for him

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( Who can not fall in love with this person? )

Now we were walking in a regular park, because it was almost 8pm, there were no kids in the park... suddenly he stopped walking...I turn around and saw him staring at me....I frowns and went to him " W-why?" He sounds like a baby honestly.

I frowns, he stare at me with his doe eyes " W-why you l-like me?" I chuckled, Seriously this innocent baby don't know why I like him...I took my little notebook from my coat and pen, I starting writing while he stare at me.

"Because it's you Jungkook "

He looks at me again, still confused , Aishhh, this baby....I again start writing...Wow it look like a speach.

" I will be honest with you Jungkook....I saw you 5 days ago in our college with Angry Yoongi and Jimin, I liked you right away, there was something in you I liked I want you to be my boyfriend "

He glared at me, did I....said something wrong " Y-yoongi hyung is m-my brother " I closed my mouth, controlling my laugh....This innocent boy and devil Yoongi brothers " W-what?" I shook my head and smiled at him.

'Will you be my boyfriend?'

He looked at me kinda shocked,I bites his lower, which I noticed he do mostly all of the time....maybe a habit of his? " O-ok " I smiled widely and hugged him" Thank you ...thank you " I said again and again even he can't hear me.

No one's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Taehyung and Jungkook start dating... everyone were shocked in the college, especially Jackson...He gave Taehyung money too, but Taehyung said that he start dating Jungkook because he love him, not for bet.....Taehyung entered into college while smiling...He was holding a box in his hand.

He saw Jungkook, buy he frowns When he saw Lisa with him " What the hell?" He mumbled to himself And went towards them...he clenched his fist in Angry when he heard what Lisa said " There is nothing good in deaf fuc-" He went towards Them, Lisa slapped Jungkook.

Taehyung pushed Lisa away in angry, making her fall on floor....Lisa's friends tried to pick him.... Taehyung turn around and saw Jungkook crying holding his cheeks, while his books on the floor....Taehyung went to him and hugged him caressing his back....and not forgetting to glare at Lisa.

Lisa scoffed " Oppa...he is just trying to creat a drama " She said...Yoongi and Jimin and also Jin came running to them....when they saw Jungkook crying, they immediately looked at Lisa  " Didn't we told you to stay away from Jungkook ?" Yoongi said Angrily " Yeah you already hurted him a lot " This time Jin said.

Taehyung frowns who was holding Jungkook in his arms " What do you mean by already?" He asked and looked at Lisa...Jimin sigh " This bitch here is hurting Jungkook again and again from past few days....Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was hugging him tightly and hiding his face in his chest.

" she threatened stay away from you.... luckily Jungkook wasn't able to hear her...but she..." Taehyung glared at him " But she what?" He yelled at him.... making everyone flinch... except Jungkook, who was still crying " She....cut his arm with a blade " Taehyung wide his eyes and checked his boyfriend's arms...he saw many wounds.

Taehyung looked at Lisa...who was looking very nervous now " didn't I told you to stay away !" Taehyung shouted.... Everyone were shocked to see him " Oppa-" Lisa tries to touch him but Taehyung slapped him...He was about to again But Jungkook grabbed his hands.

Taehyung eyes soften when he looked at Jungkook, who shook his head " D-don't " Taehyung sighed and grabbed his hands....He glared at Lisa last time and went with Jungkook.... Jungkook tried to stop him but Taehyung didn't stop....they went towards the rooftop.

Jungkook looked at angry Taehyung, who was rubbing his head, trying to clam himself " I-is it true?" Jungkook asked in small voice....Taehyung looked at him confused " I-is it true....y-you are just with me....b-because of a bet " Taehyung shook his head and wipes his tears.

" Of course not....okay Jackson offered me but I truly love you " Taehyung sign to him....Yes! He learned sign language for Jungkook, Just in 2 weeks " P-promise ?" Jungkook said, while wiping his tears with his silives...Taehyung nodded his head and hugged him tightly.

" I remember " Taehyung mumbled and pulled away from the hug....He took out the box and showed it to Jungkook...there were two matching couple rings....Jungkook put on ring of Jungkook's finger and other on his own....Jungkook did the same and smiled.

The End

I don't know what I wrote....forgive me

Thanks for reading.

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- I purple you 💜

- author Nim 🐰

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