Doctor Kim ❣️ Lawyer Kim

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Ignore my mistakes plz....


No one's Pov

" Any new case for me officer Namjoon?" Taehyung asked the police officer.... Taehyung is a prosecutor and lawyer...He is really professional when it comes to his work....He loves his job...He always knows how to work properly " Actually yes Taehyung " Namjoon said to him and sighed.

Taehyung frowns at him " Is something wrong?" He asked him who looks at him " It's your own husband who filed this case " hearing that Taehyung panicked " wait, What? " Taehyung asked him " He is sitting outside go and see it yourself " Without waiting any time.

Taehyung rushed out of the room...He saw his husband, Jeon Jungkook almost about to kill the officer " Look Mr Kim please calm down " The officer said to him nervously " Calm down! I want him behind those bars! You understand !" He said slamming his hands on the table...scaring the police officers.

" Kook " Taehyung called him, hearing his husband's voice... Jungkook tilt his head and saw him approaching him " Tae " Jungkook stood up, Taehyung noticed a red mark on his cheek and cupped his face " What happened to you? Why are you here? Did someone hurt you? What is this mark ?" Taehyung attacked him with wuestions.

Jungkook sighed and stopped him " I'm okay, but something happened I'm hospital " Jungkook and Taehyung married 3 years ago... their Marrige was arrange but now they both love each other unconditionally... Taehyung is a lawyer Meanwhile Jungkook a successful doctor.

Taehyung noticed that his husband was still in his doctor's outfit " What happened?" Taehyung asked him and lead him to his office...The cops sighed in relief when they left.... Taehyung sat Jungkook down on the chair and explained him everything " Mental patient...He attacked all the doctor that's why I got this mark

But, Doctor Hoseok got injured badly because of that...So I was here to complain about that idiot " Jungkook said to him who sighed " Kook, we can't file a case on mental person " Taehyung said to him who pouts " but there is no one left for Hobi...we don't know about his family or anything " Jungkook said to him.

" You really don't know?" Taehyung asked him at which Jungkook frowns" What?" He asked him " Hoseok broke all the ties with his family last year...well we don't know the reason " Taehyung said to him who lower his head " Can't we just find them without Hoseok Hyung knowing?" Jungkook asked him.

Sighing Taehyung was about to deny it but when Jungkook looks at him with puppy eyes and pouty lips " Okay Fine don't give me that look " Jungkook smiled at him widely and hugged " But for now Mr have to do something about your mark " Taehyung said to him.

" Just kiss it better Mr Lawyer " Jungkook said to him, hugging his waist and looking at him pouting.... Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully...his husband is not shy at all he is really bold... Taehyung leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his mark " Come on now...let me drop you to hospital "

••• Time Skip •••

Lawyer and Doctor husbands entered into Hoseok's apartment...Somehow they got the key from Hoseok " Let's see if we can find something " Jungkook said to him....He was still wearing his doctor outfit while Taehyung in his suite, just to get in role " I will go and check his room " Taehyung said to him.

Jungkook nodded his head and looked around the living room....He found some weird letters, not only letters... Love Letters " Hoseok Hyung liked a girl?" He mumbled.... Taehyung on the other hand looks around the room...He saw some posters of acting auditions... which will be held on today.

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