❣️ Heart Eyes ❣️ #1

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

" TAEHYUNG SIR! MR KIM!" A sweet voice was yelling in the big crowd of students... trying to call out his idol, his favourite singer, Kim Taehyung...3 years, it's been 3 years since Jungkook starts listening to Kim Taehyung...His voice makes his inner self happy.

It's was a special day of Jungkook's life, He couldn't believe his idol was coming to his college for a speech...He couldn't sleep all night...just wanted to hear him for once...in reality and not through those headphones he usually do.

" I'm your really big fan Mr Kim! Please " Unfortunately Taehyung couldn't hear him in a shuttering voices of girls shouting.... Jungkook pouts when Taehyung was already gone...He sighed heavily and tried to sit back down on his chair buy gasp when he felt thighs.

" Don't worry Kiddo, it's me " Hearing the similar voice of his none other than his " Yoonie Hyung " Yoongi smiled at his best friend's cuteness " it's me this time, next time be careful " Jungkook nodded and smiled " Come on, let's go " Yoongi helped him standing on his feet.

And hand him his blind-cane " Let's go to garden " Jungkook nodded having a big smile on his face, like always....Even though, Jungkook was the most brightest boy in his college even around his area but unfortunately he lost the brightness of his beautiful eyes at the age of 5.

Whenever he remembers about the day he got into an accident and the day he lost father along with his eyes...He breaks down, but he never let his head down, He is always confident and happy boy " I brought something for you " Yoongi said to him.

He takes off Jungkook's blind glasses who whined " Hyungie! What are you doing?" Yoongi shushed him and puts on a special glasses, He chuckled looking how cut the male was looking in those glasses.

He takes off Jungkook's blind glasses who whined " Hyungie! What are you doing?" Yoongi shushed him and puts on a special glasses, He chuckled looking how cut the male was looking in those glasses

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" So cute " Yoongi cooed and squeezed Jungkook's cheeks who whined " Waeee! Stop " He pouts...Yoongi chuckled " wear these instead " Jungkook sighed and nodded his head...There was a little silence when Yoongi finally breaks it by speaking.

" So how was your meeting with your idol?" Yoongi asked but he saw how Jungkook pouted " He didn't even noticed " Yoongi sighed heavily " I told you " Jungkook whined " b-but I wanted to talk to him a-and tell him how much I love him " Jungkook pouts...Yoongi sighed.

He takes out a paper from inside his coat and grabbed Jungkook's hand placing it on Jungkook's palm, closing his fist... Jungkook frowns " What is this ?" Jungkook asked him who cleared his throat " your idol's number " Yoongi said to him who widen his eyes.

" How did you get this!" Jungkook asked panicked and Shocked " Well, One punch was enough to get his number from his manager " Yoongi said unbothered meanwhile Jungkook widen his eyes " YOONGI HYUNG"

••• Time Skip •••

Taehyung graoned when he heard his phone ringing once again...He picked up the call " I'm told you not to call me Jin Hyung!" He sat up on the bed, But instead of hearing Jin's voice, He heard another voice " Kim T-Taehyung?" Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Taehyung frowns.

" Yes? May I know who you are?" He asked to the unknown person " my name is Jungkook, I'm your really big fan " Taehyung sighed heavily, another day another call from one of his fan, he was about hang up the call but stopped " please please! Don't block me " Taehyung stopped.

Somehow, He couldn't and how Jungkook was pleading him made him stop " Yes?" He asked " I just wanted to say, when I heard you singing in my university, I was so happy... but unfortunately couldn't talk to you " Taehyung hummed, a sign for Jungkook to continue.

" Can I please talk to you sometimes?Like this? Please please please " Unknowingly a smile form on Taehyung's face " Okay okay, stop " He heard some squeals from the other side " okay, don't no need to celebrate, I might change my mind " Taehyung said, Getting up from his bed.

" No! No! you can't, Ah aha " Taehyung chuckled " look, you might can be my creepy stalker, I can't trust you this soon " Taehyung said looking at himself in mirror " noo,I'm not a stalker...how can I follow you when I can't control my steps " Jungkook giggled making Taehyung frowns.

" What do you mean?" Taehyung asked confused " Nothing! " Talking to Jungkook, Taehyung felt all of his stress release, He was smiling a lot....and that he was happy after years of being alone.

Days went by, Jungkook and Taehyung talked a lot, even tho Jungkook never told Taehyung about being him blind, and Taehyung..he never saw Jungkook still he got attached to Jungkook...But deep inside, He always though, Jungkook loved and liked him because of his face, in his past he still remembers How everyone like him just because of his face.

Taehyung was sitting his his balcony, deep in thoughts..He shook his head, Just then his phone ring " Hello " Without saying anything he picks up the call knowing who it must be " Oh! You picked the call really fast " Taehyung hummed " seems like you don't want to talk " Taehyung sighed heavily.

" I'm stressed, okay? "Taehyung said which was quite rude, There was a moment of silence on the other side " I-I talk to you later than " Jungkook said his voice shaking, Taehyung sighed heavily " No, don't call me ever again " Before Jungkook could say something else, Taehyung hangs up the call.

He don't know what got into him, all he was thinking about his past...How he was used because of his appearance and than was thrown away like a trash...Even tho he wanted to trust Jungkook and Belive the male was sincere and not fake like others...but he was ignore the fact.

Jungkook liked him because he was a singer, Jungkook likes him because of his face and appearance, Right?.

On the other hand, Jungkook was sad, How can the elder talk to him like this?, By any chance did he annoyed the elder? he troubled him maybe? He sighed heavily and laid back on his bed..He was deep in thoughts " I shouldn't disturb him again, He must be annoyed and hate me now " Jungkook mumbled.

He closed his eyes and fall asleep, Once again thinking about the elder...same goes for Taehyung, but the difference was he couldn't sleep because of the thoughts of the younger...Did he actually fall for him? How is that possible? But what he did...He talked to him rude, when he realized that he sighed.



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- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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