🥀 Right 🥀 Person 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Read the last one first please

Warnings : .....None?

Requested by : Daeguboys123

No one's Pov

Kim Taehyung got married to Jungkook, a simple boy, grown up in a village...who was always taught to respect his husband...He was not innocent but not fool to know that his husband hates him....How could Taehyung love him when it was arrange Marrige....He got married to CEO of biggest company in Korea.

To that man, who is arrogant, workholic and thinks only about his work...He got ego after getting success in young age...and Taehyung, He doesn't Belive in Marrige...how could he when his own parents split up divorcing each other, Taehyung was grown up with his Grandfather.

And one of the reason why Taehyung married Jungkook, His Grandfather loved Jungkook a lot...He wanted them to get married.....and they did and not long later....his grandfather passed away..... making Taehyung hate Jungkook even more...He think Jungkook is a curse in his life.

Jungkook placed Taehyung's breakfast on the dinning table...Just than Taehyung came down from his room " Taehyung, breakfast " Jungkook called him softly... Taehyung stopped and looks at him, He scoffed and made his way to Jungkook....He grabbed the food and throw it on the ground.

" I don't want to eat your disgusting food " Saying this he walked away, Jungkook's eyes filled with tears...He should get used to it by now...after all in 2 years of marriage.... Taehyung never ate food made by Jungkook....always insulting him and throwing the food away.

Insulting Jungkook, making him hurt...But Jungkook was stubborn...He kneeled down and picked up the thrown food...on the other hand, Taehyung felt a little bad but once again thinking about his Grandfather's death made him angry " That cursed boy deserves it " Mumbling that he drived away.

Deep down Taehyung knew, His Grandfather's death was just a tragic accident.... Jungkook was not the one to blame.... Taehyung sighed and drove to his company...He entered into his office and instantly heard a notification coming from his phone...He grabbed his phone and saw a message from Jungkook.

" don't forget to eat your lunch and take your medicine "

Taehyung rolled his eyes, Taehyung was suffering from heart disease...His heart was a bit weak compared to normal human body, it was not serious but still Taehyung's needed medicines to make his heart healthy.... Jungkook always reminded him.

••• Time Skip •••

The day of  Taehyung's birthday came, Jungkook was smiling slightly packing the cake he made for Taehyung with his own hands....He knew Taehyung is not going to accept it but He wanted to give him a special gift... Jungkook made his way to Taehyung's company, He was holding the cake and an envelope in his hand.

He entered into Taehyung's room seeing him working, Taehyung looked up when he felt someone entered into his office " What the hell do you think you are doing! Get out of my office " Taehyung yelled away him... Who flinched slightly but than put on a fake smile on his face.

" Happy Birthday Tae " Jungkook said to him and placed the cake on his table who looks at him furiously " Get out, Don't waste my time " Taehyung said to him in anger... Jungkook looks him, Giggling a little.... Which sound so sad to Taehyung " please you are going to love your gift for sure Hyung " Jungkook said to him.

Who frowns " Happy Birthday Tae " He said and hand Taehyung envelope....Who frowns and takes out the paper, widening his eyes Divorce Papers " I love you so much Hyung, I am never going to forget about you...It's going to hurt me leaving you but for me your happiness comes first...best of luck be happy always "

Jungkook said to him, holding back his tears...but Taehyung saw the moist in Jungkook's eyes..who bend a down and placed a small kiss on Taehyung's forehead.... Jungkook turned his heels and walked away hurriedly, not wanted to break down in front of his love.

Taehyung was too shocked to say anything, He should be happy.... Jungkook decided to leave him and was now out of his life but why was his heart cleanching...In the evening when Taehyung got to his mansion, He found it all dark...He wasn't feeling warm like he always do.

Unconsciously he made his way to kitchen, Where he always met Jungkook smiling at him... welcoming him even after Taehyung hurted him a lot...He always heared Jungkook's hurtful sobs coming from guestroom because He himself kicked Jungkook out of his room on their wedding night .

Taehyung saw food placed on the dinning table, With a red paper placed on the dinning table, Red , Jungkook's favorite color....He hurriedly unfold it and starts to read it..


Hey Tae,

I forgot to tell you one more thing, I placed your medicines on the nightstand and I ordered new online, you will get them by tommorow... never skip your meals okay? And take your medicines too...and I'm sorry I broke your favourite watch but I brought the new one too...please forgive me

Also, I love you forever Tae....I'm sorry for not being the best husband for you...I wish you found the right one for you, Who you will be able to love....Be Happy

- Jungkook


Taehyung cried holding the letter close to his chest, How could he do that to Jungkook...He realized so late that he loves the boy...The same boy he though He hates to core...We always realize the love for the people dear to us when it's too late but Taehyung he is not going to give up.

He grabbed his car keys and rushed to his car, He drove towards Busan, To the place where Jungkook used to live with his mother.... For hours of driving Taehyung stopped the car before Jungkook's house.....He rang the bell hurriedly and after a few minutes the door opened.

Taehyung's heart cleanched seeing Jungkook's teary face...His nose turned red and eyes swollen Indicating that he was trying for hours.... Jungkook stared at Taehyung shocked before he could say something... Taehyung pulled him into a tight hug.

" Forgive me, I'm so sorry for hurting you " Taehyung whispered to him again and again.... Jungkook was too shocked to say anything.... Taehyung was hugging him...not only hugging him but he was apologizing... Taehyung pulled away and looks at his husband, his himself filling with tears.

" Please give me a second chance Jungkook, I love you " Jungkook broke down into tears...for 2 years he was dying hear those words from Taehyung's mouth and finally Taehyung did " Please forgive me " Taehyung whispered to him and hugged Jungkook once again..

Thinking a lot, Jungkook finally nodded his head slightly nuzzling his face in Taehyung's shoulder.... because even God forgives the mistake of people....Days went by Taehyung was taking care of Jungkook with love...and Jungkook he couldn't he more happier.

Taehyung finally realized, Marrige and Love is a beautiful feeling...Only needs a right person to love.

🐯 The End  🐰

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- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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