My Merman ( Part 3 )

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

" who is she hyung ?" Jungkook asked Jin and Jimin, they were sitting inside the car waiting for Taehyung who was talking with Lisa, more likely arguing with her....Jin sighed " Tae's ex girlfriend " Jin said and leaned back on the seat.

' calm down....he said ex ' Jungkook thought to himself but frowns when he noticed Jimin's angry face " why are you angry hyung?" Jungkook asked him concerned " That bitch cheated on Taehyung on his birthday...and now she is back to hurt him even more " there was so much anger visible in his voice.

" Hyung can you please explain me if you don't mind?" Jungkook asked him with puppy eyes which no one can resist " Of course kookie...after all he is your fu-" Jimin got interrupted by Jin who closed his mouth with his hands " Hehehe, he said nothing " Jin nervous said.

But little did they know Jungkook heard what they thought in their mind ' control...control Jungkook' Jungkook thought to himself " So her name is Lee Lisa....she was, was Taehyung's best friends....they start dating last year on July I guess " Jin paused and sighed.

" But she cheated on him, on his birthday....4 weeks ago, the day before he found you " Jungkook frowns ' you broke up with his girlfriend the day before he found it fate ?" He thought to himself blushing, Jimin and Jin looked at him " Jungkook....Jungkook " Jimin called his name but Jungkook was deep in his thoughts.

Planing his wedding with Taehyung " Jungkook!" Jimin yelled...Jin closed his ear " Huh?...Huh?" He was confused " What are you thinking ?" he asked him softly...Jungkook shook his head " Nothing " He mumbled...Taehyung opened the car door and sat beside Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was looking really really, and smiling ' he is not upset?' The three "J's" thought to themselves " aren't you upset or angry Tae?" Taehyung's soulmate decide to ask him..Taehyung shook his head smiling slightly.

" Nope...she said she wanted another chance, but I told her that that'd impossible because I alright love someone else" He said and took a glance at Jungkook who felt bad " Let's go hyung... because of her we are already late " He said and sat a little more closer with Jungkook.

After 30 minutes they reached their house, Mansion to be exact " Hyung...who is it?" Jungkook asked , Taehyung looked at him " who? " He asked him confused " I mean, the person you like " Jungkook asked and looked down...Taehyung chuckled and grabbed his hand " you will know soon.

Taehyung took Jungkook in the back of his house " Papa " Jungkook happily shouted when he saw his father in the ocean looking at him smiling...Jungkook jumped inside the water and went to hug his father tightly " are you okay? Did they hurt you ?" Jungkook attacked him with questions.

" I'm fine , I'm fine " his father said chuckling... Everyone smiled looking at them " that young human saved me " His father said and points toward Taehyung " human " Jungkook giggled and caress his father's cheeks "'s all my fault " Jungkook said and looked down feeling back for what happened.

" no my wasn't your fault that you are unique one...and thank God they didn't took you " His father said and smiled...Jungkook pouts " Hey young human " His father called Taehyung softly, Jungkook giggled when he saw Taehyung's nervous face.

" yes sir " Taehyung asked, His father grabbed his hand and gave him his son's hand " take care of him forever " Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him confused " it's better for you to stay here as a human and not as a merman...they are looking for you...because your the last one as your type in this whole world " His father said and paused.

" it's really dangerous for you "Taehyung looked at Jungkook cleanching his hand " and it's better for you to stay with them " Jungkook sobbed and nodded his head " And of course...I'm always here because this property is on his handsome young human....nobody can enter here right" Taehyung nodded his head smiling .

" But what about Mr Crab ?" Suddenly Jungkook asked " did he just said crab?" Namjoon asked his boyfriend...who face palmed " there he is " his father points toward a rock where a crab was sitting looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled...For next hour they all talked about new life and all, His father and others will always be there in this sea...and Jungkook can always swim with them " Jungkook....I want to talk to you " Taehyung said looking at Jungkook...who nodded his head.

They walked for a little while and then stopped in the garden inside their house " I know it's pretty early but I love you " Jungkook blushed " When I first saw you and touched you I felt sparkle in my whole body and I forgot about Lisa....I know you know everything about them" Jungkook nodded his head.

" So will you make me the happiest person in the world and be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked nervously...Jungkook smiled widely and hugged Taehyung,which was unexpected fort Taehyung " I love you too " He said shyly and hide his head in Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung chuckled and cupped his face in his warm hands " Thank you " he said and pulled him into a kiss , passionate his...only love their lips moved in sync ' What the hell ' Jungkook heard someone's mind's voice..He opened his eyes and saw Lisa behind them looking so angry.

Jungkook smirked mentally and by controlling her eyes she made her fall in the swimming pool, Taehyung heard Lisa screams and pulled away from the kiss...he warp his arms around Jungkook's waist and turn toward Lisa " Good...swim in the cold water " Taehyung said chuckling.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and they start walking towards their room ignoring Lisa...Taehyung and Jungkook fall on the bed hugging each other tightly " I love you " Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook mumbled a little ' I love you too ' as he was sleepy...Taehyung chuckled and fall asleep with His little Merman.

The End

Dispointed right?

I'm sorry :(

Thanks for reading 🙂

- I purple you 💜

- author nim 🐰 I

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