Pure 🥀 Soul

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Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

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Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

Jungkook is a girl in this oneshot ( Jungkookie )

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Requested by : taetaekook1998

No one's Pov

Jeon Jungkookie, She belongs from a middle class family..she may be not rich but her heart...It's made of gold...she is rich from her heart one of the reason why everyone loves her in college...But her goal was only studies...She wanted to make her father proud...She is most beautiful her in her college.

One of the reason why everyone loves her, But at the same time she is best in everything...supports, singing, arts and even dancing...She is a perfect wife martial for anyone " Thanks for the not Kookie " Jungkookie looks up from her book and smiled at the boy, grabbing her notes from him.

" No problem John " She said to him softly smiling, who walked away blushing...This is not new for her...it has always been like this....She was bullied when she first joined college for being poor...but than when everyone got to know how pure her soul is...They apologized to her.

Which she gradually forgive them, Jungkookie stood up from the bench...She was sitting in garden before...not seeing a boy's eyes fixed to her...He smiled hidden behind the tree smiling dreamily seeing her walking away " You need to confess to her soon " He turned around.

Looking at his friends " B-b-" he tried to say something but his friend stopped him " Joon ki...Do it before it's too late " Joon ki looks at Jungkookie who was walking towards her class.....He sighed and nodded his head " Fine Fine, Let's leave for now " He said to him and walked away.

After college, Jungkookie went straight to home...With studies, She manage a part time job in a cafe too " Good evening " She said to the new customers coming...That's her daily life...She was always too busy in work not noticing some pair of eyes watching her every move in cafe.

When Jungkookie got home, she was met with her father. . rushing here and there " Appa, What happened?" She asked him who stopped and looked at her " Kookie, go and get ready....there is a guest coming today " She frowns and opened her mouth to ask him but he stopped her.

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