My Merman

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Requested by: @MinYuna22

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No one's Pov

" Jimin ! Jimin ! " A man with brown hair shouted for someone named 'Jimin ' , eyes wide and fixed looking at something " What is it Tae i was-" a man with black hair said , but he stopped when he noticed , his friend Tae looking at something with wide eyes....he followed his gazw and was 30 times more shocked then the brown hair man .

" holy shit !" Jimin shouted ,while Taehyung was mesmerized by looking at the creature, A Merman,laying on the beach  Taehyung was about walk towards him with Jimin stopped him " Don't Tae , it Can be dangerous for us" Jimin said scared..Taehyung looked at him " look at the thing tho....what is this?" Taehyung asked him , standing a little far from it .

Jimin sighed and looked at the Merman carefully ,large flukes, a long tail of blue,pink , yellow and  light purple to blend in, the tail was quite Whimsy , but really shiny .

Jimin sighed and looked at the Merman carefully ,large flukes, a long tail of blue,pink , yellow and  light purple to blend in, the tail was quite Whimsy , but really shiny

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" its a merman" Jimin said shocked...he turn his head toward Taehyung to see his reaction, but he frowns when he saw him looking at him with dreamy eyes " Taehyung? " he slightly shouted his name to get his attention, which he successfully got " Yeah yeah " Taehyung said blinking his eyes " It's a merman " Jimin once again said .

" how are you so sure " Taehyung asked him confused , because he only heard about mermaids or merman in stories, Jimin sighed " His upper body and head is like human males and lower body is like a fish...of course its a merman " Jimin said in a duh tune , Taehyung nodded and once again start walking toward the merman,Jimin tried to stop him but Taehyung ignored him .

Taehyung wasn't able to see his face , because his face was covered with his long black hairs...he moved his eyes on his lower...he felt bad when he saw wounds on his chest and arms ...he looked at his tail , there was a very big hook deep in his tail,and blood running down his tail " Jimin go call Hoseok hyung...he is injured" Taehyung said panicked " What?" Jimin asked confused " i said he is injured ,call Hoseok hyung" Taehyung said , this time getting angry .

Jimin nodded and went to the room , which was top on the hill, and was owned by non other than Kim Taehyung, Taehyung carefully picked up the merman in bridle style ....he lost when he looked at the merman face , beautiful face but little wounds too, still his eyes were covered with his soft long hairs.

Taehyung carefully laid down him on his bed, he grabbed a chair and put it right beside the merman , he sat on the chair and looked at the merman ( it feels so weird) , He was about to move his hair away from his face to see his face clearly but Jimin entered into the room , with Hoseok behind him " What were you doing?" Jimin asked him ,when he noticed Taehyung's hands ,almost touching the other's face .

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