One Sided Love (Bonus Part)

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

No one's Pov

" Come on Tae! We are getting late!" Lisa shouted from out side the house... It's been 3 years since Jungkook left everyone....he never called everyone, Jimin and Jin already knew the younger wanted to stay away from Taehyung and also from his past....and finally they all made a plan to visit Jungkook in Busan " Coming!" Taehyung yelled from inside the house.

Lisa got starlted when she heard a loud car horn behind her, She instantly turned around and saw Jin and Jimin in the car waving at her...She waved back with a smile " Kim Taehyung!" Lisa shouted and Taehyung locked the door, running towards her " Sorry " He smiled sheepishly at her.

Time Skip....

The tiro reached the place and the first thing they saw was an old woman scolding someone kids " Granny " Lisa grins and ran towards the woman " Because of Jungkook ,you all are spoild a lot " Lisa hugged her tightly from back, which made her starlted... Taehyung, Jimin and Jin were standing their awkwardly....Lisa pulled away from the hug and face his grandmother who smiled at her.

" Lisa! You scared me " She said and chuckled...her eyes fall of three men standing there looking at them " and who are these young mens " oh them...he is Taehyung, Jimin and Jin " Lisa introduced them to her.... Grandma's eyes were fixed on Taehyung..but after few seconds she shook her head " Come you all...get inside " She said to them..Jimin was the first one to enter the house after Grandma.

"where is Jungkook?" Jimin asked when he noticed that Jungkook was not in the house " Jungkook? He went out with his friends.....he planned a birthday party for his birthday which is.... Tommorow, yes Tommorow " Grandma said, Jimin and Jin smiled hearing that....they were happy with that Jungkook finally made some friends.

" How did you decide to visit here lady? 3 years " Grandma said and sat beside them " I just missed you and decided to visit you here " Lisa said smiling sheepishly....before Grandma could say something, a very sweet voice intrrupted them " Granny, why is there a car in front of our house....that car is blocking sunlight for my flowers " Jungkook entered into the living room and gasped looking at everyone.

Everyone gasped 3 times more than Jungkook.... Jungkook changed a lot..the fluffy baby was now build up and his hairs were long, almost touching his shoulders " Wha-" Jungkook was cut off when Jimin and Jin attacked him with tight hug.... Taehyung was staring at Jungkook all of the time " We missed you Kookie!" Jungkook giggled.

" I missed you too Hyungs " He said to them...After some time they pulled away from the hug, looking at him " Wow, you changed a lot " Jimin said to him shocked while Jin Already taking pictures of his " Baby brother!" Lisa hugged him,who smiled widely after meeting her sister after years " Wow, my baby brother looks sexy " Lisa said pulling away from the hug.

Last person was Taehyung..who Slowly came in front of Jungkook " Hey Hyung!" Jungkook waved at him, showing him his bunny smile.... Taehyung wanted to hug him, but he stopped when he saw Jungkook walking towards his Grandmother " Granny, Yoongi Hyung gave this for you " He said and sighed...Jimin and Jin were surprised to see him like this but something was different this time.

There was no sparkle in Jungkook's eyes which once was used to be in his eyes while staring at Taehyung, but for someone else when he said his name " That boy, seriously " Grandma chuckled and put the fresh apples on the table...time went by, It was night time...The trio talked a lot, mostly Taehyung was starting at Jungkook, amazed by the cute bubbly Jungkook all mature but smiley.

" Okay Lisa will sleep with me, Jin, Jimin and Jin will sleep in Jungkook's room " Grandma said to them... Everyone nodded their head with a smile....They all went inside the room, while Lisa and Grandma " Hyung, I will sleep on the floor..two people can sleep in the bed while one on the couch " Jungkook said to them while taking out some blankets and pillows from his closet.

They all looked at him " No Kookie, sleep on the bed "Jin said to him  Jungkook shook his head " No Hyung, it's okay " Jungkook set the matress and put the blankets on the bed and one on his matress " Goodnight Hyungs!" Jungkook said to them and laid on his matress....Jin and Jimin slept on the bed while Taehyung on the couch in front of Jungkook.

So everyone fall was mid night when Jungkook noticed someone knocking on the window.... Jungkook sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes.... he turn his head towards the window and his sleep flew away, he gasped and looked around...He stood up and went towards the window...he opened the window and was met with freezing Yoongi.

" hyung, what are you doing here!" He whispered yelled at him whose body was completely shaking... Jungkook ran back inside and grabbed the blankets running back to Yoongi, warping the blankets around Yoongi " I-I w-wanted t-to see you " He said to Jungkook, who sighed " Hyung! It's 1am and it's freezing!" Jungkook whispered yelled again.

" I know,but I hurted you earlier...I wanted to apologise " He said now finally breathing normally... Jungkook hit him with his tiny fists " Idiot! I knew you were just upset...I didn't mind " Jungkook said caressing his cheeks...who sighed in relief " I actually thought to were angry " they both talked a night, without noticing that someone heard them.

Next Day....

Everyone went with Grandma to help her in the field... except Jungkook and Jimin...they were cleaning the kitchen when Jimin stopped Jungkook " Jungkook who was that boy yesterday in the night?" Jimin asked him,who stopped working and turn to look at Jimin " You heard everything?" Jungkook asked him, who nodded his head.

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and dragged him towards the couch " My boyfriend " Jimin chocked on nothing but his breath..... Jungkook stares at him not surprised " When I first came here, I met him...he told me Meaning of love doesn't mean making that person yours, love is that If that person don't love you and you let him go, One sided feelings is the pure feeling, where a person love the other in silence " Jungkook paused for a moment and looks at Jimin.

Who was listening to Silently " After two years of friendship he asked me on a date, and I don't know when I developed feelings for him....he changed me, And last month we started dating " Jungkook who him, giving him his bunny smile " What was he talking about? hurting?" Jimin asked him again, curious about the yesterday talk between them... Jungkook giggled " That? He yelled at me...he was just stressed that's why I didn't mind " Jungkook said to him.

Jimin smiled and ruffled his hair " Bun, I bring these for you " Both Jimin and Jungkook turn around and they saw Yoongi with banana milk " Thanks hyung " Jungkook went to him and kissed his cheeks who gave him his gummy smile... Jimin smiled looking at them " I'm glad You are happy Jungkook " Jimin thought to himself looking at him.

" some Love stories starts after first heart broke "

The End

It came out bad, sorry for such a bad bonus chapter :(

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world🌈

- I purple you 💜

-author Nim 🐰

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