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" Where Taehyung's Ex-Girlfriend insulted and slapped pregnant  Jungkook...not knowing Jungkook Taehyung's love of life and his lovely husband "

-Top Tae
- Bottom Kook

Requested By : brattyvk


No one's Pov

Taehyung opened his eyes,his eyes fall on his beautiful husband Kim Jungkook...His smiled curved into a beautiful smile...He leaned towards him and kissed him on his head...

Taehyung met Jungkook 5 years ago in a business party, that day Jungkook's innocent eyes attracted him a lot, he came to know how Jungkook lived alone after his parents death with his little brother, Few months they met through Jungkook's ex boss and Taehyung's business partner meetings... They fell in love and married each other after 2 years.

4 months ago, Jungkook and Taehyung found Jungkook was pregnant... Taehyung loved kids and he was so happy to hear that Jungkook was pregnant...about Taehyung, Taehyung is the youngest Ceo of Korea, correction, youngest, handsome, popular and successful Ceo of Korea, He had many girlfriends and boyfriends...but one girl Jennie, his Ex-Girlfriend.

Taehyung loved her a lot, He loved her truly and it took him many years to forget about her.... Jungkook knew about Jennie, Taehyung himself told him everything.....Since Jungkook got pregnant, Jungkook was getting really insecure about this past relation of Taehyung...many things were changing in his body, he was scared about Taehyung hating his body.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists and opened his eyes slowly, trying his best to adjust into the bright light....he smiled at Taehyung, who was silently cooing at him, after all Jungkook is Taehyung's baby boy and love of his life" Good morning " Jungkook whispered to him, Taehyung peck his lips " Morning " Jungkook's cheeks turned red.... Taehyung's every little touch still makes him shy.

After getting up, Taehyung went to get  ready while Jungkook to make breakfast for his husband and himself...after sometime Taehyung came back and saw Jungkook setting the table for him.... Taehyung went to him and hugged him from behind, starlting him " don't scare me like that " instead of saying something... Taehyung turned him around and pulled him into a kiss.

They both kissed for sometime but then Jungkook hit him on his chest softly, Taehyung pulled away from the hug and looked at Jungkook pouting " You always do this " Jungkook giggled " Breakfast " Taehyung sat on the chair..... Jungkook feeds Taehyung....and eats himself too " Tae " Jungkook called him, Taehyung hummed staring at him with heart eyes.

" Can I go with you today? I don't like to stay alone.... Yeonjun is also not home and I get bored alone " Jungkook asked him nervously... Taehyung nodded his head and caresses his cheeks " of course Koo...you can...no need to ask me, that's your office too " Jungkook smiled at him shyly and went to get ready.

After taking a shower, Jungkook stood in front of the mirror, looking at his stomach...his once flat tummy was now little big...He sighed and button up his shirt..the wears Taehyung's hoodie, which reached his mid thighs and black pants...he went downstairs and saw Taehyung scrolling through his phone, waiting for his lovely little husband.

Taehyung looked up when he heard foot steps...He stares at Jungkook, he was looking too cute... Taehyung just wanted to squeeze him to death " Let's go Hyung " Taehyung smiled at him and warp his arms around his waist...the whole ride was filled with Taehyung teasing Jungkook, while the younger blushing madly at his every teasing touch.

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