🥀 Jealously 🥀 Jealously ✨

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Requested by : MusterV

No Warnings

No one's Pov

This story is not about a beautiful boy, with a perfect life....this story is about Jeon Jungkook, an ordinary boy who " I hate my life " 18 years old Jungkook said looking at himself in mirror.... dried drool visible on his face, 7 in the morning and he was still not ready for his high school.

He stare at himself in the mirror " Why can't I be beautiful like others " Yes he wanted to look beautiful and not handsome because he is gay as fck!, even Jungkook was beautiful in his own way....He always wanted to look beautiful like others.

" you ready Baby?" Jungkook came out of his room, reading simple clothes thinking once again why can't hey beautiful clothes like Yugyeom...this are so weird " Yes Eomma " He whispered out and sat on the dinning table to have his breakfast...which he didn't wanted.

Why? Because he doesn't want to gain wait...Just then just eyes fall on his brother Jeonhyun...So perfect, Good in everything and parent's favorite, a person who can easily make friend's and popular in high school... Isn't it great?.

Jungkook's Pov

I saw how amazing he was looking in his outfit meanwhile me an egg " I'm done " I announced and walked out of the house...no one stopped me, why would they... I'm just a mistake of them, I wish I had my brother's life...so perfect...I hate my life, I made my way to High school on the bicycle.

I almost fall even a bike moved closer from me in high speed...I scoffed looking at the person, Park Bogum...I hate him...I hate him so much!, I groaned...I wish I had looks like him...he is so handsome..why can't I look like him, His personal abs and body...wish I was Handsome like him.

Am I jealous?

Of course I am! Who wouldn't be, He is rich! Handsome and good in studies...any one can fall for him not a nerd like him...who only know how to read books, I stopped before college and rushed inside...I saw everyone laughing and cheating with their friends... sometimes it really distrub me.

How can people make friends so easily, I'm jealous of them..I wish I could make some friends too....I always try to talk to them but you know what happens with me...let me show you " Hey Irene " I smiled at her but she just scremed and run away...I'm not that ugly come on.

I sighed and just made my way to my locker....I was taking out my things when I heard screaming and squealing...guess who it is, Kim Taehyung, srounded by girls and boys...Yeah he is that one guy whom girls and boys like...sadly me too.

But once again....I'm a noob, A nerd with not a really good face and body...I sighed and just walked away from there...I sat on the bench and just waited for the class to start.

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