🥀 True Love 🥀

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Nervous about this one

No one's Pov

" Jungkook you need to be careful " Jin said to the Mafia Jeon " Just look for the traitor Hyung " Jungkook said to him...Even Jungkook is a Mafia....He still can never identify who is the traitor or spice...the reason why his hyung Jin is always worried about him...Jin stared at him who was looking for something.

" Jungkook you know I can't be with you forever right? " Jin said to him who looks at him stopping his moment " You are leaving for your honeymoon not like leaving me forever " Jungkook said to him who rolled his eyes " Still Jungkook, I don't want you to get hurt for trusting someone " Jin said and pats his shoulder.

As you can imagine, Jin has always been there for him to tell him who really is on his side and who is trying to kill him.....Even Jin's husband is a police officer But Jin knows not all police officers are noble some just work for money..... mostly all of them... Jin's father was killed by an officer.

Just for raising his voice for truth, after his father's death Jin was alone that time Jungkook's father helped him took  care of him like his own son   but now Mr Jeon is also dead, his son is now the leader of Jeon Mafia...who knows nothing about Mafia world...and Jin was there to help him.

Even Mr Jeon was a Mafia, he always killed people for justice, He exposed many wrong doings of people...Even the lawyers and judges of the country are not loyal to their work " You better not talk to anyone new Jungkook " Jin warned him who shrugged his shoulders.

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkook was trying to find the person who killed Jin's father and than killed Jungkook's father too....It's been years he is trying to look for the man but he still haven't succeed yet.....The only thing He knows is that He is a police officer.....and after years of research... Jungkook found him, Jung Hoseok.

Jungkook was now following Hoseok who just came out of a club with a bag in his hands, Jungkook can clearly say that, the bag must be filled with money.... Jungkook followed behind him and just as he was about to enter into his house.... Jungkook the back of his head.

Making him fall on the ground unconscious, sighing Jungkook picked him up along with the bag of money...He took Hoseok to his mansion tying him up with a chair, He could easily order his men to do it for him but he wanted to punish him with his own hands.

Jungkook looks at the bag and than back at Hoseok who was now finally waking up " who the hell are you!" Hoseok yelled at him..making Jungkook roll his eyes " Still got the energy impressive " Jungkook said to him grabbing a chair he sat in front of him " why did you killed mine and Jin's father?" Jungkook asked him.

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