❣️ Heart Eyes ❣️ #3

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

After running away from Yoongi, Taehyung stopped the car before his favorite cafe...He glance at Jungkook who was confused about everything...He was blinking his eyes, Looking the cutest.

" Never thought he can be this cute and beautiful "

Taehyung though staring at Jungkook dreamily, But he came out of his thoughts when Jungkook called him " Mr Kim, Mr Kim " His lips were slightly pouty making him even look more beautiful, He was beautiful and handsome, his beauty is out of the world.

" Yes " Taehyung asked him in the most softest voice, Jungkook's pouts deepen " why are you treating me so differently, all of a sudden " Taehyung frowns hearing him " What do you mean?" Taehyung asked him in a soft yet confused tone.

" I mean, you always talked to me, little angrily...all of a sudden you are talking to me nicely " Taehyung smiled at him " because I realized something I should have before " He mumbled which Jungkook didn't heard and frowns pouting.

" Is it because I'm blind?" Taehyung looks at him seeing him looking the other way " Of course not, Before that I used to think....you like me because I'm handsome-" he was about to say something more but He was stopped by Jungkook's giggles.

" Well of course you are handsome, But I don't love you because of your face...I love you because of inner you " Taehyung smiled looking at him, He couldn't help but fall for the male more, How can someone be this sweet..so pure.

" Is that so, but how do you know I'm handsome?" Taehyung asked him who once again giggled " Everyone this handsome, beautiful...no one is ugly " Taehyung chuckled " That's why I love you so much " muttered Taehyung, while Jungkook frowns.

" Did you said something?" Jungkook asked him, who shook his head adding a little no, which was enough to make Jungkook's frown vanish...They talked for an hour, or Jungkook talked telling Taehyung how much he loves his voice.

How his songs and voice made him happy and proud of himself, His songs made him love his self and how much he have fallen for the elder...While Taehyung was listening to him smiling dreamily, Boy he is was in deep love.

" I-I can't do that " Taehyung said to Jungkook who was pleading him " Please Mr Kim, Just for once...I just want you to come to my house...I want to show you something " Jungkook said to him, Who stared at Jungkook's pouty face.

" Fine " and after that Jungkook couldn't help but squeal and Taehyung he chuckled and was happy to know that he made the younger smile.

••• Time Skip •••


aehyung widen his eyes looking at Jungkook's room, There was a very beautiful pottery placed in Jungkook's room...Not any pottery but pottery of Taehyung's, his own " H-How did you-" Taehyung was cut of by Jungkook's giggles " That means I really made your face "

Taehyung was shocked yet confused "  Yoongi Hyung explained me how you look and I decided to make this through my imagination...but sadly I still don't know how you look " Jungkook said lowering his head but still having a small smile.

" Why do you love me so much?" Taehyung couldn't help but Ask him who smiled hearing that " There are many reasons "..He sat down on his bed " Sit down Mr Kim " Taehyung without keeping away his gaze from Jungkook sat down in front of him on the chair.

" When I lost my eye sight, I used to curse my faith...feeling the lose of hope, for years I was devastated, crying... but then you helped me " Taehyung looks at him " your songs, your eyes, you yourself made me love myself " Jungkook smiled his bunny smile... which made Taehyung smile too.

" You came to my life as a saver, feeling it with flowers and smiles " Jungkook explained him who couldn't help but chuckle " you are so cute Jungkook...I can't resist your cuteness " Taehyung said and squeezed his cheeks making Jungkook whine, But Taehyung just laughed.

Weeks went by, By now Jungkook was also sure the elder had feelings for him, but he didn't wanted to raise his hopes. Maybe the elder was just pitting him, but Jungkook knows the elder his not that kind of person, He doesn't pity him...He treats him like a normal person.

" What! Really?" Taehyung was smiling widely looking at the doctor who nodded " Yes after the test I had on Mr Jeon, I found out that he can get back his eyes " Doctor explained to him who was the happiest " But for the surgery you need a lot of money " Taehyung looks at him.

" Money doesn't matter, Doctor " Taehyung said to him who nodded " I just need Jungkook's eyes back so he can see the world again with his beautiful eyes " Taehyung  mumbled and smiled to himself.... But little did he know what was the future holding for them.


I wanted to make this part the last one, But I want to add one more part,I hope you don't mind

Next will be angst of these shots and maybe long too, Which I will update on the day after tommorow

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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