💫 Little One 💫

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o one's Pov

Jungkook, a special boy, he was born Autism....but for everyone is not special but weird....They hates how he is always smiling and being happy " Hey hey! Don't touch it " Jungkook pouts when the man yelled at him for touching his garden's flowers " B-but kookie loves flowers " the man was about to hit him.

But a hand stopped him and pushed him away from Jungkook, Jungkook looks at him and smiled wifely jumping on his feet " TaeTae " Taehyung who was glaring at the man... tilt his head and smiled at Jungkook " hey Kookie....Hyungie need to do something come on turn around and close you eyes "

Taehyung said to him who nodded and turned and closed his eyes with hands....He hummed a song completely ignoring ignoring the whimpers and groans behind him " Ever dare to hurt me...I will kill you " Taehyung said gripping on his throat who scremed and nodded his head.

Kim Taehyung, a gangster... everyone knows about him...fear him....He is cold hearted but his is soft only for Jungkook...the boy he fall in love with " Now hand him some beautiful flowers!" He said and pushed the man who instantly plucked flowers...and hand it to Taehyung with shaky hands.

" Get lost " Taehyung said to him and without any other though he run away... Taehyung turned around seeing Jungkook still covering his eyes mumbled something under his breath and moving his body back and forth " little one " Taehyung called him who turned around and looks at his TaeTae hyungie.

His eyes shined looking at the flowers....He was excited to hold them... Taehyung chuckled and hand it to him " T-they are kookie's?" He asked at which Taehyung nodded.... Jungkook squealed and snached them from Taehyung sniffing them aggressively... People around them found it weird.

While Taehyung for him, Jungkook was looking the cutest and most innocent...This is the reason he fall in love with him... innocent no greed he is holding in his heart...and the most important he is Jeon Jungkook... special for Taehyung...his little one.

"Want banana milk?" Taehyung asked him who instantly nodded his head " Kookie wants banana milk " Jungkook said following him... Taehyung holds his hand softly " Boss loves him a lot " Taehyung team member said to the other who nodded his head looking at them.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook babbling about random things, He is so in love with him " Appa said Kookie is weird! No body is going to love him " Jungkook pouts.... Taehyung moved Jungkook's chair closer to him and tilt Jungkook's chin...his eyes met with Jungkook's innocent doe eyes.

" Who said you are weird? You are so special...and about loving? I love my little one a lot " Taehyung said and leaned forward placing a kiss on Jungkook's button nose... Jungkook blushed and lower his head, he plays with his sweater paws " Kookie loves Hyungie too " He whispered with Taehyung heard and smiled.

Taehyung was giving Jungkook a piggy back ride to his home... mostly Jungkook stays with Taehyung " baby shark do do do " Jungkook was singing feeling sleepy " baby bun, I told you...you can close your eyes " Jungkook nuzzles his face in Taehyung's neck and shook his head.

But very next moment, Taehyung heard soft snores making him chuckle.... Taehyung got home and laid his baby bun on the bed, covered him with warm blanket....He kissed his forehead and laid on the other side on the bed... knowing Jungkook loves sleeping cuddled up with him.

Days went by, Taehyung was thinking about marrying Jungkook...he don't care if the younger is autism or not...He loves him by his heart " Hyungie they made fun of Kookie!" Jungkook sniffles hiding behind Taehyung holding his arm... Taehyung looks at the group of girls.

He can clearly recognize one of them....his crazy fan " Oppa " Taehyung rolled his eyes when she ran to him...She pushed Jungkook away making him fall down... clinging to Taehyung who glares at the girl and pushed her away...He kneeled before Jungkook and cupped his face " are you little one?" Jungkook nodded pouting.

Taehyung picked him up in Bridle style who instantly warpped his arms around Taehyung's shoulder... and sniffing mumbling something under his breath.... Taehyung placed Jungkook on the bench and kneeled before him...He place Jungkook's feet on his lap and checked Jungkook's knew " It it hurting?" Jungkook who was playing with his own hair shook his head.

Taehyung sat beside him " Take rest here for sometime " Taehyung said to him who glance at him playing with his hair still " TaeTae will marry Kookie right?" At this sudden question... Taehyung frowns and looks at him " Do my little one want to marry TaeTae?" Jungkook nodded his head.

" yes " Taehyung smiled and cupped his face " Than TaeTae will marry Kookie " Jungkook giggled and tilt his head behind....How weird, The Gangster Taehyung fall in love with Jungkook who was born Autism...ready to bring all the happiness for his little one.

Not long later, Jungkook and Taehyung got married.... Taehyung was always their for Jungkook.... loving him, taking care of him....He never let Jungkook feel alone.... Taehyung was happy to have his special one.

🐯The End 🐰

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- Author Nim 🐰

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