You lost me 🥀

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Here it is lovely : adoredvk

No one's Pov

Jungkook stared at himself in the mirror, tears streaming down from his eye, this is another day...him crying silently, he never thought how his life will change in such a way, Jungkook got married to Taehyung, his sister's husband, His sister run away after giving birth to twins...for the sake of twins, Jungkook married Taehyung.

But Taehyung, he never gave him his rights, he always ignores his presence and Jungkook, he stays silent just did twins... Taehyung always blame Jungkook and insult him, because his lovely wife ran away because of Jungkook, It was Jungkook's everyday routine of crying looking at himself in mirror.

He came out of his room, looking at Taehyung playing with Soobin and Kai, both of the twins...twins run to Jungkook, hugging his legs.... Jungkook smiled picking them from ground, Taehyung rolled his eyes... Jungkook played with them for some time " Go and cook something for me " Taehyung harshly said to him.

Ignoring the pain, Jungkook nodded and made his way to kitchen, while he was making dinner, Taehyung put twins to sleep... Jungkook set the food on the table and called Taehyung, who without saying anything came and ate the food silently...This is how was Jungkook's life, insults and regular abuse.

Taehyung loved Jungkook's sister a lot but after she left, Taehyung's soft heart filled with darkness, he forgot about being nice to someone.... Jungkook never blamed him but deep inside he is broke only because of Taehyung " Annyeong Eomma Appa " Jungkook welcomed his in laws in the house.

It was weekend, they decide to meet them " kookie baby, come here " Mrs Kim cheered And hugged Jungkook tightly, completely ignoring her own son Taehyung, who glared at Jungkook....They talked an hour, Mrs Kim told Jungkook about a wedding they had to attend, She gifted him a very beautiful suit.

" How many times I told you to don't act in front of my parents!" Taehyung pushed Jungkook on the bed who whimpers " Don't you dare to act like Eva! You hear me! " Jungkook gives a tight slap to Jungkook and walked out, Jungkook sat on the bed, he wasn't feeling anything by now, he is used to it, replacing Eva? Isn't his family wanted Jungkook to marry Taehyung and take Eva's place.

Not caring about Jungkook having dreams, even Jungkook broke his love's hurt just to make everyone satisfied, maybe because he broke an innocent heart that's why he is the one in pain now.....Jung Hoseok Jungkook's first love, the day Eva left, Jungkook left Yoongi too, breaking his heart, even he didn't wanted to.

Next day, Jungkook arrived at the wedding with Taehyung and twins, in front of everyone Taehyung was acting like a perfect husband, but what happens behind the close doors, only Jungkook knows about it.... Jungkook's eyes fell on a familiar face Eva , he turned his head to see Taehyung's reaction and there it broke his heart.

Taehyung was already staring at her, with loving eyes " Come on babies " Jungkook said to Soobin and Kai in a shaking tone, Both of the boys holds Jungkook's hand and walked away leaving Taehyung alone who was too lost looking at Eva, not noticing Jungkook and twins leaving " Taehyung!" Eva hugged Taehyung tightly.

Everyone stared at Jungkook with pity when Taehyung hugged her back, instead of pushing her away... Jungkook had no expressions on his face, Eva dragged Taehyung towards the table where Jungkook was sitting with twins, Soobin and Kai stood up sitting on Jungkook's lap, confirmably, who warpped his arms around the boys.

" So you married this loser, I am pretty sure he is not as good as me " Eva said smirking looking at Jungkook, who said nothing, and hearing no response from Taehyung, Eva continued " He is not even pretty-" she was cut off by a voice " Jungkook " Hearing that voice, Jungkook looks up, he was met with Hoseok's..

Jungkook stood up, making Soobin and Kai stood on their feet " H-Hobi " Hoseok smiled at Jungkook, he never hated Jungkook, he knew Jungkook had no other option than this, they walked away to talk somewhere alone, By now Jungkook didn't cared about Taehyung anymore...he noticed his gaze on him, but why would he care.

If Taehyung can hug his ex-wife is front of his husband can't he talk to Hoseok " Hoseok, it's ex boyfriend " Hearing that from Eva's mouth, Taehyung glance at him....after Eva arrived in their life again, Taehyung was even more abusive towards Jungkook, Eva was trying so hard to make Jungkook look like a bad person.

And finally after 3 months, Taehyung asked Jungkook for divorce, without arguing much, Jungkook signed the papers, slamming the divorce paper on Taehyung face, leaving with twins....He got married to Eva again, blinded by lust, nobody knew where Jungkook went with the twins.

As the time went by, Taehyung starts to see a new change in Eva, she was never like Jungkook, She was so different from her brother.... Jungkook was perfect but Eva she was everything but perfect...She once again run away with her lover, he just wanted to ruin Jungkook's life one more time, but how wrong was she.

It's been years, Taehyung was missing him a lot, now he knew how wrong was he when he abused Jungkook both mentally and physically and today, he met him again, he couldn't built up the courage and apologize to him, he was a coward but seeing Jungkook smiling and laughing with Hoseok and twins.

Taehyung knew he lost a diamond...He apologized to him, which Jungkook forgive him, he didn't wanted to hold back any bitter memories " I am sorry " Taehyung again said to him, Jungkook simply nodded his head " Best of luck Taehyung " Jungkook said and walked away with his husband Hoseok and children Soobin and Kai.

He had an happy ending, Meanwhile Taehyung himself lost his happy ending with Jungkook because of his ego and lust, he regret now but there is no use to cry over split milk....he himself ruin his Marrige life.

The End

Okay enough of angst now next will be fluff

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