🥀 Wedding with his best friend 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

No one's Pov

" Taehyung! How could you " Jungkook cried looking at his boyfriend litterly cheating on him with his co-star....Kim Taehyung is a famous actor, meanwhile Jungkook, just an ordinary boy, working in a company as a simple assistant... Jungkook and Taehyung met in the company.

Which belongs to none other then Min Yoongi, Jungkook's boss and Taehyung's best friend.... Jungkook and Taehyung fall in love with each other, after Taehyung was spending his entire day in company....and now seeing his boyfriend Taehyung with his co-star half naked and just about to kiss.

It all stared a week ago, Taehyung met his co-star Mina...no doubt the woman is pretty...but being a relation wreaker is no good " Stop yelling will you?" Taehyung said rolling his eyes...while Jungkook his tears were ready to fall down, Jungkook has always been sensitive...and now seeing Taehyung cheating on him.

Made him broke deeply, Jungkook tried to see some guilt or regret in Taehyung's eyes but saw none " Why Tae? Why?" Jungkook asked him shakingly at which Taehyung Chuckled " I was bored and just found such a good toy to play with " Hearing that Jungkook finally let his tears fall.

Made him broke deeply, Jungkook tried to see some guilt or regret in Taehyung's eyes but saw none " Why Tae? Why?" Jungkook asked him shakingly at which Taehyung Chuckled " I was bored and just found such a good toy to play with " Hearing that Jun...

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Taehyung felt his heart breaking looking at the sight, He just wanted to hug Jungkook and comfort tell him, how much he loves him , but he couldn't and he realized it when Mina grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, Seeing the scene Jungkook just sobbed and walked out.

Taehyung was about to rush behind him but Mina stopped him " You have to do this Tae, or else you know " Before she could complete her sentence Taehyung nodded his head " I know " He whispered, himself hurt to see his love crying and hurt because of him.

2 weeks went by, Jungkook was locked up in his room, crying and always thinking about their moments,was all the moment's he had with Taehyung were fake? All the kisses, sweet words and care fake? Jungkook can't believe the fact Taehyung played with his feelings for fun, everyone tried to make him understand but, Jungkook wasn't ready.

Jungkook heard a knock on the door....He wiped his tears " C-come in " The door opened and Jungkook's uncle, Chang wan walked in... Jungkook's parents died when he was only 5, since then he was leaving with his uncle and aunt....Chang wan also Taehyung director too.

" Jungkook, your aunt told me you didn't eat your food again?" Chang wan's tone soft yet gentle.... Jungkook smiled at him sadly " I'm not hungry " Chang wan sighed and sat beside him " Jungkook, he left you...move on boy, you can't stay like this " Chang wan said to him who shook his head " I can't " Jungkook mumbled.

" You have to  " Jungkook lower his head " Yoongi wants to marry you" Chang wan said to Jungkook who looks at Chang wan, who stared at Jungkook for sometime " He loves to a lot Jungkook, Try to give him a chance " Jungkook though for sometime " I will marry him " Jungkook said to Chang wan.

Who smiled at Jungkook sadly, Next day when Jungkook entered into office, He was met with Yoongi and Taehyung smiling widely at each other " Oh! My brother-in-law is here " Taehyung smiled widely at Jungkook like nothing happened... Jungkook and Taehyung never told anyone about their small boyfriend relationship.

This is why everything was new, Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and hugged him tightly, making Jungkook starlted and overwhelmed " Congratulations! Take care of my Hyung!" Taehyung said pulling away from the hug....Yoongi smiled staring at them, Taehyung's parent's died when he was only 6.

Since childhood, Yoongi has always been with him Yoongi's parent too took care of him, Taehyung is his only presious brother, Yoongi can do anything for him....5 years ago, Yoongi's fiance died in a car accident...and after years Yoongi fall in love with Jungkook again, Seeing them getting along made Yoongi happy.

" Well I will leave you two love birds alone " Taehyung winked at Yoongi and walked away without glancing at Jungkook...who stayed still holding back his tears " Thank you for accepting my proposal Jungkook " Jungkook looks at Yoongi and give him a fake smile.

Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's hand, taking him by surprise, Yoongi has always been really strict to him and today he was looking a new person " Taehyung is like my little brother Jungkook, take care of him more then me " Yoongi said to him, Jungkook lower his head holding back his tears..

The day of Jungkook and Yoongi's engagement came soon.... Jungkook was standing beside Yoongi but his eyes were glued to Taehyung who was standing away from him with Mina, his new girlfriend... Jungkook was deeply hurting thinking Taehyung just used him as a time pass.

" Lady's and Gentlemen...the ceremony is about to start " Taehyung said in the mic.... Taehyung walked towards Yoongi and Jungkook with rings.... Jungkook stare at him with teary eyes but Taehyung he was avoiding his gaze...Mina was behind them... meanwhile Yoongi chuckled.

" Tae " He called Taehyung who looks at his brother with a wide smile " Yes Hyung?" Yoongi hit the back of his head " I seriously want to kill you right now " Yoongi said to him folding his arms.... Taehyung looks at him " what? " Yoongi scoffed " You and Jungkook love each other " Jungkook widen his eyes.

And looks at Taehyung, who was shocked " W-Who told you?" Taehyung shuttered " Chang wan uncle " Jungkook looks at his uncle " I can't believe Taehyung, I told you I love Jungkook that's why you decided to sacrifice huh!" Yoongi almost yelled at him " Is that the truth Taehyung?"

Mrs Min asked him angrily at which Taehyung lower his head " it's true mom, That's why he was forcing me to send Marrige proposal to Jungkook's house...come on say sorry to Jungkook, look he is crying " Yoongi said to Taehyung who looks at Jungkook, who was glaring at him.

Sniffling, looking like a angry puppy " I-I'm sorry Jungkook " Yoongi again hit the back of his head " Good...and it's your engagement party " Jungkook and Taehyung looks at Yoongi shocked " Come on " Yoongi smiled at them.

After the engagement ceremony, Taehyung and Jungkook were standing in balcony " Do you want to say something?" Jungkook asked him, arms acrossed his chest... glaring at Taehyung, Taehyung gulped " I love you " Jungkook's glare deepen " I mean I'm sorry " Jungkook smiled at him.

He moved closer to him and peck on Taehyung's lips " That's why I love you so much...you love your Hyung a lot " Jungkook hugged Taehyung tightly who smiled and hugged him back...a little far from them, Yoongi sighed in relief seeing them happy in each others arms.

" Excuse me " Yoongi heard a voice behind him...he turned around and looks surprised looking at the male " My name is Park Jimin, I'm from Hype company...I wanted to take an interview from You Mr Min " Yoongi smiled at the male " Gladly ".


I think I should end this book now

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- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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