I don't care about you 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Last oneshot was weird I know  😂


No one's Pov

" Mr Kim, everyone are waiting for you " Taehyung, who was laughing with his friends stopped and nodded his head " Okay " He stood up waving at his friends grabbing his uniform... After getting ready he went towards the airplane...he saw him, Jeon Jungkook sitting their looking at the settings of the airplane.

" Hi" Taehyung gives him his boxy smile but Jungkook just nodded his head and looked away

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" Hi" Taehyung gives him his boxy smile but Jungkook just nodded his head and looked away... Taehyung is used to it, 6 years ago Taehyung came to America, their he met Jungkook..and other friends...He fall in love with the boy.

But Jungkook, he was different with him, always giving Taehyung cold shoulders...just because Taehyung is South Korean and Jungkook North....just like these two countries bad relation... Taehyung relation with Jungkook was also bad.

" Come on sit down " Jungkook said to him without looking at him... Taehyung sighed and sat down on the seat..he wears the headphone and looked at Jungkook...he saw him just checking system.

" Good Evening ladies and gentlemen this is you captain Kim Taehyung....please take your seats and prepare for the take off "

Taehyung said in his deep voice and glances at Jungkook to see his reaction, Taehyung chuckled deeply when he saw Jungkook's ear turned red...he looked out of the window... Jungkook looks at Taehyung and gulped checking him from head to toe, he mentally slapped himself.

 Jungkook looks at Taehyung and gulped checking him from head to toe, he mentally slapped himself

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He looked away when he saw Taehyung turning toward him...After a while, The plane was flying normally as Taehyung the best captain was flying this thing called plane... the plane shakes meaning turbulence.

Jungkook gasped and grabbed Taehyung's hand...who smiled and looks at him... Jungkook looks at him and pulled away his hand.

" Please don't panic and stay seated"

Taehyung said looking at Jungkook..who cleared his throat and looked out.

••• Time Skip •••

" Jungkook " Taehyung was running behind Jungkook in the crowded airport... Jungkook just continue walking ignoring Taehyung, once again " Excuse me " Taehyung tried to get away away from the crowd.


aehyung holds Jungkook's hand and turned him around, who groaned " Jun-" Jungkook yanked his hand away " What's your problem! stopping always following... can't you understand I don't care about you! I hate you " Taehyung's smile disappeared.

" W-What are you saying?" Jungkook scoffed " I hate you! I don't love you...stop always following me " Saying that Jungkook walked away, Taehyung was about to follow him but someone grabbed his hand, he turned around and saw Rachel...one of the air hostess.

Jungkook turned around to see if Taehyung was following him...but he saw Taehyung smiling at Rachel, He scoffed and walked not even noticing it was a fake smile.

•• Few weeks later •••

Jungkook was getting ready for his flight " Guys you heard Taehyung's plans crashed " Jungkook stopped hearing that stopped " it's all over the news " dropping his cap Jungkook runs around....after getting the hospital's name Jungkook ran all the way not caring about anything.

" Plane crashed capt-" he asked doctor in a shaking tone " He is no more...his body is in room number 143, we are sorry " Jungkook wide his eyes... not believing what he heard....He ran toward the room..And saw a body covered in white sheets.

Holding back his tears, who sat on the bed " You are so mean " He said in a shaking tone " I don't you to leave me alone...not to leave this world " The bathroom's door opened from behind and Taehyung walked in, but stopped hearing Jungkook's voice.

" I really loved you idiot,I really want you to get up Tae and forgive me " Taehyung holds back his laugh " I never was angry at you to forgive you " Jungkook turned around hearing Taehyung's voice " You're alive " Jungkook jumped on him who chuckled and holds him.

" Yes I am alive " Jungkook stopped and pulled away from, putting his blank face on " You are alive " Taehyung chuckled, holding his waist " don't act now I saw and heard everything " Jungkook pouts at looked at Taehyung " then who is he?" Jungkook asked indicating the person on the bed.

" He really looks dead...Yah Jimin! Get up " Jimin sat up on the bed, looking at them with sleepy eyes " What is happening here?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, who sighed " The plane actually crashed but we are save, just little injuries nothing much... Jungkook sighed in relief and attacked Taehyung with big hug.

After that day, Taehyung and Jungkook starts dating and today, Taehyung was going to meet Jungkook's father...he was sweating badly before he rang the bell...he was in his uniform...after few seconds Jungkook opened the door.

He giggled looking at Taehyung awkwardly smiling " Don't worry, he isn't like other dad..come on in " Taehyung nervously gets inside the house, let's just wish he don't get rejected by Jungkook's father Chang wan.

The End

Hahahaha 😂💔

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- I purple you 💜

- author Nim 🐰

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