🖤 Lotus 🖤

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No one's Pov

The Lotus is considered to be one of the most magnificent of all the flowers in the world, however, it grows only in the slimiest and dirtiest of swamps, Similarly, sometimes in life the most positive things emerge out of the darkest and most negative of situations, Jeon Jungkook's story is one of such Example.

At the age of 7, Jungkook was sent to the prisoner for the murder of his father, the small boy surrounded by criminals...No one knew why he was in such a place, 8 years he spend his life in dirt and dark place like prison, instead of turning into one of them Jungkook came out strong and beautiful like Lotus.

The reason why he was in the prison was, He murdered his father or stepfather, His stepfather used to abuse his mother mentally and physically....And one-day Jungkook couldn't take it and killed him, When Jungkook was 4 he lost his real father, his father was a  Lieutenant Colonel.

One day, he went out and never came back... Jungkook loved his father, and losing him affect Jungkook a lot...but he always hides his pain in front of his mother but his mother knows everything....Years went by, Jungkook got married to Kim Taehyung, a man earlier in his 30s...He was elder than Jungkook.

It was Jungkook mother's last wish before she took her last breath, and for his mother, Jungkook fulfil her wish...At first, Jungkook didn't love Taehyung but with time, Jungkook was deeply in love with Taehyung...and the elder male, he love Jungkook more than anything in the world.

" Baby, say Appa " Taehyung was seated on the dinning table, their 5 years old son sitting on his lap...playing with his teddy bear...The time went by so quickly, still their love for each other only grow, Taehyung sighed when Jungtae didn't said anything, He couldn't speak clearly like other kids at his age.

The little boy stare at his father with his doe eyes, He noticed his father sad...He cupped his father's face with small hands " Sowwy dada " Taehyung  chuckled at their son's cuteness " It's okay baby " Taehyung cooed and peck on his baby cheeks... Jungkook placed their breakfast on the table and get seated in front of his husband.

He saw how happily the son and father duo eat their breakfast, Jungkook was happy to see them smiling and giggling...his beautiful small world, he was finally out of his dark world... Taehyung always made him feel loved, the only fear he had was...his like his father Taehyung is a Lietanant colonel.

Jungkook was always scared to lose his happy family, but never opened up to Taehyung about this, Just then Taehyung heard his phone ringing...He sighed and picked up the call " Yes?....okay....fine " Taehyung hangs up the call and looks at his husband who was already looking at him.

" Sorry Koo, it's important " Jungkook knew what Taehyung meant, Jungkook stood up, seeing his husband rushing to their room... Jungkook picked up Jungtae and made his way towards Taehyung " Is it really important?" Jungkook asked him, anyone could tell Jungkook was scared.

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