Mr Cheif and Mr Painter

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

2018 , America

Kim Taehyung, owner of the biggest restaurant in Seoul, the age of 32 he becomes really with his Grandparents he was really happy, only missing thing in his life is a partner...which he don't want.

" TaeTae " Taehyung sighed, who was serving some customers when he called Taehyung " what do you want kid?" Taehyung said to Jungkook who huffed, folding his arms offended " Kid? I said I am 25 years old!" Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to the back on the kitchen.

" Why are you here?" Taehyung asked him, checking some dishes he made " simple, just let me draw your painting and be my boyfriend! " Jungkook said, jumping like a bunny " How many times do I have to tell you no!" Taehyung said to him in a rude tone, which made the other pout.

" Fine! At least give me that jar of chocolates!" Jungkook said pointing at a jar fill of chocolates with a bunny sticker on top on the cap " No-" But Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook " I will give you money of course...Geez " Jungkook rolled his eyes.

" My future boyfriend is such a miser " Taehyung glared at him " I am never going to be your boyfriend! " Jungkook giggled " We will see!" He said while taking out money from his pocket, Jungkook holds Taehyung's hand " Here!" He put the money on his palm.

" Bye TaeTae!" Jungkook grabbed the jar of chocolates, peck Taehyung's cheeks and before the elder could yell at him, he runs out giggling " Aishh!" Taehyung mumbled touching his cheek, behind him two people secretly talking pictures.

" Jimin!that's my foot"

" How told you to stand behind me Jin "

Taehyung stretched his arms, he was standing in front of his restaurant...taking a little breaks...his eyes traveled around the area..and then his eyes fall on Jungkook, who giving chocolates to some kids giggling like a kid himself.

Unconsciously, Taehyung made his away behind Jungkook, smiling slightly " Bye Hyungie " Kids waved at Jungkook...they waved at him back giggling continuously... Jungkook stood up, he turned around and gasped starlted looking at Taehyung's chest too close to him.

He tilt his head up looking at Taehyung " You scared me " Jungkook mumbled sighing " are you trying to make me fall for you?" Jungkook frowns " Huh?" Taehyung blinked his eyes and shakes his head " Nevermind " Taehyung mumbled.

" Anyways Bye TaeTae!" Jungkook waved at Taehyung running away somewhere... Taehyung sighed and shook his head " I'm gone crazy " He mumbled to himself.

••• Time Skip •••

Taehyung came back home sighing, he was feeling tired he decide to go home  early, He saw his grandpa, cleaning the garden once again, he really love plants " Jungkook! Come on!" Taehyung frowns, his eyes traveled behind his Grandpa and he saw Jungkook behind him.. carrying some plants.

" What is he doing here?" Taehyung asked his Grandparents who out his hand on his chest starlted " Yah! You scared me " He hit Taehyung's back who gasped " Oh! TaeTae!" Jungkook said excitedly looking at Taehyung who sighed.

" He was helping me " his Grandpa said to Taehyung, Who was looking at Jungkook smiling widely At him " at this hour?" Taehyung said confused " well he is our neighbor...he can help us anytime wants " His Grandpa shrugs...leaving Taehyung shocked " Wait what!" Taehyung yelled.

Later that night Jungkook went back home, not before teasing Taehyung who was secretly enjoying the attention Jungkook was giving him " you know he wants to draw your painting " His grandpa said to Taehyung who was in his room " He is really weird " Taehyung snort.

His Grandpa chuckled and stood before his bed " Man, you are really lucky that boy is in your life " He said to him...which confused Taehyung " what do you mean by that?" His Grandpa shook his head and sat beside him.

" You need to let him love you " Taehyung sighed and shook his head " You know I don't believe in love "  His Grandpa scoffed " Can't you let him for once " Taehyung rolled his eyes, giving up " Fine " Taehyung said walking out to his balcony to get some fresh air " Hehe Right move " His Grandpa laughed.

Taehyung's eyes travels around the street and stopped on a certain bunny boy...He saw Jungkook in his room, painting his shirt covered in paints and painting his his fingers " I guess it won't be that made " Taehyung smiled looking at him...His Grandpa smirked.

••• Time Skip •••

" Wait? Seriously?" Jungkook asked him surprised, Taehyung was sitting in Jungkook's room, cold drink in his hand and Jungkook sitting in front of him on the chair " How many times are you going to ask me this, I said yes I will be your Model!" Taehyung said sighing.

" and my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked him with a bunny smile and hopeful eyes, Taehyung gulped looking at Jungkook " Don't fall for it! Don't fall for it " Taehyung reminded himself, He didn't wanted to break Jungkook's heart so " I will think about it " He said simply... Jungkook's lips turned into a pout and he nodded.

" okay, come on " Jungkook said dragging him to a chair and made him sat on it " Usually it takes me many hours to paint but I will try to do if faster for only you " Jungkook said smiling widely... Taehyung stares at Jungkook all of the time.

The way his fingers were moving on the canvas and his eyes ruled to it... Taehyung's smiled unknowingly curved into a smile...Time passed, Taehyung stayed looking at Jungkook for 5 hours and finally Jungkook showed him the painting with a big smile...but Taehyung's eyes was on him.

" Hyung?" Taehyung came out of his world and looks at Jungkook " How is it?" Jungkook nervously asked...he never felt this nervous showing someone his painting, but Taehyung is done different... Taehyung stood on his foot and made his way towards Jungkook.

Taehyung holds Jungkook's hands, not carrying about the paint of the younger's hand " Will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked him with his boxy smile

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Taehyung holds Jungkook's hands, not carrying about the paint of the younger's hand " Will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked him with his boxy smile... Jungkook was taken back, blinking his eyes for few times " Wait? Seriously?" Jungkook asked him, who nodded.

2021, Seoul

" Kim Jungkook " Jungkook sat still, with blank expressions...a prosecutor sitting in front of him " Everyone said He was your boyfriend back in 2018...Please tell the truth " Prosecutor said to Jungkook, who huffed, shaking his head " I don't even know his name " Jungkook said to him.

" He is murder Kim Jungkook!" Jungkook stayed silent even prosecutor slammed his hands on the table... seeing no reaction from Jungkook, he sighed " okay you can go " Jungkook stood up and made his way out...He felt a presence behind him.

" Thank you, Baby "

The End

So, Any theory?

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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