🥀 Newly Married 🖤

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No Warnings

Requested by : SaraKulsum_23

No one's Pov

Jungkook and Taehyung got married, Their Marrige was loved one....Both of them knew each other for 7 years and in a relationship for 4 years....They finally got married...Mr Kim, Taehyung's father never liked Jungkook....He is successful business man, Who wanted his son to marry his business partner's daughter.

But Taehyung, he knew how to fight for his love, They both got Married but Mr Kim had one condition.... Taehyung had to leave his dream of becoming an actor and work in Mr Kim's company...That time Jungkook nearly break up with Taehyung, He knew how big Taehyung's dream was.

But Taehyung, he was ready to leave anything and Do anything for his love Jungkook...Their life changed so much after their wedding night.... Taehyung was called to office for work... Jungkook was sad to see his husband leaving with a fake smile...but he couldn't do anything.

Jungkook woke up in the morning, his head was aching....He remember he drunk too much beer waiting for Taehyung at the night, He looked around and found himself in the living room still...The Television was still on.. Jungkook sighed, He once again fall asleep in living room waiting for Taehyung.

He stood up and sniffs, gathering all the empty cans of beer and made his way to kitchen to through them in dustbin...But he stopped Midway seeing Taehyung asleep, his head resting on the dinning table... Jungkook felt bad, He saw How exhausted Taehyung was looking, He stood their for sometime.

But that made his way to dustbin and throw the empty cans and went to Taehyung " Tae " He softly called Taehyung who was in half sleep, and reply with hmm.... Jungkook smiled and ruffles his hair " Get up, you will get sick here " He said to him who opened his eyes and smiled at him tiredly, which made Jungkook hurt.

His husband was hurting himself so much, Just to make him happy " It's okay...I will be leaving in few- " Jungkook stopped him by grabbed his arm " No, Go and sleep for sometime...I will make breakfast " Jungkook said to him who thought for a moment and than nodded his head.

Jungkook took Taehyung to their bedroom and laid him down on the cold and neat bed.... Jungkook put over the untouched duvet over his husband...He placed a peck on Taehyung's lips and went out of the door, closing the door softly behind him.... Jungkook washed his face.

And prepared himself to make his husband's favourite breakfast....with a smile Jungkook starts to prepare breakfast for Taehyung.....but not long later, Taehyung came out of the room " Yes, I will be there in an hour...yes I know " Jungkook heard Taehyung talking on the phone...He sighed tiredly and made his way to Taehyung.

Who was now sitting on the couch, his hand resting over his temple, aching because of lack on sleep and stressful days " Go take a shower....I'm preparing breakfast " Taehyung looked up seeing Jungkook smiling at him softly....but Taehyung knew it's not a real smile....but fake one...He stare at him.

Taehyung knew Jungkook wants to spend sometime with Taehyung, as they just got married in the past week...he felt guilty for not giving time to his husband...but he can't do anything, his father's condition was the only way he could stay with Jungkook....He can't even imagine seeing Jungkook with someone else.

While Jungkook, He understands his husband, it's not Taehyung's fault...the man gave up his dreams just to be with him...it's okay, he can wait...even it takes years or forever... Taehyung got ready meanwhile Jungkook placed the breakfast on the dinning table.... Taehyung came and his mouth watered seeing him fav food.

Jungkook was smiling fondly seeing Taehyung happily eating his breakfast like a baby, after a whole week both of them was eating together

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Jungkook was smiling fondly seeing Taehyung happily eating his breakfast like a baby, after a whole week both of them was eating together... after their breakfast... Jungkook and Taehyung walked towards the door.... Jungkook looks at him " Can you come early tonight? " Jungkook knew he was being selfish.

But he couldn't help and ask, Taehyung noticed Jungkook's sad eyes and broken voice...He leaned towards Jungkook and placed a kiss on his forehead " I will try " Taehyung leaned back and looks at him... Jungkook smiled sadly... before leaving Taehyung placed a peck on Jungkook's lips.

Taehyung drove towards the company, he wanted to make Jungkook happy, that's why he accepted his father's condition...but unknowingly he hurted him.... Taehyung entered into the company and made his way directly to his father's room " I'm resigning " He directly said to Mr Kim who widen his eyes.

" What! No you can't " He almost yelled at him but Taehyung scoffed " Why can't I ? It's my life! I want to spend sometime with my husband " Taehyung said to him who huffed and rolled his eyes " That poor kid! You should have married Lee's daughter " Taehyung knew about his father he laughed slightly.

" It's my life, I don't want to spend my life with any annoying woman....just for your profit " Taehyung said to him...who widen his eyes, Taehyung has never talked to his father like that...but now He was wrong to think that he can control his son " I'm leaving I don't care anymore " Taehyung said and walked out.

With a smile, he drove back home.... After all he is married to Jungkook now...His father can't break their Marrige, can he? Jungkook was cleaning the kitchen when he heard the bell ringing, He made his way to the forth door and opened seeing his husband " Tae-" Before Jungkook could say something.

Taehyung picked him up in Bridle style and closed the door behind him " I want to spend sometime with my husband, is it wrong?" Jungkook's tried to say something but Taehyung stopped him " Shh " Taehyung laid Jungkook on the bed and pulled Jungkook in a passionate kiss.

Both of them understood each other, knowing both were same... Taehyung was happy to get a husband like Jungkook who wasn't selfish to leave him...and Jungkook he was happy to have Taehyung who was so selflessness he forgot about his dream just to be with him.

Not long later, Taehyung with the help of Jungkook became an famous actor... even after gaining so much fame, Taehyung was always loyal to Jungkook and always spend time with Jungkook...giving him all his attention meanwhile Mr Kim live in regret, feeling guilt killing him for not treating his son right.

🐯 The End 🐰

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