His 🥀 Scent

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

Taehyung was running towards the hospital, Kim Taehyung...last year of his college....He has always been an average student but always he is trying his best....his parents died long time ago, He always works hard to survive...Just yesterday...He was informer he failed in one subject.

And the toper of the class, Jeon Jungkook tried to make him understand and just an hour ago he heard " Taehyung, Jungkook fell from roof yesterday....don't you know?" Hearing that he didn't wasted anytime and rushed to hospital....He was not just Worried about Jungkook.

But The younger's nature touched him deeply " He was asking about you Taehyung " Taehyung stared at Jungkook who was laid on the bed...his eyes wide open looking at the ceiling...his body not making any movement " He is in coma....but can understand everything " Taehyung tilt his head.

He thanked the nurse who bowed to him slightly And walked away.... Taehyung made his way to Jungkook....He and Jungkook was never close...Only greeting once in a while but still....why was Jungkook looking for him when he should be celebrating for his success.

Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung noticed How Jungkook was always thinking about others....in these days people's never think about others....they want their own success and win...But Jungkook, He was thinking about someone like Taehyung, a loser?.

" Why did you asked for me?" Taehyung said to Jungkook, who couldn't say anything " Do you like me?" Taehyung asked, of course why would Jungkook think about him when He doesn't like him...Days went by Taehyung was mostly with Jungkook, seeing How badly Jungkook was being treated.

" Why didn't you changed his clothes, it's been days " Taehyung said to nurses with anger...He was not liking how badly Jungkook was being treated " Why don't you go and leave him alone " The nurse said to him...but Taehyung he was stubborn...Mr Jeon looks at Taehyung.

Sighing he made his way to him " son " Taehyung turned around seeing Mr Jeon...Mr Jeon was a great business man...after him Jungkook was suppose to handle the company " Yes Uncle " Taehyung turned to seeing him, Mr Jeon saw how Taehyung was always visiting  his son, when his other friends were too busy in their life.

" I want Jungkook to get back home, he can be treated from home too " Mr Jeon said to him, He wanted to know What Taehyung would say " It won't be dangerous for him right " Taehyung asked with a hint of fear visible in his voice...Mr Jeon smiled " Don't worry young man " He pats his shoulder who glance at Jungkook's figure.

Just like Mr Jeon planed, Jungkook was back at his house, Taehyung helped Mr Jeon... Taehyung picked Jungkook up in Bridle style...He tilt his head and stare at Jungkook's face...he made his way to Jungkook's room, Mr Kim leading him...When he entered into Jungkook's room.

He was met with Roses scent, Just like Jungkook's scent " He loves Roses " Mr Jeon said his eyes filling with tears... Taehyung laid Jungkook down on the bed....Mr Jeon went to bring water for Taehyung.... Taehyung covered Jungkook's with soft duvet " Please wake up soon " Taehyung whispered and place a kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

He looked around the room, his eyes falling on a journal besides it...He bad it way to it and with hesitation grabbed the journal, opening it...He saw many letters written by Jungkook, always thinking about others.

" Jimin's parents were arguing again, I saw how upset he was...How can he concentrate on his life when his parents are always making him feel lonely, wish I could help him....but of course I am there for him when he needs me "

" Mina was crying today, I'm sad about her...She loved her boyfriend a lot, but That bastard wish I could punch him on the face, But of course I  am always there for her when she needs me "

" Taehyung, professors yelled at him for coming late to class...No body noticed the pain on his face... everyone just laughed...they never helped him but are always there for him to make him feel miserable, I hate them...but of course I am always there for him when he needs me "

Taehyung closed his eyes letting the tears fall from his eyes, He closed the journal and hugged it close to his chest...He wish he never yelled at the younger When he was just trying to help him...How pure The boy is thinking about others when the whole world is too busy for their lives...can't they just visit him once.

He always promised himself to be with others when they needs him, but when He needs others where are they? It's the reality...they are selfish, even trying to stop Taehyung too by saying " He is not going to wake up Taehyung! Just leave and think about yourself " He scoffed...He knows why he fall for the boy now.

Taehyung loves Jungkook's scent, it always calms him....He was angry at all the people present in the celebration party...first they didn't think a little to stop Jungkook from standing near the roof... maybe If they weren't selfish Jungkook must have been healthy.

Taehyung rushed inside Jeon house...He was holding back his tears.....He bumped with the door seeing Jungkook's lifeless body laying on his bed....Mr Jeon crying hard hugging his son... Taehyung's eyes fall on the so called friends of Jungkook's " Ta-" one of the classmate approach him.

" Get out " He said his voice coming a lot blank " Wha-" Taehyung glared at him, his eyes filling with tears " Get out! Why are you here now? To see if he died like you said " they all lower their head " Leave " He yelled at them...Mr Jeon sobbed... Taehyung looks at Jungkook pale face and made his way to him.

He bend and kissed Jungkook's forehead like he always do, And whispered " Sleep in peace " to his ear... Closing Jungkook's eyes with his palm...Mr Jeon hugged him tightly sobbing on Taehyung's shoulder, Days went by Taehyung and Mr Jeon couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook.

Mr Jeon decided to make Taehyung the next CEO of his company... Taehyung was once again in Jungkook's room... Jungkook's scent was still alive in his room... Taehyung stared at the last page of Jungkook's journal.

" Taehyung was so sad, Everyone made fun of him for not succeeding....But that don't know How strong he is.... Living alone in this world is not easy... Tonight they organized a party for students...we invited Taehyung too but he got angry I called his name but he just left...I don't want to go to party I have bad feeling about this "

Taehyung closed the journal, He went to Jungkook's study table and watered Rose plant, Smiling slightly...He can never forget About Jungkook....He is going to be a special person in his life forever... That's why He planted this Rose plant....And he always feels Jungkook is there with him smiling.

Calling him, just like he called him that day to him, talking to him with a bright smile...He closed his eyes loving the scent in the room, scent of his love, Jeon Jungkook.

🐯 The End  🐰

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- Author Nim 🐰

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