🥀 Choice not a mistake 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

No one's Pov

" Yoongi, stop cheating on Jimin already " Taehyung said to his best friend, who scoffed and continued messaging a random woman he met online, flirting with her continuously, even he was already married " You are not listening to me man " Taehyung said to him irritated " Come in Tae it's fine " Yoongi said to him.

Taehyung scoffed " Cheating is wrong not fun dude " Taehyung said to him " Look Taehyung, Jimin is always busy with our son and I never get any time to talk to him, than these women makes me satisfied why is this wrong " Taehyung rolled his eyes " After all he is talking care of your son, you should know that he works hard for you

But you don't care " Yoongi sighed standing on his feet " Sorry but I am going to Aria's house...she called me " Yoongi winked at him, walking away.... Taehyung sighed looking at his phone, a voice recording.... Without any hesitation Taehyung send it to Jimin...He stood up " Dada " Hearing that voice he smiled.

Turning around he looks at his son, who was running towards him, Taehyung smiled and picked him up " How was your school?" Taehyung asked him, who smiled showing his bunny teeth " It was good, when will we leave to meet Papa?" Taehyung smiled ruffling his hair " Soon, Guggk " Taehyung said to him.

Yoongi and Taehyung have been friends for 2 years, Taehyung knew everything about him...Yoongi, not much about Taehyung...Jimin and Yoongi got married and after Jimin gave birth to their son, and got busy in talking care of him, Yoongi starts cheating behind Jimin's back with multiple people.

Taehyung was cooking in kitchen when he heard a knock on the front door, he bad his way to the front door... opening it he saw Jimin standing his eyes filled with tears " Jimin " Jimin broke down and hugged Taehyung tightly, who knew Jimin found our everything " It's okay " Taehyung said hugging him back, rubbing his back.

" He cheated on me, I saw him " Jimin said between sobs...Jimin was a brave and strong Man, but seeing his husband cheating on him broke him deeply...the person he loved the most and trusted the most betrayed him " It's okay " Jimin finally calm down after a long time " Dada " Jimin heard a voice...He looks behind Taehyung seeing Guggk.

" Who is he?" Jimin asked him, wipping his tears.... Taehyung holds Guggk's hand " My son " Jimin looks at him surprised " you are married?" Jimin asked him shocked, Taehyung nodded...nobody knew Taehyung was married and overall had a son " What would you do about Yoongi?" Taehyung asked him who stared at his lap.

" I want him to feel the same pain, can you help me " Jimin said to him, without any hesitation Taehyung nodded his head.... Taehyung made a plan to hurt Yoongi and make him realize his mistake...our should we call it his choice of cheating in his husband....Jimin loves Yoongi a lot, still after what happened, and If Yoongi realize everything..Jimin is ready to accept him.

••• Time Skip •••

" Yoongi! You have to see this man " Hoseok another Friend of Yoongi showed him a picture Jimin and Taehyung, standing too close to each other.

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