🥀 Our 🥀 Child

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Requested by : shimla1210

Warnings ⚠️ :

Character's Death

No one's Pov

" Baby stop running " Jungkook tried to stop his son who was giggling running around the park... Jungkook chuckled seeing him happy...It's been 4 years he got married to Kim Taehyung, Who is a business man... their Marrige was arrange...at first Taehyung was really sweet with Jungkook.

But from past few months, he was distancing himself from Jungkook, since he got so much success...Parties, new friends and new people... Jungkook was insecure... Jungkook smiled looking at his son who was giggling " Okay stop running, I will bring ice cream for you...okay!" Jungkook kneeled before him.

Who squealed and nodded his head " Okay Appa " Jungkook chuckled and stood up, He knows how much his son likes ice cream... Jungkook went to bring ice cream from an ice cream truck...his son was just behind him...Sang Tae, he saw a balloon on the other side of the road...He glance at his father.

And without thinking run towards the balloon but before he could reach....He was hit by a truck... Hearing screams Jungkook turned around, seeing his son laying on the road with a pool of blood " Sang Tae!" Jungkook's hand losen, and the ice cream fall on the ground.

Jungkook ran towards his son, kneeled before him " Baby! Don't close your eyes " Jungkook's eyes teared up seeing his son crying in pain...." call an ambulance please " He cried to the crowd around then looking at them with pleading eyes....Later Jungkook was moving back and forth in front of operation room.

Taehyung rushed inside the hospital he was worried for his son " Jungkook! What have you done!" Taehyung shakes him harshly by his shoulders, who sobs, just than the doctor came " Relatives of Sang Tae " Taehyung and Jungkook rushed to them " I'm sorry We couldn't save him " The doctor bowed and walked away.

Jungkook fall on his kness, tears pouring out of his eyes while Taehyung stood still looking at the ICU room, Somehow they both went inside... Jungkook cries looking at Sang Tae's pale face... Taehyung was silent " T-Tae " Jungkook tried to call him but Taehyung pushed him away.

••• Time Skip •••

Jungkook was sitting in their living room crying staring at Sang Tae's picture in his hands, He sniffs, his nose turned completely red and eyes swollen because of crying...It's been days he still couldn't stop crying, it hurts him his son is no more... Taehyung was also blaming him, which makes him blame himself.

" If only I was a responsible father, Sang Tae must have been alive now....why didn't I die instead of him...why only my son " Jungkook muttered his legs shaking...He heard the door opened making him flinch...He turned around seeing his husband in someone else arms.

He made his way to him " Who the hell are you?! " Jungkook yelled at her even his voice came out shaky.... Taehyung looks at him and glared " Why do you care! You killed my son " Taehyung said and looks at him angrily while the girl smirked looking at them, Jungkook looks at him.

" Tae-" he tried to say something but Taehyung stopped him " Just shut up! You couldn't take care of my son! Because of you he died! Why didn't you died...go kill yourself!" Taehyung yelled at him who lower his crying " Bae don't!" The girl said touching Taehyung's chest...looking at that Jungkook pushed her away.

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