Family Day out

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

No one's Pov

" You need to wake up Kim Taehyung " Taehyung jolt up on bed hearing his husband's angry voice, His eyes moved in front of him and he saw Kim Jungkook, his beautiful Husband standing angrily holding their twin 5 years old babies in his hands.

" It's 5 am koo " Taehyung said rubbing his eyes, not noticing Jungkook's glares " 9 am " He said signing towards the clock... Taehyung wide his eyes, their son and daughter, Ho ara and Jaykim giggling silently looking at their Dad " Sorry! I'm up " He ran to get shower.

Jungkook sighed and looks at their babies " Let's prepare for Picnic " Jungkook smiled at them and take them to their room.

Jungkook and Taehyung married after dating for 6 years, Jungkook is a cute little bean, but when he gets angry, better to run away... Taehyung on the other hand, he is happy to lucky nature guy, they aren't rich Taehyung works under a prosecutor, his job is enough for his family to love happily.

It was Jungkook who proposed Taehyung, because the elder always used to think he is not enough for Jungkook, The younger deserves so much more than Taehyung's broken self...but of course Jungkook scolded him and made him understand.

He loves Taehyung beautiful heart, his  lovely nature, and of course because it's Taehyung " Coming Coming " Jungkook sighed and opened the front door, He saw Hoseok, along with Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon, Jin standing in front of their house.

" finally, Hobi my babies " Jungkook said indicating to Ho ara and Jaykim, trying to pick up the picnic basket " Kids let me help you " Hoseok said and helped the kids, Taehyung came in the living room and saw Jungkook rushing here and there.

" Okay, all ready, now come on let's go " Jungkook said and grabbed Taehyung's hand, Jaykim and Ho ara already out with Hoseok, others already in SVU.

••• Time Skip •••

Their big family went to a big park for picnic, the park was not crowded much " Look Jimin, they made his Park for you " Jin laughed, but he stopped when nobody laughed along with him " Geez that was good " He sighed and looked away.

"Jay! Stop playing with those dogs " Yoongi tries to stop Jaykim but the boy just giggled and continue playing with dogs " Let's play Football " Jungkook said excitedly... Taehyung also stood up excitedly " No, you will win Jungkook....we don't want to play " Hoseok said to Jungkook, who pouts.

" Come on " He whined, after lots of pleaded, all of them agreed, they all was standing on their position, except Yoongi and Ho Ara in his lap " you guys are really lazy " Jimin said rolling his eyes, Ho ara giggled " Yoonie uncle and me will be commentators " she said.

Yoongi nodded his head, Agreeing sign her " Fine! Everyone I want a nice clean game " Yoongi yelled lazily " 1...2...3....GO!" Ho ara yelled, Taehyung kicked the ball and pass towards Jungkook " Kim couples playing smoothly and Jung Hoseok shrugging at back with his shoes " Ho Ara said.

" Oldie Jin trying his best to snatch the ball from Kim Jungkook but can't Because little Kim hugging his left " Ho Ara said, Yoongi just looking at them in disbelief " Brat! I'm not old " Jin yelled at Ho Ara who just giggled.

" Koo! Here!" Taehyung yelled, Jungkook kicked the ball on left side where Taehyung was running like a tiger " Jung Hoseok finally in the ground, Lil Kim biting Oldie Jin's leg, who is screming like a goat ".

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