Monster 🥀

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Requested by : Daeguboys123

No one's Pov

They say people who don't believe in goodness are monsters, That's what Kim Taehyung leader of Mafia gang was named Monster..But he was never a monster, Just life made him cold....It's been years when he saw his parents being murdered in front of his eyes, a normal 13 years old boy...not only his parents but his unborn brother.

He killed all the people involved to his family's murder, with no mercy....the reason why people called him monster and fear him...The only person who was left, his last target...and the main person to kill his family for money...Jeon Junghyun, but His life changed when he saw Junghyun's son.

He fall in love with him, but as he watched the boy....His love changed into obsession...He was ready to do anything for him, even ready to kill himself for the boy...On the other hand, Jeon Jungkook he the boy living a normal life....He doesn't know anything about his father's dirty work.

One of the reason why for Jungkook his father is his hero.... Jungkook was walking back to his house, He prefer walking than riding back to house by a car...He felt a presence behind him...He turned around but before he could see anything, everything blacked out for him.

Taehyung holds Jungkook in his arms securely...He pulled him closed and hugged him close to his embrace.....After Hours Jungkook opened his eyes, His head was hurting painfully " You are awake finally " Jungkook gasped when He heard Taehyung's deep voice beside him...He tilt his head seeing Taehyung smiling laid beside him.

Jungkook tried to get away from him but he felt his wrist tied up with the bed " W-Who are you?" Taehyung chuckled and pulled closer to him.... Caressing his cheek who closed his eyes feeling uncomfortable... Taehyung noticed the discomfort on Jungkook's face and pulled away.

Taehyung knew Jungkook is not going to love him, Call him selfish but he logged for love...leaving alone made him selfish, he don't want to lose any more of the people he loves...and now seeing Jungkook being uncomfortable with him made him sad yet he promised to never let Jungkook go.

Jungkook's father is a monster, same goes for Jungkook's elder brother....He don't want a pure innocent boy like Jungkook to turn like them....He never letting Jungkook go " Love, don't be scared " Taehyung said to him softly who was breathing shakingly " I-I want to go h-home "

Jungkook shutters not liking how close Taehyung was being to him... Taehyung's eyes turned dark hearing Jungkook " This is going to me your home from now on " Taehyung said to him who looks at him with scared eyes " If you like it or not " Taehyung said to him who gulped.

Days went by, Jungkook was getting used to the feeling....but he was still scared of Taehyung...He knew Taehyung is not going to let him go, and for some reason he was feeling safe by now instead of being with Taehyung....Even The Mafia boss told him about his family being killed by Jungkook's parents.

But Jungkook didn't believed him and Taehyung he decided to give the boy sometime... Jungkook was in his room... Taehyung prepared Jungkook's room according to his liking... Jungkook felt a knock on the window...He rushed to it knowing who it must be, he opened the window.

Letting his elder brother, Jay in....From past days, Jay was sneaking into his room...telling him about the current situation " What happened hyung?" Jungkook asked him who was looking at him with sad eyes " Jungkook.... Taehyung killed dad " Jay said to him, who widen his eyes.

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