Fake Love 🥀

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

Angst with happy ending

Safe for fasting person


No one's Pov

" Tae!" Jungkook scremed from top of his lungs and pushed Taehyung away just as a truck was about to hit him, resulting... Jungkook was hit by the car " Jungkook!" Taehyung rushed to him, seeing Jungkook covered in blood, his hands starts to shake.... Taehyung picked him up and takes him to hospital.

After hours of waiting, Taehyung stood up seeing the doctor " Come with me " The doctor said to him, Taehyung joined the doctor " I am sorry to say, but Jungkook is in coma " Hearing that tears fills Taehyung's eyes " we will be taking care of him from now " The doctor said, Taehyung slightly nodded his head.

He lower his head and walked out of the room, He stared at Jungkook's figure through the glass door, For 1 month, everything was good...but after sometime, Taehyung stopped visiting Jungkook, Jungkook had no one in his life except Taehyung and his best friend Jimin.

Only Jimin was the one visiting Jungkook and worried about him, along with a doctor Min Yoongi in the hospital, Taehyung was now a trainer in Bighit company, their he met Nova...and in a short time, he forgot about Jungkook and moved on.

After 3 years, Taehyung was a successful and famous idol, he got to greedy he kicked out all of his friends from his life, Nova and him got into a relationship, Nova was a really good woman, hard working and honest...She tried to make Taehyung back to his normal self, But Taehyung turned into a complete arrogant person.

Jimin was sitting beside Jungkook, holding his hand " Please wake up " Jimin caresses his hand, He felt Jungkook's fingers moving, Jimin looks up and saw Jungkook's eyes moving " Doctor! Doctor!" Jimin called Yoongi, who rushed into the room.... Jungkook opened his eyes, trying to adjust into the light.

He heard shouting which was hurting his ear, He looks beside him and saw Jimin crying hardly, holding his hand, meanwhile Yoongi examining him " Jungkook, are you okay?" Jungkook slightly nodded his head, feeling a sharp wave of pain in the back of his head.

After sometime, Jungkook was sitting in the bed, his head resting on the pillow " Where is Taehyung?" The first thing Jungkook asked, Jimin lower his head, cleanching his fist, anger raising in him hearing Taehyung's names, instead of replaying to him....Jimin showed a video.

Famous solo singer Taehyung was seen with his girlfriend Nova once again

There was many pictures of Taehyung kissing his girlfriend, holding hands with her...Jimin looks to see Jungkook's reactions, but he had a blank expression " Aren't you angry?" Jimin asked him, Jungkook shook his head slightly " At least he is happy " Jungkook smiled sadly, Jimin scoffed " How can you say this?, You almost died and was in coma for almost 5 years Jungkook!, Just because of him!" Jimin almost yelled.

Jungkook sighed " Hyung, for me I just want his happiness, If he is happy without me than I should be too " Jungkook said his voice cracking at the end, mentally Jungkook was screming, he wanted Taehyung by his side, but his love isn't fake....he won't so something which will hurt Taehyung of ruin his life.

Taehyung moved on, well he expected that, why would he wait for Jungkook, a loner and depressed boy....who do nothing but only cry " Hey! Don't cry Koo " Jimin wipes his tears and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back, drawing circles to calm him down, he was having panic attack " You will find someone better Jungkook, just forget about him " Jimin said to him.

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