🌹 Sunbaenim 🌹 #2

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Ignore my mistakes plz ...

Safe for fasting person

No one's Pov

It's been 2 months since Jungkook and Taehyung starts dating, Everyone knew about the couple, After sometime Shinchan was suspended from Big Hi, Jungkook also got to know about Taehyung's reason for being in boarding college, Taehyung never hesitate to show Jungkook how much he loves him.

Even now both of them was roommates, But in Jungkook's side, He doesn't show his love towards Taehyung, he is too shy to do so...that's why reason be sometimes get scared to lose Taehyung, but Taehyung he knows how Jungkook feels, that's why he never complain.

Jungkook was walking towards library when he heard Taehyung's voice talking to someone " Don't worry, I will meet you after Jungkook sleep at night, yes Yoongi, don't worry " He heard Taehyung talking on the phone, Jungkook knew about Yoongi, both of them was really good friends back in their school.

There are some rumors Yoongi joined Big Hi just for Taehyung, but of course rumors are always rumors.... Taehyung turned around smiled seeing Jungkook " Petal " Taehyung hugged him who hugged back without any hesitation " Sunbaenim " Taehyung pulled away, it's been 2 months but still Jungkook didn't stopped calling Taehyung his senior.

" Why are you here, you should be in your class " Jungkook softly said to him, who smiled and ruffles his hair " It got cancelled, Where are you going?" Taehyung asked him, Jungkook had free lesson " Library " Jungkook simply said to him, Taehyung holds his hand and walks with him.

At night Taehyung was laying on his bed,looking at Jungkook's bed " Petal, are you asleep?" Taehyung called him, those back was facing him, Jungkook opened his eyes and tuned to face Taehyung " Not yet " Jungkook said to him " Can you come here " Taehyung called him, Jungkook stood up and walked to him.

Taehyung opened his arms and welcomed Jungkook in his embrace.... Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung's chest, who warpped his arms around Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer " I was thinking about something today " Taehyung speaks up " It's really weird how we both are dating but still, do you really love me?" Taehyung said.

He looks down when he didn't got any replay, He sighed seeing Jungkook snoring softly, He leaned down and placed a kiss on his head....It was after 2 when Taehyung softly laid Jungkook's head on a pillow and tip toed out of the room, Jungkook opened his eyes when he heard the door closing, He sat up on the bed.

He wanted to follow Taehyung, but still he decided not to.... Taehyung on the other hand looks at Yoongi, sitting on the bench " You are an Idiot " Taehyung said to him and sat beside him " Not more than you " Yoongi said to him back, Taehyung sighed " So? What did you decide you won't show your love to Jimin?" Taehyung asked him.

Yoongi shrugged " Well it's not like he is going to leave me, he is so in love with me " Taehyung rolled his eyes " This much Ego is not good, he can find a good person than you Yoongi " Taehyung said to him " I don't think so " Yoongi said making Taehyung roll his eyes " Why you called me right now? " Taehyung asked him.Yoongi leaned back on the bench " Because right now, no body can listen to to us " Taehyung sighed heavily.

Taehyung made a plan to make both Yoongi and Jimin together, Jungkook was noticing something in Taehyung's behavior, these days he was distancing from Jungkook, He was mostly spending time with Yoongi, and now Jungkook was getting insecure...today there was a party.

Taehyung introduced a new person to everyone, Jungkook was looking at  Taehyung who was laughing with Yoongi " You we heard you are really good at piano? Is it true?" Hoseok asked him, Jungkook hesitantly nodded his head and there he did wrong, they forced him to play piano.

Jungkook sat down and looks at Taehyung, but Taehyung was too busy with Yoongi, But lower his head and starts to play piano... throughout he saw his touchy he was being with Yoongi, and Yoongi who was standing there unborthered, Jungkook had enough, he stopped playing and stood up, Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook seeing him with teary eyes.

All of a sudden, he ran out, everyone called him but Jungkook just ran out " Jungkook!" Taehyung run behind him.... Taehyung called him from behind but Jungkook didn't stopped, finally Taehyung grabbed his arm and turned him around " Hey! Listen to me " But Jungkook yanked his hands away  " Enough! Just go to your Yoongi Hyung " Jungkook said.

Taehyung tries to hold his hand but again Jungkook pulled away " You are acting really different and now I can say you don't love me anymore of maybe you never did, I know I never showed my love to you but I really lo-" before Jungkook could say something, Taehyung turned him around and holds his arms tightly, smashing his lips on Jungkook's.

Jungkook was taken back but kissed back, Taehyung kissed him passionately, pouring all of his love in the kiss, He licked his lips, Jungkook instantly parted his lips, which made Taehyung slid his tounge into his mouth sucking on his tounge.... Taehyung pulled away and looks at Jungkook's eyes, tears continuously falling from his eyes.

" there is nothing like that, I love you...only you " Taehyung said and hugged him, Jungkook warpped his arms around Taehyung's waist.... Taehyung explained Jungkook everything without pulling away from the hug, Jungkook was now feeling guilty " It's not your fault, you felt jealous " Taehyung said to him.

Few days went by, Jungkook was now always with Taehyung, showing him his love, always stealing some kisses and about Yoonmin...Yoongi was Jealous, Jimin was now mostly out with Hoseok, who was a really flirty person and now it was hurting him seeing Jimin with someone else.

Jimin was sitting with Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjin with them, Yoongi beside Taehyung who was sitting between him and Jungkook " You know you look really pretty " Hoseok said to Jimin, who blushed...Yoongi glared at Hoseok... Jungkook and Taehyung glance at each other, their hands intertwined.

After long 15 minutes, Yoongi had enough, he slammed his hands on the table.... marching to Jimin and pulled him up " You are coming with me " Yoongi said and dragged Jimin away....Hoseok also stood up " Bye guys I am also leaving " Saying this Hoseok walked away.... Jungkook noticed sadness in Hoseok's eyes.

" Seems like Hobi hyung really like Jimin " Jungkook said, Namjoon smired " Well, I am surprised how he changed his mind, when he was in school he had a huge crush on Taehyung " Taehyung looks at him confused and was about to ask him why he said that but when He heard Jungkook coughing.

Jungkook choked hearing Namjoon, Who brusted into laughter while Taehyung Chuckled at his lover's cuteness.

The End

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Next will be " Mafia's baby"

Thanks for reading 💕

Everyone thanks for existing, You are important for this world 🌈

- I purple you 💜

- Author Nim 🐰

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